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      09-16-2015, 01:36 PM   #1
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Taxis vs Uber

Just want to get a debate and or a general feeling of people views here about the current issues surrounding taxis and uber under cutting their business model.
I think this is cut and dry for me. I prefer to pay less for transportation if I were to choose between the two.
I know there is much more going on than my simplistic man-math....I'm not a big fan of regulation when it comes to basic services such as these and believe the market should adjust itself.
What's your take on the situation?
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      09-16-2015, 01:41 PM   #2

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Uber charges less, on average, allows me to split fares with other passengers effortlessly, and doesn't require me to stand outside trying to wave down a cab?

Yeah Uber/Lyft surpass the taxi industry in every conceivable way. The taxi unions just want to ban uber/impose extra fines, etc because they can't compete and they know it.
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      09-16-2015, 01:44 PM   #3
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I'de be happy to never have to ride in a dirty smelly cab again. Loving Uber!
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      09-16-2015, 01:46 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by fecurtis
Uber charges less, on average, allows me to split fares with other passengers effortlessly, and doesn't require me to stand outside trying to wave down a cab?

Yeah Uber/Lyft surpass the taxi industry in every conceivable way. The taxi unions just want to ban uber/impose extra fines, etc because they can't compete and they know it.
I like your take on they basically are crying to mommy and daddy(gov't)and trying to get them to play favourites........because taxis have been the gold standard for so long.
I think taxi drivers should just quit the union then go work for uber perhaps.
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      09-16-2015, 01:49 PM   #5

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Originally Posted by Needbmwpartzz View Post
I like your take on they basically are crying to mommy and daddy(gov't)and trying to get them to play favourites........because taxis have been the gold standard for so long.
I think taxi drivers should just quit the union then go work for uber perhaps.
Yup.. Horse and carriage was once the standard too but then Karl Benz came along and put an end to that nonsense. Taxis need to realize that in this world you either adapt to the changing environment or get the fuck out of the way.
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      09-16-2015, 01:51 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Delta0311
Originally Posted by Needbmwpartzz View Post
I like your take on they basically are crying to mommy and daddy(gov't)and trying to get them to play favourites........because taxis have been the gold standard for so long.
I think taxi drivers should just quit the union then go work for uber perhaps.
Yup.. Horse and carriage was once the standard too but then Karl Benz came along and put an end to that nonsense. Taxis need to realize that in this world you either adapt to the changing environment or get the fuck out of the way. we need some opposition in this thread or will this be a taxi beat down lol!
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      09-16-2015, 01:52 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Needbmwpartzz View Post
I like your take on they basically are crying to mommy and daddy(gov't)and trying to get them to play favourites........because taxis have been the gold standard for so long.
I think taxi drivers should just quit the union then go work for uber perhaps.
My thoughts exactly. It's not as if they're forced to stay with the taxi companies - go with the times, improve your life. There's a number who have already done so, and why the rest can't get on board is beyond me. From conversations with NYC Uber drivers who used to do cabs, Uber eats up a lot less of what you take in. Nicer cars, too.
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      09-16-2015, 01:59 PM   #8
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Use my Lyft code CJ6902 for a free $20 ride
Originally Posted by RaptorKTM View Post
Also our E90 330 and 325 will soon have some sort of boost. So there is actually more of a chance to get more hp out of a 330 then a 335 in my opinion
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      09-16-2015, 01:59 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Biorin
Originally Posted by Needbmwpartzz View Post
I like your take on they basically are crying to mommy and daddy(gov't)and trying to get them to play favourites........because taxis have been the gold standard for so long.
I think taxi drivers should just quit the union then go work for uber perhaps.
My thoughts exactly. It's not as if they're forced to stay with the taxi companies - go with the times, improve your life. There's a number who have already done so, and why the rest can't get on board is beyond me. From conversations with NYC Uber drivers who used to do cabs, Uber eats up a lot less of what you take in. Nicer cars, too.
I'm guessing the administrative job at taxi companies are crying the most as they won't be getting their cut like they used they are probably the ones crying foul the loudest.
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      09-16-2015, 02:28 PM   #10

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F*ck Uber. They are a shady company with some of the stuff they have pulled. First off, they claim they are not a transportation company, but merely a technology company that connects people with rides. They do this to get around the regulations taxi companies have to follow like licensing, insurance, taxes, and car inspections. Second, they treat their drivers like crap. None of the drivers are employees, but are all contractors who receive no benefits and have to provide the car and maintain it. They are also not allowed to work for any competitors, which is odd because as contract workers, they should be able to work for multiple employers if they choose to. Many drivers do like working for Uber, but Uber's long term goal is to replace every driver with autonomous vehicles.

