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      07-01-2011, 12:49 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Kiemyster View Post
im sorry, but what society do you live in? let me bring you back to the real world:

the ultra wealthy, the top 500 people in this world, all of their homes have radiation scrubbers. why the fuck do they get radiation scrubbers and we dont? why do they need them but we dont?

open up your eyes, and see whats going on in the world around you. this place is going to dissolve faster than you can even imagine. sure i sound ridiculous and paranoid, but there are so many things out there that would make you scream at night.

i promise you that in the next 10-15 years, global birth defects are going to run rampant amongst every society.

Do you know about Chernobyl? thanks to what recently happened in japan, we are facing something at the very least, 100 times larger than that.

prepare for dark times my friends. fuck, fornicate, and spread your seed while you still can.

you have all been officially warned.
unless you have a pro immune system

I EAT ALPHA PARTICLES FOR BREAKFAST. Or is it beta particles I should be worried about? I didn't listen enough in chemistry D:
i love german cars
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