Originally Posted by gonzo
edit: You posted the exact time I did. What a waste of my time..hee.
07' CPO. Asking 55. Meaning they would take 50 shipped I would think. Here in D/FW at Park Place Bentley/Maserati/Porsche/MB. Heck, buy it because it looks like a steal.  Not a handler like the others mentioned but it gives your want for a vert/luxury/power and only 55...throw the diff back into the market.
The AMG CLK vert is a terrible car, honestly. We had a CLK55 vert in the family for a couple years before we all decided it was just terrible at anything other than accelerating and braking; Horrible ride comfort, bad cowl shake, gooey but heavy steering, unimpressive transmission, cheap interior with easily scratchable surfaces and hard, unfomfortable seats (coming from a guy who thinks the seats in the C63 are perfectly comfortable).