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      07-06-2011, 01:25 PM   #87
Bimmerpost Resident Marijuana Consultant
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Originally Posted by 11Series View Post
Let me get this straight. (correct me if I'm wrong)

Some guy committed either a misdemeanor or a traffic violation or both, so you committed a felony (in my state anyways) in retaliation?

And you feel morally superior about it?

All I see is on guy who is an admitted felon (according to my state's laws), and one guy who isn't. It's pretty clear cut to me.
+1. Its also soo brilliant to post the guys name, state that it was specifically a visa card, and explained the nature of your purchase.

You know how easy it is to track this bag and put you in jail for this, him being legal or not.... Just sayin, your not the brightest person in the world obviously.

"AMG What! S-Line Who? If you ain't got that M I got no respect for you!"
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