Originally Posted by O-cha
Um no... MAYBE a driver would do it in a controlled situation when going through a corner, but in that situation he had little to no control, no one in their right mind would risk their life like that just to maybe take someone out.
Also Nico went the wrong way, you always drive where the car is not where it's going, cuz when you get there it will be gone.
Finally given the choice between on course and off course, I would choose to be beached of course too, trusting the other drivers to drive around.
But crossing the entire track to get there? I think being on the outer side of the corner would have been safer. And he certainly would not have picked up any other cars, including Rosberg.
Granted Rosberg did try to pass on the wrong side, but If I recall correctly, Webbers car was pretty much in the middle of the road as Rosberg approached. The angle of attack for Rosberg to pass would have been decently extreme at that point.
Also, surely watching yourself slide backwards across the track wasn't Webber's idea of safe. So if safety was his concern, What he did probably wasn't the best option either.
With regard to the quote, I'll agree it is stretched though. Just thought I'd post it and get other's opinions. However, Judging by how much Webber wants this WDC(with 1 year before his self projected retirement) I wouldn't put it past him. One thing I'll give him is he is fearless when it comes to possible contact with other cars.