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      12-11-2017, 05:21 PM   #1
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Bullying Viral Video

So who are the kids that are doing the bullying? Is anyone doing anything about them or are we just saying things will get better for the victim while no real action is taken to prevent further bullying?
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      12-11-2017, 05:59 PM   #2

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Originally Posted by bimmer456 View Post
So who are the kids that are doing the bullying? Is anyone doing anything about them or are we just saying things will get better for the victim while no real action is taken to prevent further bullying?
My solution to bullies, was to beat them up. I learn most could not fight to save their lives, but it did not hurt I took Boxing lesson. You beat up one bully and before you know it, everyone making fun of the bully for getting his ass kicked.
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      12-11-2017, 06:00 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Maestro View Post
My solution to bullies, was to beat them up. I learn most could not fight to save their lives, but it did not hurt I took Boxing lesson. You beat up one bully and before you know it, everyone making fun of the bully for getting his ass kicked.
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      12-11-2017, 06:12 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by MKSixer View Post
Originally Posted by Maestro View Post
My solution to bullies, was to beat them up. I learn most could not fight to save their lives, but it did not hurt I took Boxing lesson. You beat up one bully and before you know it, everyone making fun of the bully for getting his ass kicked.
I think Justin Bieber should be his body guard.
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      12-11-2017, 06:55 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Maestro View Post
Originally Posted by bimmer456 View Post
So who are the kids that are doing the bullying? Is anyone doing anything about them or are we just saying things will get better for the victim while no real action is taken to prevent further bullying?
My solution to bullies, was to beat them up. I learn most could not fight to save their lives, but it did not hurt I took Boxing lesson. You beat up one bully and before you know it, everyone making fun of the bully for getting his ass kicked.

If your kid is being bullied sign him up for boxing/MMA classes. I don't get the whole posting videos on YouTube thing.

The poor kid will gain a lot of confidence which will help him in the future and after just 3-4 months of training he will be able to face a typical bully and teach him a lesson.
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      12-12-2017, 02:02 AM   #6
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Too much attention on a cause which is meanwhile caused by social media.
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      12-12-2017, 03:04 AM   #7

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There are reports and comments about how the kid is racist? I guess he got picked on to begin with because he kept calling someone ni**er. And I guess the mom is trying to do a quick cash grab from the situation. She had a go fund me.
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      12-12-2017, 05:41 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Mingwan View Post
There are reports and comments about how the kid is racist? I guess he got picked on to begin with because he kept calling someone ni**er. And I guess the mom is trying to do a quick cash grab from the situation. She had a go fund me.
Anything is possible this day and age, wouldn't surprise me.

And if not, kids need to stand up for themselves. It's also hard to convince a kid that what other people think of them doesn't matter in the long run, but I think a lot of that also stems from how strong willed the parents are in their raising of the kids.
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      12-12-2017, 08:47 AM   #9
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I'm seeing those reports too now and the go fund me account was strange I thought. Apparently the mom and kid have pictures on Facebook with the confederate flag.
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      12-12-2017, 12:40 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Maestro View Post
My solution to bullies, was to beat them up. I learn most could not fight to save their lives, but it did not hurt I took Boxing lesson. You beat up one bully and before you know it, everyone making fun of the bully for getting his ass kicked.
This isn't the 1960's anymore where you could "settle" something behind the school with a bully. Doing so especially at the high school level would not end well for the person initiating the assault, even though sometimes that is exactly what is needed.

Working in technology for a number of school districts I see every day the challenges they face with modern bullies. This isn't a case of one person (or a couple people) calling a kid names. This is widespread hatred on social media that kids cannot escape. Once things like this are out there on the internet, it is very hard for kids to ignore it. When you and I were in school, bullies were often "on the hunt" during school or at school functions. Now kids can be preyed upon basically 24 hours a day on social media. Sadly, unless it is swiftly dealt with, it can spiral out of control and in many cases leads to kids committing suicide.
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      12-12-2017, 01:33 PM   #11

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^ +1.

For those of us over the age of 30, don't pretend you have even any idea what it's like to be bullied nowadays. It's not just one bully anymore, who steals your lunch money. It's often a faceless instigator that ruins your kid's reputation throughout the entire school. Good luck getting your kid MMA classes to beat up his/her entire school (plus, you'd be expelled if you even tried because you can't use physical "self defense" against name-calling).

I was bullied in grade school myself. I was a 70-pound weakling, and even though I had an inkling of self-defense, there was no way I was going to defend myself against 4-5 bullies, who were all heavier and stronger than I was. I solved my problem by befriending the biggest, strongest upperclassman, and calling on his "services" when I was in a pickle. Even jocks need help with their homework. [Edit: My parents had no idea I was bullied. I never told them back then. I think I told them a few years ago, and they were surprised it even happened.]

