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      12-10-2020, 11:06 PM   #1

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USPS losing packages

How is everyone's current experience with USPS? I just built a theater and I wanted some autographed jerseys for the wall. I ordered an Eli Manning, LT, Maradona, Mark Messier, Ronaldinho and a Tyson glove. Thankfully I got the Maradona but the others are lost in the USPS abyss... "In transit Arriving Late" for every one.. it's been 3 weeks or more. The Tyson glove only had to go from south NJ to me in SI NY, 1 hour away but they sent it to a Michigan center lol and it just sat there.. UPS and FedEx are fine, no issues. They also lost my insurance return phone which ATT charged me $650 and they also lost my trade in. I know it's xmas during the pandemic but god damn this is crazy.. They have like $2k in losses on me in 4 weeks. The Eli jersey I begged the seller to use UPS but they use bulk pickup and refused my request, even though I offered to pay $50 extra for shipping.

I called USPS but they cant give me a location on any of the packages.. lol. They all have a generic message where only the day changes:

Scan History
Dec 10
In Transit, Arriving Late

Anyone else?
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      12-10-2020, 11:55 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by StatenEye View Post
How is everyone's current experience with USPS? I just built a theater and I wanted some autographed jerseys for the wall. I ordered an Eli Manning, LT, Maradona, Mark Messier, Ronaldinho and a Tyson glove. Thankfully I got the Maradona but the others are lost in the USPS abyss... "In transit Arriving Late" for every one.. it's been 3 weeks or more. The Tyson glove only had to go from south NJ to me in SI NY, 1 hour away but they sent it to a Michigan center lol and it just sat there.. UPS and FedEx are fine, no issues. They also lost my insurance return phone which ATT charged me $650 and they also lost my trade in. I know it's xmas during the pandemic but god damn this is crazy.. They have like $2k in losses on me in 4 weeks. The Eli jersey I begged the seller to use UPS but they use bulk pickup and refused my request, even though I offered to pay $50 extra for shipping.

I called USPS but they cant give me a location on any of the packages.. lol. They all have a generic message where only the day changes:

Scan History
Dec 10
In Transit, Arriving Late

Anyone else?
I'm so sorry to hear all of this. But not surprised. There's a reason the USPS "loser zoo" is the perennial multi-billion-dollar money-losing suck-hole and last place finisher in everything except sucking the dingleberries off of the south ends of northbound donkeys. It's because they suck. They lost 4 hard drives worth $1400 for me. And 2 Sodastream cylinders a month later, after they got bored of losing hard drives.

Oh, and that PayPal "yo, we got your back bro" guarantee on the hard drive purchase? Worthless as a screen door on a submarine. Worthless as a second row of tits on a boar hog. USPS flat-out lied and stated that they left them in my mail box, with no proof whatsoever, and PayPal believed them and left me twisting in the breeze for the $1400.

I always ask merchants who they use to ship with, and adamantly refuse to buy anything from any merchant who ships by USPS. Pretty sure "USPS" stands for Unbelievably Shitty People who Suck.

Electronics and computer parts scammers Newegg are a real piece of work too. Here's the tracking history for a product which they supposedly had in stock almost 3 weeks ago when I ordered it. They haven't even handed it to UPS yet, despite having been fondling my hard-earned cash the whole time. Initiated a chat session with an illiterate doofus to try to get some resolution. I might as well have been chatting with a tree stump. I've filed a claim against them through Wells Fargo, who have been pretty good about refunding my money in such cases.

Are things a little tricky in supply chain operations these days? They sure are. Is this a valid reason to absolutely suck at shipping things, given that they've been doing it for decades, a monkey could do almost all of it, and they've had 8 months to make adjustments for the current challenges? Fuck no.
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      12-11-2020, 12:52 AM   #3
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My community has a FB page where I have been seeing regular posts about packages not being delivered despite tracking saying they were. From the small sampling it seemed pretty equal across all the shippers.

Today I saw something strange. There were two cars that I had assumed were guests/friends of one of my neighbors. A female had gone up to the door. I didn't realize what was going on until a guy got out of the other car talking to this female. The guy was wearing a full UPS uniform. I looked up at the porch of my neighbor and saw a package sitting there. So it seems the vehicle/van shortage that was mentioned in the news for UPS/FedEx is very real witnessing today a UPS delivery from employee owned vehicles.
Originally Posted by Lups View Post
We might not be in an agreement on Trump, but I'll be the first penis chaser here to say I'll rather take it up in the ass than to argue with you on this.
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      12-11-2020, 03:57 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by zx10guy View Post
My community has a FB page where I have been seeing regular posts about packages not being delivered despite tracking saying they were. From the small sampling it seemed pretty equal across all the shippers.

