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      11-25-2010, 09:45 AM   #9
Rawhide's Avatar

Drives: 2022 M340ix
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: USA, KC

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And even more important than snow tires people need to slow the F@&k down. A lot of the mayhem in this video could have been avoided if the vehicles had been moving at a slower speed.

The biggest "trick" to winter driving is to take it slow, I pretend I'm driving in molasses - every motion I make from turning to braking and accelerating is done slowly and smoothly. I've driven sports cars most of my life and I never bother with getting winter tires. I've managed some brutal midwest winters here without any major issues on only all seasons (in good condition). About to enter this winter with a fresh set of Continental DWS on - I have no worries.

On a side note, this seems like a pretty light winter storm to be causing so many problems. Do they not get much of this in Seattle?
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