Man, I bet that bathroom smelled like shit for a while. The smell of burnt hair is never a welcome scent IMO. I've only ever smelled mine after it catches fire (too close while lighting the fireplace, etc.), but I can't even imagine what that nappy mess smelled like after getting burnt.
Side note:
I hope that this doesn't get taken the wrong way, but I'm so happy I'm not a young black man growing up in this day and age... and not for the reasons everyone's mind has jumped to either.
I've got a few good friends who are black and just listening to their stories + watching videos like this, I just can't imagine the kind of social pressure young guys are all under to act like these douche's in the video... n***** this and n***** that, Bitch this/bitch that. Kind of sad really.
Back on topic:
Bitch deserved to get her hair burnt.. To willingly put oneself into that kind of position (in a bathtub with a bunch of dudes watching) you have to accept whatever happens (including your hair igniting) as an acceptable result based on the scenario.