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      06-20-2012, 09:48 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Maestro View Post
As someone point out M$ is attempting to show whether you are on a phone, tablet or desktop the environment will be the same and familiar to you and thus going between them is easier than other solutions.
It's more than that, it's about the ecosystem behind that concept as well.

And guess what? If it shows progress, that means Apple and the *nix crew will also pursue this concept. Everybody wins in that case.

Right now though the biggest hurdle are ISPs and cell providers with their caps.
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      06-20-2012, 10:03 AM   #24

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Originally Posted by ragingclue View Post
It's more than that, it's about the ecosystem behind that concept as well.

And guess what? If it shows progress, that means Apple and the *nix crew will also pursue this concept. Everybody wins in that case.

Right now though the biggest hurdle are ISPs and cell providers with their caps.
they have no Ecosystem behind it, they fail to establish that part over the years. The issue M$ and everyone has against apple is the huge cost to convert form the Apple ecosystem to someone else's. People are not willing to through out what they have to convert to something less than what they have today.

It like going from a gas car to electric, the ecosystem for electric cars just does not exist and what exist if not convenient or cost affective.
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      06-20-2012, 10:08 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Maestro View Post
they have no Ecosystem behind it
The ecosystem behind a concept doesn't yet exist?


Cloud computing and Big Data are here. The existing ecosystems will require major overhaul to fully, thoroughly, and completely take advantage of this. That's what M$ is doing here with Win8.

Will it work? I don't know, I'm no expert and I'm certainly not a fortune teller. But it will be fun to watch at least.
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      06-20-2012, 10:23 AM   #26
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lmao, they cant touch apple.
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      06-20-2012, 11:18 AM   #27
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I feel the personal computing is yet to take a radical shift. With the advent of cloud computing(I hate this term), abstraction of your the majority hardware is eminent.

This is how I envision it:

In Corporate world: No more desktops. Just screen and keyboard. A network cable plugs to you monitor and it is simply show ur login screen. You were working on a Excel file, Now with a click-of button you move it to work on your laptop/tablet. The data mobility is highly enhanced and is well withing boundaries. No more desktop problems. Simplified administration, low hardware costs, less maintenance, no labor to move things around. This kind of computing is almost here, but still needs to refine. My $company partially does this.

In personal world: You just carry something like a screen as well. You have your own private cloud that runs Mobile OS, Windows OS or say Mac OS. You choose which over suits you and just work on it. No more shredding money on $2000 macbooks or $700 iPhones.

For this to happen, we need an omnipresence of high-speed data connectivity, which is on its way. Along with that ability to switch to offline mode, similar to ones Gmail/Google Docs.

I know all you privacy paranoid folks would be loathing this, but it can be addressed without compromising the function.

My $0.02
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      06-20-2012, 11:57 AM   #28

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Fuck Apple.
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      06-20-2012, 01:30 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by PSUSMU View Post

Fuck Apple.
Yes, they are forcing every other computer company to get on their level, keep hating lol
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      06-20-2012, 01:36 PM   #30

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Originally Posted by capriguy84 View Post
I feel the personal computing is yet to take a radical shift. With the advent of cloud computing(I hate this term), abstraction of your the majority hardware is eminent.

This is how I envision it:

In Corporate world: No more desktops. Just screen and keyboard. A network cable plugs to you monitor and it is simply show ur login screen. You were working on a Excel file, Now with a click-of button you move it to work on your laptop/tablet. The data mobility is highly enhanced and is well withing boundaries. No more desktop problems. Simplified administration, low hardware costs, less maintenance, no labor to move things around. This kind of computing is almost here, but still needs to refine. My $company partially does this.

In personal world: You just carry something like a screen as well. You have your own private cloud that runs Mobile OS, Windows OS or say Mac OS. You choose which over suits you and just work on it. No more shredding money on $2000 macbooks or $700 iPhones.

For this to happen, we need an omnipresence of high-speed data connectivity, which is on its way. Along with that ability to switch to offline mode, similar to ones Gmail/Google Docs.

I know all you privacy paranoid folks would be loathing this, but it can be addressed without compromising the function.

My $0.02
yeah we returning to the days of Mainframe computers which you had a terminal and keyboard.

To you point this is the direction, where all the programs exist in the network or server farms and you use a basic device to interact with those services and all your personal content and information will be stored not on your device but at some server farm.

To your comment about privacy, do you really want your check book and personal files stored outside your own home on a public network. Think about this, what if there is a breach and someone get their hands on it. Yeah someone can break into your home as well. But most home thieves are not that bright to dig through your computer files and if you encrypt them that will stop most home thieve from get your information. However, hacker are smart and they will get your information because they know how too.

Next what happens when you stop pay your cloud service. Can you get your stuff back how long will they keep it, we know google keep everything. Then if you not paying, you give away your privacy and allow them to mine your data. This is something I do not understand why people would give away their privacy for free email and storage of information.
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      06-20-2012, 01:42 PM   #31

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Originally Posted by justinnum1 View Post
Yes, they are forcing every other computer company to get on their level, keep hating lol
The only thing I hate more than Apple is an Apple fanboy.
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      06-20-2012, 02:19 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by PSUSMU View Post
The only thing I hate more than Apple is an Apple fanboy.
TBH, I would like Apple if it wasn't for Apple fanbois. I know a lot of people who feel the same way.

But that's the way it is for all these OSes and mobile OSes these days. Fanbois galore, and nobody has any clue what they're arguing about in most cases. It's hilarious.
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      06-20-2012, 02:23 PM   #33

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Originally Posted by PSUSMU View Post
Completely inaccurate!!!