[Sidenote: I did put one of my bullies in the hospital when I "accidentally" stabbed his eye with a finger-strike aimed at his throat. I missed 6 inches too high. ]

Last edited by schoy; 12-12-2017 at 01:39 PM..
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      12-12-2017, 03:11 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by schoy View Post
^ +1.

For those of us over the age of 30, don't pretend you have even any idea what it's like to be bullied nowadays. It's not just one bully anymore, who steals your lunch money. It's often a faceless instigator that ruins your kid's reputation throughout the entire school. Good luck getting your kid MMA classes to beat up his/her entire school (plus, you'd be expelled if you even tried because you can't use physical "self defense" against name-calling).

I was bullied in grade school myself. I was a 70-pound weakling, and even though I had an inkling of self-defense, there was no way I was going to defend myself against 4-5 bullies, who were all heavier and stronger than I was. I solved my problem by befriending the biggest, strongest upperclassman, and calling on his "services" when I was in a pickle. Even jocks need help with their homework. [Edit: My parents had no idea I was bullied. I never told them back then. I think I told them a few years ago, and they were surprised it even happened.]

[Sidenote: I did put one of my bullies in the hospital when I "accidentally" stabbed his eye with a finger-strike aimed at his throat. I missed 6 inches too high. ]
Now it's social media. That's why I don't have Facebook even as an adult. There's enough drama with people I meet face to face forget about online.
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      12-12-2017, 04:47 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by bimmer456 View Post
I'm seeing those reports too now and the go fund me account was strange I thought. Apparently the mom and kid have pictures on Facebook with the confederate flag.
I saw the pic and there is also copies of messages from the supposed mom where she sounds a little racist and says something about whites should be helping each other or something to that nature.
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      12-12-2017, 04:59 PM   #14

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Originally Posted by CTinline-six View Post
This isn't the 1960's anymore where you could "settle" something behind the school with a bully. Doing so especially at the high school level would not end well for the person initiating the assault, even though sometimes that is exactly what is needed.

Working in technology for a number of school districts I see every day the challenges they face with modern bullies. This isn't a case of one person (or a couple people) calling a kid names. This is widespread hatred on social media that kids cannot escape. Once things like this are out there on the internet, it is very hard for kids to ignore it. When you and I were in school, bullies were often "on the hunt" during school or at school functions. Now kids can be preyed upon basically 24 hours a day on social media. Sadly, unless it is swiftly dealt with, it can spiral out of control and in many cases leads to kids committing suicide.
By the way I did that in the 80's not the 60's and the laws are very clear on the subject of fight, as long as both parties are willing participants there is nothing the law can do, unless one person continue the with beat down after the other person gave up. Also, never do it on school ground even after school, find neutral ground. You can always convince the bully into the fight, they always think they are tougher.

I quite aware of social media dynamics, but people do not mess with someone who may mess with them. The school these days created this situate which makes the victim the bad person who will get punish if they retaliate against the bullies and defend themselves.

It is like having your own two kids where the older one know they do not need to do or say anything to the younger one to get them to react and retaliate and then the parents yell at the younger one for hitting the older one. In my house my kids knew i did not care who started it I ended it and they both got in trouble since I new they were not angles.

The education system also made everyone into wimps, we use to say stick and stone break your bones, names never hurt, today they tell kids calling someone a name is hurtful, it is mean and makes people feel bad. So the bullies use the tools the schools armed them with. First rule of life never let someone know they are getting under your skin.

BTW, neither of my kids are on social media, they were both smart enough to know only bad things come of it. Today they are in the 20's and have an snap chat and Instagram accounts and only have good friend connected. They also never give out their phone numbers to just anyone. They saw first hand what happens when you let people think they are getting to you.
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      12-12-2017, 05:16 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Maestro View Post
My solution to bullies, was to beat them up. I learn most could not fight to save their lives, but it did not hurt I took Boxing lesson. You beat up one bully and before you know it, everyone making fun of the bully for getting his ass kicked.
Word. My 6 year old has a bully in his class and my wife wants to talk to the school and do all this crap. I said no. This is exactly what he needs. He will get pushed and pushed until he's had enough. This is the natural order of things. If you try and solve it for him, he'll never learn to take care of his own shit. I had a 5th grade bully at daycare when I was in kindergarten. Knocked his ass out. Black eye the next day. After that, I never had a problem with bullies. I went to a new school almost every year. I was always the new guy. Bullies love the new guy.
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      12-12-2017, 05:26 PM   #16
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Dark times. Things used to be simple
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