Originally Posted by Tracie
I don't think so.
I am Jessie's friend. I am in Jessie's picture on the left. I don't know why she spends so much time on this forum, but she has been really stressed about what might happen. We are going to the Firebird Raceway to race her car today. I hope she doesn't wreck it. She had a bad experience with another forum. I told her to just stop going onto forums, but she doesn't listen to me. it takes toomuch of her time. Wasted time if you ask me. Nevr hardly does andying else at all. It's rather pathetic. But I love her. She tried to login toher accomt here but couldn't post any reply. She tried to change the emial on the profile to her own instead of her dads but that killed her from being able to post. We're late for the race. Bye.
Now the side kick feels the need to stick up for her? What the hell is going on here did I miss something? Furthermore why would you drag race a BMW? I have no clue where this thread is going but its a little weird. But hey lets see what happens