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      06-30-2009, 10:11 PM   #1
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Do you compare girls?

I'm having problems with my current girlfriend, well... not between us but within my self. I like this girl, she's good looking, good to me, and I do feel something for her. But for some reason she isn't like the last girl that I was so close to but so far from, the girl I loved and she loved me back but something just... I can't explain. It's that feeling where you don't even care what is going on, you just know what you feel something, the feeling you get when you forget logic and hang on to the feeling be it smart or dumb. How does one cure this? Do you ever compare women? The one who makes you feel and the one you like having around? For some reason passion strikes me different from someone I have fun with, like and like to be around and with. I don't want to lose my girlfriend because I like her a whole bunch but I don't get a tingly feeling with her. WTF. Help.
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      06-30-2009, 10:26 PM   #2
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Perhaps you're still into your ex?? My opinion is that you shouldn't compare them because there will always be something that's not "right." However, if you just don't feel it then perhaps something is wrong. Maybe this girl is just the girl right now and not "the one."
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      06-30-2009, 11:26 PM   #3
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i don't compare girls.................... woody does though.
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      07-01-2009, 12:08 AM   #4

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You're fucked. You will break up, it's really only a matter of when. I've dated girls like this before and you'll eventually realize that even though you can't put your finger on it (aka she's got a lot going for her, i.e. she's really pretty, really nice, smart, sweet, etc) there's something that just doesn't make you go nutty for her.
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      07-01-2009, 09:25 AM   #5
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Well on the other hand, people say the cool chick is the one you want not the pain in the ass douche bag. Don't a lot of good relationships start out as nothing/friends and end up being something? I like this girl a lot, I really do but there is always something "what if" about some gem out there that I happen to stumble upon in some weird way that makes me wonder if it matters.
gentle now the tender breeze blows, whispers through my Gran Torino, whistling another tired song, engine humms and bitter dreams grow, heart locked in a Gran Torino, it beats a lonely rhythm all night long
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      07-01-2009, 09:56 AM   #6
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ur still into your last girl, if anything your simply contimplating and comparing is you being in denial.. stick with this girl until all things are clear.. you wont regret it.. be a 2 sided thinker when it comes to this
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      07-01-2009, 09:58 AM   #7

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Originally Posted by 11Past9 View Post
I'm having problems with my current girlfriend, well... not between us but within my self. I like this girl, she's good looking, good to me, and I do feel something for her. But for some reason she isn't like the last girl that I was so close to but so far from, the girl I loved and she loved me back but something just... I can't explain. It's that feeling where you don't even care what is going on, you just know what you feel something, the feeling you get when you forget logic and hang on to the feeling be it smart or dumb. How does one cure this? Do you ever compare women? The one who makes you feel and the one you like having around? For some reason passion strikes me different from someone I have fun with, like and like to be around and with. I don't want to lose my girlfriend because I like her a whole bunch but I don't get a tingly feeling with her. WTF. Help.
How old are you and your gf?
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      07-01-2009, 10:09 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by drift90 View Post
ur still into your last girl, if anything your simply contimplating and comparing is you being in denial.. stick with this girl until all things are clear.. you wont regret it.. be a 2 sided thinker when it comes to this
Sounds like you might have a bit of a broken heart over the last girl. Which girl is gonna stick by you when things go bad?

It sounds like the other girl is out of the picture. Everyone always yearns for the one who got away, it's human nature. I agree with drift90, for now stick with this girl and see if you forget about the other one. If you forget about the other one and you are still not into the girl then you could break it off. But it's hardly fair to this girl, if she's great to you, that she has to compete with a fantasy when she's right there so give her a chance. And it wouldn't be fair to go through the motions and keep her hanging on if you can't get over your own sh$% with the other girl after a while. So yeah, give it some time but if you are still not into her don't keep her hanging on.
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      07-01-2009, 10:36 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by drift90 View Post
I was up all night, i found something about what my girlfriend did in the earlier times of our relationship.. she basically 2 timed me.. there is another dude and she seem to like him, but always denyed it.. i never believed her from the start and i also gave her some serious Shit about it.. then i found it was all true by one of my friends, she was not too sure about what she heard was true or simply a rumar.. i have heard things from her about things she simply thinks about this guy.. and i am not surprised at the least to hear..

Here is what bites my balls
Everything I have heard, i cannot know about so i cant blast the shit out of my girl..
I might be losing my mind at such a young age... but fuck i want to see that bitch cry! lol

WTF man? Did you go through her facebook or email or some shit? If anything just talk to her, tell her what you know, and see how she responds. Although i dont really understand what your problem is, most people in the beginning of a relationship dont get very serious and will see other people until they know they want to be with just you...
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      07-01-2009, 10:38 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by 11Past9 View Post
I'm having problems with my current girlfriend, well... not between us but within my self. I like this girl, she's good looking, good to me, and I do feel something for her. But for some reason she isn't like the last girl that I was so close to but so far from, the girl I loved and she loved me back but something just... I can't explain. It's that feeling where you don't even care what is going on, you just know what you feel something, the feeling you get when you forget logic and hang on to the feeling be it smart or dumb. How does one cure this? Do you ever compare women? The one who makes you feel and the one you like having around? For some reason passion strikes me different from someone I have fun with, like and like to be around and with. I don't want to lose my girlfriend because I like her a whole bunch but I don't get a tingly feeling with her. WTF. Help.

