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      03-22-2008, 10:01 AM   #23
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schadenfreude hehehehe
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      03-22-2008, 10:36 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by darkcloud View Post
...I've seen what you are talking about. I'm am being neither selfish or immature. I am also not rejoicing in the misery of others. I understand it suck and feel very bad for them, I also see that almost 75% of the properties being foreclosed in my area area 2nd, 3rd or even 4th properties. When the primary house is the foreclosure you can see clear as day that the people should not be living in that house. They clearly overextended and are living well beyond their means.

We've served mansions with brand new Porsche's in the driveway and the people can't pay their electric bill. When they open the door they are clearly not laid off CEO's or anything like that. Sad, Yes but they were the start of their own problem.

My business was created well before this problem ever came up. We just happened to be positioned in the right line of business when this wave came in. We didn't start this business to capitalize on peoples problems nor did we hope for it like you may think. Which there are plenty of businesses that have started up to try and do what we do due to foreclosures.

This is an unfortunate problem for many but to hope things upon me because my business happens to capitalizing off this is wrong as well. I apologize for how I spoke before and didn't mean to sound as cold hearted as I did.

Meh, no worries. I'm with you on people that have clearly or unnecessarily overextended themselves. Many people did take advantage of easy credit and purposely tried to buy more than they could pay, many with the foolish belief that prices would keep going up.

Many others, however, were dupped by unscrupulous mortgage brokers. There are many honest ones, but I've found a few scamsters along the way. On a rental property I bought, I found a guy was trying to slide a fast one right before close. Pissed me off something fierce, took all my business elsewhere after that. I also see many brokers selling very complex financial instruments to people that clearly don't understand them, and get in over their head. Take the COFI Pay option ARM's. Perfect for me, as my income swings widely from month to month and I'm going to be in the house shorter than the mandated refi window and before the ARM can explode. But, it's a terrible product for joe homeowner trying to own their home, not realizing that they may be recap'ing interest when they thought they were paying down their loan.

As always, buyer beware, if it's too good to be true, it is. But those people speculating up prices with 3rd and 4th homes that are now in foreclosure - fuckem.

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      03-22-2008, 12:56 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by darkcloud View Post
I'm sorry but no need to be an asshole. I'm not exactly hoping for hardship but I also don't mind the current position things are in either. We had a great business before hand, it's even better now. I guess I spoke too strongly, but to hope "God destroys people like me", simply put GO FUCK YOURSELF. Talk about an unnecessary comment.

I've seen what you are talking about. I'm am being neither selfish or immature. I am also not rejoicing in the misery of others. I understand it suck and feel very bad for them, I also see that almost 75% of the properties being foreclosed in my area area 2nd, 3rd or even 4th properties. When the primary house is the foreclosure you can see clear as day that the people should not be living in that house. They clearly overextended and are living well beyond their means.

We've served mansions with brand new Porsche's in the driveway and the people can't pay their electric bill. When they open the door they are clearly not laid off CEO's or anything like that. Sad, Yes but they were the start of their own problem.

My business was created well before this problem ever came up. We just happened to be positioned in the right line of business when this wave came in. We didn't start this business to capitalize on peoples problems nor did we hope for it like you may think. Which there are plenty of businesses that have started up to try and do what we do due to foreclosures.

This is an unfortunate problem for many but to hope things upon me because my business happens to capitalizing off this is wrong as well. I apologize for how I spoke before and didn't mean to sound as cold hearted as I did.
Let me guess:
- you voted for W in 2000 and 2004
- you think Reagan was the best pres ever
- Now that Bush kissed McCain, you made up your mind
- You think that 250k innocent Iraqi civilians killed are great investment as long as the Iraqi oil starts freely flowing this way...
- if possible, you're one of 28% of US people that would vofe for W in 2008

Let me know if I'm wrong in any of my assumptions...but to me your statements and views as a perfect stereotype of...
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      03-22-2008, 01:15 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by txusa03 View Post
if what you predict is true, this could affect your smoking habits as well

ohh... you guys didnt know....

i stopped smoking the good green. LOL its been 16 days without it. im trying to prove that theres no short term/long term withdrawal symptoms. im stopping for 2 years.

so far, no cravings, no urges, no coughs, i havent gotten sick, no drop in immune defense capability, nothing. the only real drawback is that im no longer anywhere near as intelligent as i used to be. it sucks.
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      03-22-2008, 04:27 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by cars4lyfe View Post
darkcloud, funny how people are when they're financially sound-they forget their blessings. Thankfully, I'm not one of those who are having a hard time but I still don't wish things get worse for people even if they made bad decisions. A lot of people feel there's a need to keep up w/ the Jones and live an extravagant materialistic life even when they cannot afford to. In my opinion, the government should have stepped in when all those people were taking out interest only loans.

Anyhow, darkcloud what goes around comes around. Rain forms from the surface and repeats.

No thanks. There's a place for those types of loan products too. I don't need more government interruption, telling me what I can and can not do, especially when it comes to my finances.

