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      12-25-2010, 06:33 AM   #18
you know he kills little girls like you
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Originally Posted by samwoo2go View Post
just don't let women drive, half the drivers, half the traffic. so simple.
this is the best idea so far. we should also take away their ability to vote. women are only entitled to have an opinion because we told them it was ok, and they're not even grateful to us for that. i'm not sure why we did that to begin with, but now that we know it doesn't work, we should go back to letting men run things. ladies, it didn't work, now get out of the voting booth and back into the kitchen where you belong.

also, i believe when a woman behaves well, she deserves a good smack on the ass to let her know that you love her and think she's pretty. conversely, when a woman gets hysterical, a good quick smack across the face is what's called for. women tend to get too caught up in their own emotions to think clearly sometimes, and a good quick smack is a great way to bring them back down to earth.
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