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      01-03-2024, 07:43 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by chris719 View Post
No, it's actually very poor. It's bad at cleaning all brake dust. It's good on dirt and grime only. You should do yourself a favor and try something that isn't shilled by paid sponsors on YouTube. Koch Chemie MWC can clean a stock M4 wheel almost touchlessly. Brake Buster won't even do a thing without agitation. It's only good at cleaning tires and dirt. Adam's Wheel and Tire Cleaner is at least 2x as strong as Brake Buster, but it's still the wrong thing for brake dust.
I'm not sure what you're doing wrong but with zero agitation I get 80-90% of the dust off. Maybe you're diluting it too much? I only do 1:5 and that works perfectly in my hand foam cannon.

Plenty of people have done tests every single one of them concludes that brake buster is by far the best on the market, and has been for years.

Edit: well I was hoping the mods would clean up all of the posts and not just the ones where he personally insulted me. The argument went on for quite a while where he could offer no actual evidence of how Brake Buster is actually bad and just seems to have a personal vendetta against the product for some reason. He ended up just using a personal insult when he ran out of arguments. That should be everything you need to konw.

Last edited by Berzerker; 01-05-2024 at 09:27 AM..
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      01-03-2024, 08:01 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Berzerker View Post
Plenty of people have done tests every single one of them concludes that brake buster is by far the best on the market, and has been for years.
Uh, no. Might want to look at some better tests. You're the one using GSF foam and Adam's in the bucket and thinks Descale will remove a coating ... I'm guessing you're the one that has no idea what they are doing. Wheel cleaners without thioglycolates or acids suck. Brake Buster is weak even straight up and actually harder on coatings and sealants than an iron remover type cleaner. Soap works almost as well as Brake Buster. Try any of the cleaners with iron remover like TW Rapid Decon, Armour Wheel, Griot's Heavy Duty, Gyeon, Tuga Green, KC MWC, etc. and you'll see they work much much better than BB.

You can look at the SDS of Brake Buster and see that it has nothing interesting in it BTW.

Adam's and TW Hyperfoam are significantly better than P&S if you want an alkaline cleaner (don't recommend except for tires):

Last edited by chris719; 01-03-2024 at 08:17 PM..
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      01-03-2024, 08:37 PM   #25
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No issues with Brake Buster at all. Not on a BMW but Porsche and Honda. Tuga Devil Special Wheel Cleaner is hard to beat. It's expensive, but by far the best I've used and I've been through a ton of wheel cleaners over the last 9 years.
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      01-04-2024, 09:20 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by chris719 View Post
Uh, no. Might want to look at some better tests. You're the one using GSF foam and Adam's in the bucket and thinks Descale will remove a coating ... I'm guessing you're the one that has no idea what they are doing. Wheel cleaners without thioglycolates or acids suck. Brake Buster is weak even straight up and actually harder on coatings and sealants than an iron remover type cleaner. Soap works almost as well as Brake Buster. Try any of the cleaners with iron remover like TW Rapid Decon, Armour Wheel, Griot's Heavy Duty, Gyeon, Tuga Green, KC MWC, etc. and you'll see they work much much better than BB.

You can look at the SDS of Brake Buster and see that it has nothing interesting in it BTW.

Adam's and TW Hyperfoam are significantly better than P&S if you want an alkaline cleaner (don't recommend except for tires):
Show me on the doll where did brake buster touched you.

I'm not interested in spending time defending a *cleaning product* on a forum to a random person, but you seem to be the only one around here with any issues with it. Perhaps you need to adjust your cleaning methods rather than trashing the product that literally everyone else here has no issues with. Regardless, both of those videos you listed said P&S still works quite well even if they had flawed methods of applying the product and the first video he complained about areas he didn't even spray...maybe you should watch the videos you post as proof before attempting to prove something.

And Descale can absolutely damage ceramic coatings if used too heavily (despite what they may claim), and it's literally *for* removing wax coatings, so I'm not sure what your point is.
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      01-04-2024, 01:11 PM   #27
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He's simply mentioning a fact. Which is that brake buster doesn't contain the iron removing component that others have which removes brake dust better than anything, and with no or little agitation, which further preserves a coating you might have on the wheels.

Brake buster is simply a cleaner which is ok for very light dust/dirt, but will require agitation.

With a gallon of Griot's HD cleaner (with iron removal) only costing $30 (amazon), other wheel cleaners make little sense.
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      01-04-2024, 02:05 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Berzerker View Post
Show me on the doll where did brake buster touched you.