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      03-22-2008, 08:34 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by dr325i View Post
Let me guess:
- you voted for W in 2000 and 2004Only in 04, I couldn't vote in 00. I voted for him in 04 mainly because I thought changing our president in the middle of a war wasn't a great idea.
- you think Reagan was the best pres everDon't care. Wasn't old enough to care.
- Now that Bush kissed McCain, you made up your mindActually no. I have payed very little attention to the candidates so far. Once the democrats make a decision I'll begin paying attention but until Obama and Hillary back away from each others throats I could care less.
- You think that 250k innocent Iraqi civilians killed are great investment as long as the Iraqi oil starts freely flowing this way...No, I think that many deaths is terrible. I do agree that we need the oil from that region but not at the price that is being payed in lives.
- if possible, you're one of 28% of US people that would vofe for W in 2008No, actually I wouldn't. I agree that it is time for a major change. Do I agree that everything needs to go democrat as well, No. I think there needs to be a balance. Who ever comes out swinging with the right amount of ideas for the future is who I'll vote for. Democrat or Republican, who ever has the better overall views.

Let me know if I'm wrong in any of my assumptions...but to me your statements and views as a perfect stereotype of...
So overall you were .5 out of 5 right, since question #1 was a 2 part question. Good overall assumptions.

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      03-22-2008, 11:34 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by darkcloud View Post
So overall you were .5 out of 5 right, since question #1 was a 2 part question. Good overall assumptions.
Arguing with dr325i is a waste of time. He'll just spout a bunch more random pointless bullshit that may or may not be related to the topic at hand.

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      03-22-2008, 11:37 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by cars4lyfe View Post
Turbofan, then in May, you can mail in your government issued stipend to my house. I'll gladly take that government intervention check away

IMO, interest only mortgages are a fraud. They're products that are misrepresented to the masses. Unfortunately, the masses fell for it.

And if there's a law in NJ like the following: "Spray paint may not be sold without a posted sign warning juveniles of the penalty for creating graffiti" or even a more ridiculous law like the one in California, "Nobody is allowed to ride a bicycle in a swimming pool," then I'm sure another "stupid" law can read "Interest only loans can only be sold to people with an IQ above 100."

"La laisse fair" used to mean something a long time ago. Now, even if you realize it or not, there's thousands of laws in virtually every industry that tells you what you can and can't do. So if you think "the government should stay out of this," then you should reevaluate your statement because the government has been involved for a LONG time. Trust me, it's only a matter of time b4 congress starts submitting bills addressing issues that led to the current economical crisis.
Sadly you're right, but the thing is, they can't legislate against greed or stupidity. They'll try, but it can't be done. I'd be OK with taking an IQ test, or passing a financial competency test before I get a loan. Just not a spelling test.

"There's no 12 step for stupid"

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      03-23-2008, 02:43 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by darkcloud View Post
So overall you were .5 out of 5 right, since question #1 was a 2 part question. Good overall assumptions.
I guess it is good I am not a psychologist after all
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      03-23-2008, 02:44 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by TurboFan View Post
Arguing with dr325i is a waste of time. He'll just spout a bunch more random pointless bullshit that may or may not be related to the topic at hand.
On the other hand, arguing with you is productive -- like arguing with a piece of rock -- nothing inside (the head I meant)...
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      03-23-2008, 05:49 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by TurboFan View Post
Arguing with dr325i is a waste of time. He'll just spout a bunch more random pointless bullshit that may or may not be related to the topic at hand.
Originally Posted by dr325i View Post
On the other hand, arguing with you is productive -- like arguing with a piece of rock -- nothing inside (the head I meant)...

Proving my point once again. Doc, you're so predictable - more random pointless bullshit that may or may not be related to the topic at hand.

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      03-23-2008, 06:00 PM   #34

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Buy lots of Euro dollars.
and wait.
Than when amero dollar comes out buy them up fast,
and you'll be rich......
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      03-23-2008, 07:49 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by TurboFan View Post
Proving my point once again. Doc, you're so predictable - more random pointless bullshit that may or may not be related to the topic at hand.
want more...Doc?

BTW: Read the definition of a Proof... It will help you "sound" smarter on these boards...and not run away from the political discussion when burmed
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      03-23-2008, 08:03 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by marcvtec View Post
Buy lots of Euro dollars.
and wait.
Than when amero dollar comes out buy them up fast,
and you'll be rich......
what's Euro Dollar?
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      03-25-2008, 08:09 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by marcvtec View Post
Buy lots of Euro dollars.
and wait.
Than when amero dollar comes out buy them up fast,
and you'll be rich......

zeitgeist FTW!
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      03-25-2008, 08:24 PM   #38

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Originally Posted by Bobby_Light View Post
No where near the bottom. Check out 'Peter Schiff' on youtube. Guy has predicted this entire scenario and even wrote a book about it called "Crash Proof."

The government will continue to fiddle with the economy which will only lead to more bleeding. Let the market correct itself alreday. Repeated intervention is NOT the answer, and they will only delay the inevitable economic collapse.
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