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      01-18-2024, 04:01 AM   #1
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Drives: BMW X1 30e xLine
Join Date: May 2023
Location: Uk

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Consumer rights act 2015 - UK

I’ve been reading posts that some owners are having with repeated issues.

While the U.K. doesn’t have the “lemon laws” that the U.S. has I came across a consumer rights article this week, in that case regarding the owner of a laptop who had had the same fault reoccur twice

The legal advice in the article read as below for reference:

“Retailers like to make consumers believe they have the right to keep on repairing faulty goods. However, this is not the case as the Consumer Rights Act 2015 - section 24 (5) (a) to be precise - clearly states that if after a repair the same issue occurs again, the consumer is entitled to return the goods and demand a refund”

I’m NOT claiming any legal background, but I thought it might be useful in the future for U.K. owners to have the reference.

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      01-19-2024, 08:38 AM   #2

Drives: '24 X1 M35i
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Working for one of the up and coming big contenders in the sector, I also know that they will fight for their reputation at any cost, using dirty tactics or even illegal labor strategies. Though I can't speak on BMW's behalf on any of that, I do know that they're in the business of sales, and if the brand gets tarnished, sales dip, and shareholders start squawking. The public will not really react to BMW's lack of thoroughness in a product, they could care less, but shareholders, the big institutions and players will use it as an opportunity to either pump or dump the stock for a repurchase at a lower price based on this "news".

Point is, if enough people make noise about it and it gains some media traction, sooner or later BMW will have to do something about it to please shareholders in the long run, if the model they slated to be the highest volume entry-level model has all these issues, well, come Q4 they'll be singing a different song.

Not to forget that the iD9 issues we have, are also happening in the iX, X7, and one other model that my service manager told me about. It's not just our model.
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