Third, the Uber executive staff have been involved in scandals to dig up dirt on critics of the company, track riders with the "god" mode of their software, and also placing bogus calls for rides to their competitors so they could actually pick up more passengers. Lastly, and one of the most infuriating things experienced by customers is their surge pricing that has been known to charge up to 7 times more than the regular fare.

All that said, that doesn't make me a fan of dirty and smelly cabs. The Uber/Lyft model has potential assuming the ethics issues can be worked out.
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      09-16-2015, 02:41 PM   #11
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while I'm sure no one cares the reason why taxis are more expensive is because they have to have licenses, liability insurance, permits and who knows what else, Uber throught loopholes doesn't have any of this (and please don't tell me uber drivers need to have insurance to operate because that is not the same kind of insurance) hence they can charge less and still make money, as a business owner I don't think its fair to the taxis. I think this is pretty simple either allow taxis to operate the same ways uber does or make uber have the same requirements taxis have. I personally feel super lucky to not usually have the need for either or so I can careless however it would be fair if they both operated on a level plain field
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      09-16-2015, 02:42 PM   #12
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Sounds like they just out lawyered and found all the loop-holes to operate and under-cut the taxi guys..........and now the taxi guys are crying "unethical company" but that's because they weren't smart enough to think of this model that makes them dinosaurs and they want everyone to play by the rules they are governed by.........but uber also has to fight off the same regulation that now wants a piece of the pie and is backed by the taxi industry.
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      09-16-2015, 02:57 PM   #13

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Originally Posted by JasonCSU View Post
F*ck Uber. They are a shady company with some of the stuff they have pulled. First off, they claim they are not a transportation company, but merely a technology company that connects people with rides. They do this to get around the regulations taxi companies have to follow like licensing, insurance, taxes, and car inspections. Second, they treat their drivers like crap. None of the drivers are employees, but are all contractors who receive no benefits and have to provide the car and maintain it. They are also not allowed to work for any competitors, which is odd because as contract workers, they should be able to work for multiple employers if they choose to. Many drivers do like working for Uber, but Uber's long term goal is to replace every driver with autonomous vehicles.

Third, the Uber executive staff have been involved in scandals to dig up dirt on critics of the company, track riders with the "god" mode of their software, and also placing bogus calls for rides to their competitors so they could actually pick up more passengers. Lastly, and one of the most infuriating things experienced by customers is their surge pricing that has been known to charge up to 7 times more than the regular fare.

All that said, that doesn't make me a fan of dirty and smelly cabs. The Uber/Lyft model has potential assuming the ethics issues can be worked out.
Also, fun fact, when you open the app, those "nearby cars" you see on the map, are fake to give the impression that they're drivers nearby.

I never said these companies were the golden standard of ethical for profit businesses, but they're much better than typical cab companies.
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      09-16-2015, 03:25 PM   #14
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If taxis in this country weren't as filthy and unreliable, then there wouldn't have been as much demand for Uber. I loathe the idea of taking a taxi. The drivers barely speak English, speak on one of their five mobiles during the entire taxi ride and it smells like DEATH in there. I remember the last taxi ride I ever vowed to take: landed at the airport and had a horrible headache. I get in a taxi and the guy, I swear, it smelled of someone not having washed himself in 60 days combined with a giant turd in the front seat. Then he's got this overpowering air refresher and I came THIS close to literally throwing up. Even hanging my head out of the window did not help.

Uber for the WIN each and every time. I have yet to have a bad experience. Been using it for close to 2 years now.
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      09-16-2015, 04:30 PM   #15
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I've used Uber once and almost died twice at the hands of our driver. Never again.

I know it's cheaper, but also insurance plays a role. Get into an accident and hurt with Uber and your insurance might not cover you. If they do, lucky. All Uber drivers are pretty much uninsured. All Canadian Insurance co. will not insure under personal insurance if you tell them you're going to be an Uber driver. Most Uber drivers "neglect" to inform their insurance that they are doing so.
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      09-16-2015, 04:34 PM   #16
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I thought Uber had some sort of blanket corporate insurance policy that covered their drivers while they were on an Uber fare.
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      09-16-2015, 04:46 PM   #17
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After using Uber, I've pretty much given up cabs entirely unless I'm at an airport that doesn't permit Uber pickups or city/country where they don't operate. It's not even the cost savings, sometimes Uber is the same price especially with the surge pricing and lots of times I'm on business so work is paying anyways. I just can't stand getting into dirty cabs with surly drivers who act as if they're doing you a favor to even pick you up. Not all cab drivers are like this, but in the US more often than not they're not pleasant to ride with. Then the CC machine is "broken" half the time and I'm having to scrounge for cash and then they don't have change or ask for a tip. It's just not a good experience.