Today I saw something strange. There were two cars that I had assumed were guests/friends of one of my neighbors. A female had gone up to the door. I didn't realize what was going on until a guy got out of the other car talking to this female. The guy was wearing a full UPS uniform. I looked up at the porch of my neighbor and saw a package sitting there. So it seems the vehicle/van shortage that was mentioned in the news for UPS/FedEx is very real witnessing today a UPS delivery from employee owned vehicles.
Last week I was at home waiting for my CS style CF spoilers to be delivered. My windows were open and I have three dogs who can hear a mouse fart and bark at the wind. My wife comes home around 7:30pm with the kids, and she says I was lucky she came home when she did because the UPS driver was leaving. I said "what the fuck" I've been waiting for those and the douche didn't even ring the door bell. Besides, the dogs would have heard him put the box at my front door. It also had to be signed for. My wife then tells me he was in his own SUV making deliveries.

I've has some really bad issues with all of the major shipping companies. Even some of my lab work that is usually shipped overnight takes two days.
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      12-11-2020, 06:44 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by pennsiveguy View Post
There's a reason the USPS "loser zoo" is the perennial multi-billion-dollar money-losing suck-hole and last place finisher in everything except sucking the dingleberries off of the south ends of northbound donkeys. It's because they suck.

Oh, and that PayPal "yo, we got your back bro" guarantee on the hard drive purchase? Worthless as a screen door on a submarine. Worthless as a second row of tits on a boar hog.

Pretty sure "USPS" stands for Unbelievably Shitty People who Suck.

This is hilarious, but all sadly true. My USPS mail lady is super nice (and quite hot actually) but the USPS has to be the shittiest of the bunch as far as dealing with any issues. They are all bad, UPS and FedEx just don't care, while USPS is actively trying to screw up your shit.
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      12-11-2020, 07:00 AM   #6
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USPS has always been the worst, followed by UPS. Just how it is with government agencies. Zero accountability so nobody gives a crap.
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      12-11-2020, 07:20 AM   #7

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I’ve always had the worst luck with fedex. Lost and very late deliveries like 2 weeks late
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      12-11-2020, 07:27 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Smgs1992 View Post
I’ve always had the worst luck with fedex. Lost and very late deliveries like 2 weeks late
Same. I've had pretty good luck with USPS and UPS, but I can't tell you the last time FedEx actually delivered anything near the date that was originally quoted.
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      12-11-2020, 07:46 AM   #9
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Yep. Same messages as you on tracking, too. Still waiting on a wallet that should have been here two weeks ago. Had a full week of the package departing and arriving at the same facility. Who knows where it is now...

USPS is the big buzz for our HOA right now. It’s terrible. Messages for packages like “unable to access driveway” are pretty common.

We’ve got home security videos showing them driving up the driveway. You’d think the next step would be to back out after placing the package on the doorstep? Nope. Set it against the garage door in the rain to be crushed in the morning when you back out then just pull a U-turn in the yard to leave. Reverse is broken? I’ve watched them drive through yards multiple times.

It’s extremely inefficient. On any given day I could have four or five different vehicles representing USPS delivering and at all hours of the day. Actual USPS truck followed by James in his Corolla. I’ve been in my kitchen looking out the window in my boxers drinking coffee when I get the bejesus scared out of me as a plain clothed man turns the corner to my front door at 6am. Just dropping off a package. That same day I had three other regular vehicles deliver anything with no real pattern and a final truck put my mail in the mailbox at 9:30pm.

I avoid USPS by al means necessary. UPS has been the most reliable, then FedEx, followed by the organizational structure of a five year old selling lemonade, then USPS.
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      12-11-2020, 08:17 AM   #10

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USPS constantly drops the ball at our office. They show up 3 out of 5 days a week at best. They used to come consistently around 12:30-1 every day. Now they show up between 2:30-6pm (we close at 4:30 and see them on the cameras). Super unreliable.

UPS is good for me for work shipments, but terrible for personal orders. We ordered a Xmas tree via Amazon a few weeks ago. Set to deliver UPS, no problem. I get the usual notification that the order is out for delivery. My wife happens to be headed home early from work around 3pm, and I tell her to be on the lookout.
My Ring goes off when anyone is within 75' of the door, and our dog barks. My wife pulled into the driveway, and I got notification of her being there. She's still standing on the doorstep, with door open, and we get the notice, at the same time, that the package delivered. There's no 3'long 40lb. pkg anywhere to be seen. She had seen the UPS truck 2 streets over less than a minute before. Still never shows up.

