Originally Posted by lopealle
Well according to my extensive research (google), a "jive turkey" is One who speaks as though they know what they're talking about...though they do not.
However, jiving (jivin') can also be done in good fun. To say that someone is jivin' can mean their full of it, but it can also now refer to a person who engages in jive talkin' or jive-talk, or just jive, which was a vernacular used by hipsters and hepcats in Harlem for some time after the Harlem Renaissance. It can also refer to a popular form of dance from roughly the same period. As pertains to speech I suppose jive as a term was somewhat of a precursor to (as in it evolved into) ebonics, referred to by linguists as AAVE. Jive talk evolved from the talk used by the hepcats in the 40's to that used in the 70's. The two are easily distinguished. The phrase "jive turkey" was initially coined in the 70's AFAIK.
As with any insult, "What it is jive turkey?" used between friends just means "what's up man?". To refer to a person you don't like as a jive turkey means you think they're full of shit. I was using it in the friendly manner with you.
Interestingly, you'll see 'homey' originally referred to someone from your home town, lol.