You seem young, chances are your not marrying this chick. Dump her and have fun. Theres no need to waste all your time on one girl at your young age. Trust me...
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      07-01-2009, 10:51 AM   #11
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Dude, I know EXACTLY what you are going through. There are just those girls who you will literally go crazy for and be willing to do anything for (and maybe they don't feel the same way about you), and then those girls who are crazy about you but you aren't crazy about them.

I think you should stick it out for a little bit longer. If you don't feel anything, it's not there and never will be. Cut if off. I know people say this all the time, but it is 100% true, there are plenty of fish in the sea, and, believe it or not, a girl out there who is just as good if not better. You will find that girl someday.
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      07-01-2009, 11:26 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by drift90 View Post
This was about.. 5 months into the relationship.. before i admitted any feelings to her i made sure all bull shit was out the way... she fucked up i asked her when she come online:
RyeTM<3... |Cheesed.. says:
*Tasha, are you always truthfull with me.. no lies no nothing when we talk?
' ********И****αтαѕнαα м.™**** *** says:
*O_o yes, i have no reason to lie
*why? whats wrong rye?
*ryaannn ???

RyeTM<3... |Cheesed.. says:
' ********И****αтαѕнαα м.™**** *** says:
*ae you mad at me for something ?
RyeTM<3... |Cheesed.. says:
*Should i be?
' ********И****αтαѕнαα м.™**** *** says:
*no, thats why im asking

I dont' no if i should beleive her or not

Ask her in person, people hide behind lies on computers all day long, Take this forum for example...
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      07-01-2009, 02:57 PM   #13
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I don't think comparing your current girl to your ex(es) means you're not over them. In some cases yes, but generally I want my current girl to be > the others so I compare to make sure. You have to keep moving up, not down!
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      07-01-2009, 04:50 PM   #14
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OP, stick it out with your current girl for a while and see where things lead. I've had the same feelings in the past, and generally the girl who 'makes you nuts' is not the right one for you. The girl you're with sounds nice and like a good girlfriend, just doesn't have 'that thing' the last one did. You already admitted 'that thing' wasn't the right thing, so ignore it. imo.

Originally Posted by drift90 View Post
This was about.. 5 months into the relationship.. before i admitted any feelings to her i made sure all bull shit was out the way... she fucked up i asked her when she come online:
RyeTM<3... |Cheesed.. says:
*Tasha, are you always truthfull with me.. no lies no nothing when we talk?
' ********И****αтαѕнαα м.™**** *** says:
*O_o yes, i have no reason to lie
*why? whats wrong rye?
*ryaannn ???

RyeTM<3... |Cheesed.. says:
' ********И****αтαѕнαα м.™**** *** says:
*ae you mad at me for something ?
RyeTM<3... |Cheesed.. says:
*Should i be?
' ********И****αтαѕнαα м.™**** *** says:
*no, thats why im asking

I dont' no if i should beleive her or not
Are you sure YOU aren't the girl in the relationship? 'Cause you sure sound like it. Be a man and be straightforward with her.
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      07-01-2009, 05:57 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by drift90 View Post
ur still into your last girl, if anything your simply contimplating and comparing is you being in denial.. stick with this girl until all things are clear.. you wont regret it.. be a 2 sided thinker when it comes to this
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      07-07-2009, 07:08 PM   #16
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I liked the girl I'm with, I don't want to hurt her, she's good to me, looks good, does good work and I have a lot of fun with her. I think everyone encounters that sprinkly lust feeling when they see a beautiful girl and picture a damn Miami Vice, let your body do the talking/feeling kind of deal. Everyone wants to lose their breath over some Kate Beckinsale right.
gentle now the tender breeze blows, whispers through my Gran Torino, whistling another tired song, engine humms and bitter dreams grow, heart locked in a Gran Torino, it beats a lonely rhythm all night long
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      07-07-2009, 10:29 PM   #17
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Been in your shoes very recently, its a tough decision because no matter what you do it will always feel like you are making the wrong choice. You pretty much have two choices though, end it now or drag it out for a while but it doesn't sound like there is a future with this one.

You also have to look at what you want out of the relationship, if your just looking for some fun and your current girl meets that requirement then great. But if your looking for more than that, like a future wife, then keep looking my friend.
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      07-08-2009, 12:45 AM   #18
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your coming out of the closet.

but in all seriousness, if you dont feel like you really want to be with her forever, find another girl that give you that tingle.
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      07-08-2009, 01:09 AM   #19
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you grow older and learn more and harder to open up because ur afraid to get hurt again!

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      07-08-2009, 06:16 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by karliejai View Post
you grow older and learn more and harder to open up because ur afraid to get hurt again!
Quoted For Truth
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