Had to create a claim with Amazon and get another tree. 1st one never showed. I think the driver decided he wanted a free Xmas tree.

TL;DR: USPS & UPS both suck donkey ba*lz
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      12-11-2020, 08:46 AM   #11

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I'm sorry to hear of all your bad experiences - especially where you're fucked over for the cost.
I too have seen a trend where they don't ring the bell anymore - and they literally drop the package off at the door (in its most extreme case, where a reasonably attractive FedEx worker perched a box of Tannerite targets at the door and saw the box fall off and didn't bother righting them.)
I am assuming they don't ring the bell because of a combination of rushed delivery times, overloaded work hours, video doorbells, and covid-19.

I'm still personally waiting on a USPS package that went from TN to LV to CA and i'm in bloody FL.

Having said all this, USPS employees here in this part of FL are polite and helpful and friendly.
Try Canada Post (both in terms of service, and employees, and you'll be slitting your wrists)
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      12-11-2020, 08:53 AM   #12

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Originally Posted by pennsiveguy View Post
I'm so sorry to hear all of this. But not surprised. There's a reason the USPS "loser zoo" is the perennial multi-billion-dollar money-losing suck-hole and last place finisher in everything except sucking the dingleberries off of the south ends of northbound donkeys. It's because they suck. They lost 4 hard drives worth $1400 for me. And 2 Sodastream cylinders a month later, after they got bored of losing hard drives.

Oh, and that PayPal "yo, we got your back bro" guarantee on the hard drive purchase? Worthless as a screen door on a submarine. Worthless as a second row of tits on a boar hog. USPS flat-out lied and stated that they left them in my mail box, with no proof whatsoever, and PayPal believed them and left me twisting in the breeze for the $1400.

I always ask merchants who they use to ship with, and adamantly refuse to buy anything from any merchant who ships by USPS. Pretty sure "USPS" stands for Unbelievably Shitty People who Suck.

Electronics and computer parts scammers Newegg are a real piece of work too. Here's the tracking history for a product which they supposedly had in stock almost 3 weeks ago when I ordered it. They haven't even handed it to UPS yet, despite having been fondling my hard-earned cash the whole time. Initiated a chat session with an illiterate doofus to try to get some resolution. I might as well have been chatting with a tree stump. I've filed a claim against them through Wells Fargo, who have been pretty good about refunding my money in such cases.

