Originally Posted by Zell
- Sucks up more power(really? who cares)
- A LOT heavier and harder to mount (it's not that heavy. you must be weak sauce. Regardless it still requires 2 people to properly mount a tv)
- Suffers from burn-in(that was so 5+ years ago. With current tech this is no longer a problem)
- I always thought they do not look as good(subjectional)
- Fast moving stuff will look better(no shit)
LED-Backlight LCD
- More features(its a tv. unless you want widgets, which they all have now in some form what others features do you want)
- Brighter picture, as LED backlit TVs are very vibrant(not a great thing actually)
- Really light and easy to mount(see above)
- I think it looks better than plasma(subjectional)
- Suffers from motion blur(really bad on a majority especially with sports)
Originally Posted by Spoolin335
Everyone is just saying buy plasma, but led but there is no real explanation to why..
LED is brighter, so if your putting it upstairs in a bright room, you will want LED.
Plasma has better color, but not as bright. You would pick this kind of TV for a basement where lighting is not an issue.
OP said the tv was for the basement. I would guess that the tv will be installed professionally. So basement = Plasma and installed tv = who cares about weight since thats all you wimps keep complaining about.
LED's are nice for super bright rooms or for basic tv needs. But for gaming, movie watching and sports plasma is the way to go.
Matter of fact I have the Dark Knight in my blu-ray now and the dark scene where he breaks into the hong kong highrise. With the darkness of that scene a LED will have a hard time replicating. I have a Panny 800U that is calibrated.