I'm not interested in spending time defending a *cleaning product* on a forum to a random person, but you seem to be the only one around here with any issues with it. Perhaps you need to adjust your cleaning methods rather than trashing the product that literally everyone else here has no issues with. Regardless, both of those videos you listed said P&S still works quite well even if they had flawed methods of applying the product and the first video he complained about areas he didn't even spray...maybe you should watch the videos you post as proof before attempting to prove something.

And Descale can absolutely damage ceramic coatings if used too heavily (despite what they may claim), and it's literally *for* removing wax coatings, so I'm not sure what your point is.
You said it was "the best on the market" and it's clearly not. Just trying to save someone from buying a very mediocre product instead of one that works well.

Descale will not damage a healthy ceramic coating. It's called Descale because it removes limescale / mineral buildup that clogs coatings. It's a coating maintenance product.
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      01-04-2024, 06:12 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by TboneS54 View Post
He's simply mentioning a fact. Which is that brake buster doesn't contain the iron removing component that others have which removes brake dust better than anything, and with no or little agitation, which further preserves a coating you might have on the wheels.

Brake buster is simply a cleaner which is ok for very light dust/dirt, but will require agitation.

With a gallon of Griot's HD cleaner (with iron removal) only costing $30 (amazon), other wheel cleaners make little sense.
He's not "simply mentioning a fact." If he was he'd have done it and moved on, instead he's trying to compensate for his inability to use a product effectively for god knows what reason. Like I mentioned, there's plenty of resources out there that shows brake buster is the best in the market for what it does and leading a horse to water does not mean they'll drink. I'm sure there are other products in a *different class* that perhaps work *differently* to achieve a different result of what you'd want to use brake buster for, but that is not relevant to the point at hand.

Edit: In response to "the mods deleted some posts." Yes because they were personally insulting. As much as you'd like to not believe that, they contained personal insults, incorrect information (as you are continuing to support) and were completely useless offering no help to OP who already got their answer. They should have deleted all of your and chris719's posts for complete misinformation and violating harassment rules.

Last edited by Berzerker; 01-10-2024 at 08:52 PM..
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      01-04-2024, 06:19 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Berzerker View Post
He's not "simply mentioning a fact." If he was he'd have done it and moved on, instead he's trying to compensate for his inability to use a product effectively for god knows what reason. Like I mentioned, there's plenty of resources out there that shows brake buster is the best in the market for what it does and leading a horse to water does not mean they'll drink. I'm sure there are other products in a *different class* that perhaps work *differently* to achieve a different result of what you'd want to use brake buster for, but that is not relevant to the point at hand.
It is not the best on the market unless you're a YouTuber getting paid by P&S. Period. End of story. It's great in videos where they clean an already clean wheel and agitate the hell out of it to the degree that plain pH neutral soap would work just as well. It is objectively not very good at cleaning brake dust from wheels. It is cheap and does not smell, those are the only two pros to this product. The fact you think it's good at cleaning wheels just shows you are clueless and haven't ever tried anything else that's actually good. I'll Venmo you 20 dollars if you buy Koch Chemie MWC and don't think it cleans brake dust a million times better. Save your Brake Buster for the tires.

Last edited by chris719; 01-04-2024 at 06:33 PM..
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      01-05-2024, 12:54 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by Clark_Kent View Post
No issues with Brake Buster at all. Not on a BMW but Porsche and Honda. Tuga Devil Special Wheel Cleaner is hard to beat. It's expensive, but by far the best I've used and I've been through a ton of wheel cleaners over the last 9 years.
Tuga (green) is very good. Tuga and MWC are pretty much at the top. Almost all of the wheel cleaners with a lot of thioglycolate are good.

Alkaline cleaners like BB are good for organics like dirt and grime but require enough agitation for brake dust that you may as well use soap. The problem I have with them is they do attack coatings and sealants over time disproportionate to their cleaning ability. In fact, I've used Adam's Wheel and Tire Cleaner to strip off old sealants - it's a real beast and pH 13. If you ceramic coat a wheel, use Adam's W&T 10 times and it's going to be degraded significantly.

The more neutral cleaners with iron removers not only remove brake dust better and require less agitation, they also form a slightly acidic solution when they react with the iron oxide which can even help refresh the performance of a ceramic coating. They smell terrible but are actually more gentle.

Last edited by chris719; 01-05-2024 at 01:08 AM..
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      01-05-2024, 02:37 PM   #32
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The mods deleted some posts ITT which contained no foul language or slander or anything. The state of things.
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