Thread: Oh, the irony
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      11-23-2010, 04:50 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by TiAg335i View Post
I think fast food restaurants should be held responsible for some of the blame, though. I think most of the blame should be put on parents - eating habits of children form early, and continue to be the same for the rest of their lives.
I disagree that the establisments should be held accoutable for anything. That's pretty much like holding car manufacters responsible for providing you a high performace car that you drove over the speed limit and lost control of resulting in your death and the possible death of others. Yet we live in a country where people are allowed and made to think that they can file lawsuits over anything from this place made me fat to my coffee is too hot and burnt me. All these claims are just absurd.

Its either the persons consuming the foods fault, or the parents if it is a young person for thinking its alright. I feel bad for these kids who are 300+ pounds in their teens and even younger in some cases.
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