Are things a little tricky in supply chain operations these days? They sure are. Is this a valid reason to absolutely suck at shipping things, given that they've been doing it for decades, a monkey could do almost all of it, and they've had 8 months to make adjustments for the current challenges? Fuck no.
This felt good to read, I and sympathize with it all. Brutal defending yourself when you know you're right but you have no evidence, ATT did the same thing to me and i couldn't prove I mailed them the phone with their prepaid return label and they didn't have the tracking info!! For a fucking prepaid label they provided! This AM USPS delivered an album LP signed by all 4 members of Van Halen I got for my father., for xmas Ordered it from Cali on Tuesday.. Rest of my crap still has the same status. So it has to be down to incompetency.
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      12-11-2020, 08:59 AM   #13
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The most frustrating part is that every shipping outfit in the US knows that this time of year is going to be really high volume. Every. Fucking. Year. And they were already at a high level given that nobody was going to brick-and-mortar stores because of COVID. So clearly their processes and/or people don't scale and aren't robust enough to respond to anything more than off-season demand. I guess that as long as they all suck, they all get to continue to suck. If one of them actually put some effort and innovation forth, they'd quickly bury the other 2 but it hasn't happened yet.
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      12-11-2020, 09:14 AM   #14
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Newegg went downhill when they started letting other businesses advertise/sell/rip you off on their site. I've had problems with Newegg orders but every time it was the other vendor, not Newegg. Now I specify Newegg only when I am searching for an item. I will not trust those third party sellers any more.
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      12-11-2020, 09:44 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by pennsiveguy View Post
The most frustrating part is that every shipping outfit in the US knows that this time of year is going to be really high volume. Every. Fucking. Year. And they were already at a high level given that nobody was going to brick-and-mortar stores because of COVID. So clearly their processes and/or people don't scale and aren't robust enough to respond to anything more than off-season demand. I guess that as long as they all suck, they all get to continue to suck. If one of them actually put some effort and innovation forth, they'd quickly bury the other 2 but it hasn't happened yet.
Most of these agencies/companies are run by asshats that have no clue about management or logistics, contrary to what their advertisements may state. They hire minimal support at cheap wages and wonder why they have so many problems. I have a friend who was a postal worker for a few months, and they treated her like dirt. Being 24 at the time didn't help, they just assumed she would pick up the slack for all the overweight 50 somethings who wouldn't/couldn't do shit. Most of her days were spent playing catch up on unfamiliar routes for other workers that called out in addition to doing her own. Some of these people were so bad that they wouldn't get home until late at night because it took them more time to deliver the same amount of shit as the other people who were done by 5 or 6. The way she told me packages were handled I was surprised more stuff doesn't get broken.
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      12-11-2020, 09:45 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by jimbobiggens View Post
Newegg went downhill when they started letting other businesses advertise/sell/rip you off on their site. I've had problems with Newegg orders but every time it was the other vendor, not Newegg. Now I specify Newegg only when I am searching for an item. I will not trust those third party sellers any more.
I no longer order from Newegg. My company ordered a few things through them for our IT needs with school districts because they could get them sooner. It turned into a huge fiasco that involved them losing stuff, lying through e-mails, and it resulted in me telling them to politely go fuck themselves and that we wouldn't ever order from them again.
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      12-11-2020, 10:11 AM   #17
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I had 7 packages I was tracking with USPS at the end of last week. 5 of 7 were as you stated, either "late" or no updates whatsoever...
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      12-11-2020, 10:16 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by CTinline-six View Post
I no longer order from Newegg. My company ordered a few things through them for our IT needs with school districts because they could get them sooner. It turned into a huge fiasco that involved them losing stuff, lying through e-mails, and it resulted in me telling them to politely go fuck themselves and that we wouldn't ever order from them again.
Oh, wow, I haven't heard that about Newegg. But I only order for myself which is comparatively small orders. Our school has to use State-approved vendors so we can't use Newegg. We are stuck with PCConnect.
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      12-11-2020, 10:23 AM   #19

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I have 3 out, one coming from Jersey somewhere. One in Distribution in Michigan since Dec 1 (mass air sensor for 330ci) and some outfit for wife...may see that one soon.
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      12-11-2020, 10:30 AM   #20
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Next time when you have a return shipping label provided by some company, I always get a drop off receipt. Whether it be UPS, FedEx or USPS. So if issues come up where the item was lost and there's a question as to whether I actually sent it back, I have proof.
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We might not be in an agreement on Trump, but I'll be the first penis chaser here to say I'll rather take it up in the ass than to argue with you on this.
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      12-11-2020, 11:17 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by zx10guy View Post
Next time when you have a return shipping label provided by some company, I always get a drop off receipt. Whether it be UPS, FedEx or USPS. So if issues come up where the item was lost and there's a question as to whether I actually sent it back, I have proof.
Yup, same here. I have a stack of them going back a year or so. I can prove I tendered the package to the shipper, so my ass is covered and it's their problem if it disappears.
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      12-11-2020, 11:32 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by CTinline-six View Post

This is hilarious, but all sadly true. My USPS mail lady is super nice (and quite hot actually) but the USPS has to be the shittiest of the bunch as far as dealing with any issues. They are all bad, UPS and FedEx just don't care, while USPS is actively trying to screw up your shit.
My all-time horror story goes back to about 2015 when I sold a custom 6-string electric bass that I had made and which I loved dearly but which was too heavy for my messed-up back. I sold it to a fellow member of a bass players' forum. I decided to make UPS completely responsible for its safety, and paid for them to pack it (in its factory case) for shipment, and bought the insurance. Handed them something like $200 and left with my receipt and tracking number. It was headed for Texas, which should have taken 4 days according to them.

Of course I tracked it, out of anxiety. And sure enough, 2 days after I shipped it it stalled out and then literally disappeared off their tracking system. In a rage, I called UPS help line. They said "Well, gee whiz, I reckon we plumb done lost it. We'll have a look around and see if we can find it." Great. Just great. Luckily the buyer was really understanding - thanks Tom - while we both sweated bullets waiting for word from UPS. Almost 2 weeks later, the buyer called me and said it showed up and he was already in love with it. Turns out the label had come off and it had to be re-labeled but they never entered the new label in the tracking system. Thanks UPS, for making two nice guys wait around like a couple of chumps while you screw the pooch.
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