Missing the kick-stand ...
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      06-20-2012, 02:42 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by capriguy84 View Post
I feel the personal computing is yet to take a radical shift. With the advent of cloud computing(I hate this term), abstraction of your the majority hardware is eminent.

This is how I envision it:

In Corporate world: No more desktops. Just screen and keyboard. A network cable plugs to you monitor and it is simply show ur login screen. You were working on a Excel file, Now with a click-of button you move it to work on your laptop/tablet. The data mobility is highly enhanced and is well withing boundaries. No more desktop problems. Simplified administration, low hardware costs, less maintenance, no labor to move things around. This kind of computing is almost here, but still needs to refine. My $company partially does this.

In personal world: You just carry something like a screen as well. You have your own private cloud that runs Mobile OS, Windows OS or say Mac OS. You choose which over suits you and just work on it. No more shredding money on $2000 macbooks or $700 iPhones.

For this to happen, we need an omnipresence of high-speed data connectivity, which is on its way. Along with that ability to switch to offline mode, similar to ones Gmail/Google Docs.

I know all you privacy paranoid folks would be loathing this, but it can be addressed without compromising the function.

My $0.02
"The Cloud" is just the wonderful marketing language that somebody came up with so it sounded "sexy" pretty much everybody who cares, knows what it is.

In the corporate world, there is starting to be more and more VDI (exactly what you are talking about) and as BYOD becomes more and more accepted and possible, so will the rest of what you are talking about. The main issue with the VDI environment currently is the tolerance that most people have for speed of things. Nobody wants to wait 20 seconds for something that they have become used to waiting for 2 for.

The home user would have to be able to build their "private cloud" to be able to effectively use it. Of course, this will open the opportunity for new businesses that would do that for you, but that is beside the point. I personally use a VDI environment in my house, simply because I can manage it much easier on the road when my kids do something they shouldn't. This also gives me the ability to have more than 1 OS running at all times (which some people will never understand) and can seamlessly switch between them. I have the ability to access this from anywhere, anytime, and do whatever I needed before the days of each family member having their own computer. Of course, this is only possible because I work in the IT industry and have access to all of this much more easily than the standard home user.

Security is a personal thing, many people still have a hard time grasping what they need to do for security on their home networks, this is probably just education on it needed to catch up, but it is still truth today. The "hybrid cloud" model can help with some of this as things move forward, where the most sensitive things are kept in your more secure, private cloud and the stuff that is less important can be available with more ease.
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      06-20-2012, 02:55 PM   #35

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"The Cloud" is something idiots call what the rest of us call "The Internet".
Originally Posted by ragingclue View Post
TBH, I would like Apple if it wasn't for Apple fanbois. I know a lot of people who feel the same way.
But that's the way it is for all these OSes and mobile OSes these days. Fanbois galore, and nobody has any clue what they're arguing about in most cases. It's hilarious.
Also, Apple people that buy a $2200 MacBook Pro and don't utilize even 20% of its potential. They think they are tech savvy and that buying the bigger model will help them word process and surf pr0n faster.
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      06-20-2012, 06:01 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by PSUSMU View Post
The only thing I hate more than Apple is an Apple fanboy.
Cool story.
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      06-20-2012, 08:53 PM   #37
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      06-21-2012, 10:34 AM   #38

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^ that video says it all, man they even copied Steves words, really they could not even come up with their own script. They even mirror how steve would bring others other to demo features.

So what are these companies going to do in a few years when they can not copy steve anymore, that is so pathetic that is for sure.
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      06-21-2012, 10:58 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by Maestro View Post
^ that video says it all, man they even copied Steves words, really they could not even come up with their own script. They even mirror how steve would bring others other to demo features.

So what are these companies going to do in a few years when they can not copy steve anymore, that is so pathetic that is for sure.
I also base all of my important purchases and decisions off of how original the launch script is. It's the most intelligent way of discerning which product actually does the job better.
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      06-21-2012, 03:54 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Maestro View Post
^ that video says it all, man they even copied Steves words, really they could not even come up with their own script. They even mirror how steve would bring others other to demo features.

So what are these companies going to do in a few years when they can not copy steve anymore, that is so pathetic that is for sure.
OH YEA!! Sure he did, look who copied the original Idea!!

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      06-21-2012, 04:06 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by capriguy84 View Post
OH YEA!! Sure he did, look who copied the original Idea!!

and I believe Apple came out with the Newton before Bill Gates came out with the tablet PC. Point?

Apple has never really created an "original idea." What they did was take an original idea and simply make it better and more useable.

But this thread isn't about Apple. No point in brining them up here. (not talking about you capri, but everyone else).
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      06-21-2012, 09:17 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by capriguy84 View Post
OH YEA!! Sure he did, look who copied the original Idea!!

This comparison isn't really even valid. Microsoft added stylus sensing drivers to XP, created one note, and added some handwriting recognition. At the end of the day, it was still XP. What they didn't do was create an entire operating system that worked for the finger (or stylus).
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      06-21-2012, 10:36 PM   #43
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Anyway, coming back to the OP. what can go beyond tablets??

Are we going to see the day, where we use gestures to communicate with devices like kinect? Reminds me of sign-language. But still interesting!

Or go purely voice!! Like Apple portrayed moving towards a eyes-free calling & control. Imagine walking in times square and all you hear is people talking to themselves! I hate handsfree Bluetooth for same reason, just doesn't seen like I m talking. But that's just me!
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