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      11-02-2010, 10:15 PM   #33
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I prefer plasma over LED. Some people said the 120hz is too fake looking and now that they've come out with the 240hz, I don't even know how that's gonna even look like. I've been using plasmas for years and like the "sharpness when they need to be" and "blurriness when they need to be" factors. For example, plasma is excellent for watching sports.

Originally Posted by F10550xi View Post
LED for sure. Plasma is old school. Do any manufacturers still make plasma tv's?

The days of having a 100lb plasma that is 6" thick are over. I just got a Samsung 55 LED that is 1" thick and weighs less than 50lbs. The black levels are great. Anyone who argues otherwise either hasn't seen the new led tv's or would think their plasma is the best no matter what they see.
I currently don't know of any plasma that is 6" thick?? And yes manufacturers are still making plasma tvs. Why? because there's still a high demand for them.

Originally Posted by SantaPimp27 View Post
Plasma's are still the highest rated sets on the market. Panasonic is the leader of plasma's with samsung and LG not far behind. Plasma sets are 3.5" deep(some even less). Ive seen new tv's and plasma's are still the top of the food chain when it comes to PQ.

You have no idea what your talking about...

Originally Posted by NJ65 View Post
Pioneer Kuro (Elite if possible), try to find one somewhere. It's a plasma, and even till today, every new TV is still graded against it. Some manufacturers have come close (Panasonic especially, but that's most likely because they bought Pioneers patents after Pioneer got out of TV's), but none are there yet.
Agreed. I had a chance to check out a buddy's Pioneer Kuro and was blown away!! Holy cow that thing was AMAZING!!
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