With Uber, there's none of that hassle, pull out your phone, they pick you up and drop you off. I've had a few bad Uber rides where the driver was brand new and got lost but overall, they're at least polite and the cars are always clean. From my understanding, when on the ride, Uber provides insurance coverage. Most of the time, the Uber drivers I get are much less aggressive than taxis. They tend to drive normally while the cabs are always cutting people off and speeding to shorten the trip and find another fare.

I've only been using Uber for a few years now so not as long as some, but literally after the first ride I gave up cabs unless there was no other options. And most of my friends who started using Uber are pretty much the same way, it's just a better experience.

I get that for the most part, it's not the taxi drivers themselves who are the problem, they're just trying to make a living and are just leasing the cabs. But once you add in the costs of the ridiculously priced medallions, overhead costs from dispatch, and other random costs, they're just not competitive.
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      09-16-2015, 05:07 PM   #18
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Uber is doing to taxis what iTunes did for music.

Products and services are changing with the times. Either accept the new way of doing things or be left behind.
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      09-16-2015, 05:16 PM   #19
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Uber treats drivers like crap - terrible company to work for. I know a few people who drive for Uber.

You make less money driving Uber than working McDonalds. You have no health benefits, you pay for your own car expenses and insurance. You have rules, dress code and regulated driving routes but none of the benefits of a real job. Uber "suggests" you do many things as a driver - those aren't suggestions - they're requirements and you can be let go if you don't follow them.

You do get good peak pay if you pick up people from bars on heavy usage times... but you'll have to drive at night and deal with drunk people who may puke in your car - again you're on your own to clean all that up.

My friends complain to no end about driving Uber - but they have no choice as it's the only game in town. Lyft is better for drivers but they don't have nearly as much traffic.

So Uber - great for the passengers, sucks for drivers.

A journalist went undercover to try to make it work. This matches the experiences my friends have had driving for Uber.
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Last edited by Z K; 09-16-2015 at 05:21 PM..
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      09-16-2015, 05:22 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by CANGRKE70 View Post
I've used Uber once and almost died twice at the hands of our driver. Never again.

I know it's cheaper, but also insurance plays a role. Get into an accident and hurt with Uber and your insurance might not cover you. If they do, lucky. All Uber drivers are pretty much uninsured. All Canadian Insurance co. will not insure under personal insurance if you tell them you're going to be an Uber driver. Most Uber drivers "neglect" to inform their insurance that they are doing so.
I've only had issues with bad drivers when selecting UberX. I'd say that 90% of the time, I use UberSELECT and have yet to have a problem with bad drivers.
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      09-16-2015, 05:23 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Z K View Post
Uber treats drivers like crap - terrible company to work for. I know a few people who drive for Uber.

You make less money driving Uber than working McDonalds. You have no health benefits, you pay for your own car expenses and insurance. You have rules, dress code and regulated driving routes but none of the benefits of a real job. Uber "suggests" you do many things as a driver - those aren't suggestions - they're requirements and you can be let go if you don't follow them.

You do get good peak pay if you pick up people from bars on heavy usage times... but you'll have to drive at night and deal with drunk people who may puke in your car - again you're on your own to clean all that up.

My friends complain to no end about driving Uber - but they have no choice as it's the only game in town. Lyft is better for drivers but they don't have nearly as much traffic.

So Uber - great for the passengers, sucks for drivers.

A journalist went undercover to try to make it work. This matches the experiences my friends have had driving for Uber.
If your friends think that Uber is so crap, why on earth do they keep driving for Uber? Maybe time for another job?
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      09-16-2015, 05:28 PM   #22
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I drove for Lyft maybe 5 hours a week from February through May mostly picking up students from the University of Miami. Overall it was decent money and all but I've been lazy lately. Whenever UM is out of session, it is dead. Sometimes on a Friday night with wife and kid asleep I'll throw on the app while in bed and I'll get a ping or two but that's about it. I love driving and don't mind it, however, the whole 'if I get hit by a car while I have a passenger(s) then now what'? I assume even the driver at fault's insurance won't pay for my damages which would suck . Regardless, there isn't a dress code for Lyft as I wore shorts, t-shirts and even hats while picking up passengers and even the Lyft support gets back to me rather quickly if ever issue's arise. For the most part the passengers have been decent other than some giving me 1 star when they clearly had their ping a few blocks away from the actual pick-up location. That burns my ass to hell.
Originally Posted by RaptorKTM View Post
Also our E90 330 and 325 will soon have some sort of boost. So there is actually more of a chance to get more hp out of a 330 then a 335 in my opinion
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