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      11-16-2015, 12:28 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Kwando View Post
I'm Canadian and completely against it for reasons that's in addition to the potential security threat.

I'm not fully aware of the plan's details but from what I've read/heard on the news is that it consists of providing X amount of dollars to every refugee for basic necessities plus temporary housing until they can find them permanent housing. Meanwhile, we already have countless low-income families who could benefit from those funds and those who are on (multiple) year-long waiting lists for housing. We have enough problems that need to be sorted out first, imo.
You nailed it on the bullseye !
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      11-16-2015, 12:31 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by C5driver
Originally Posted by ASBSECU E93 View Post is almost impossible to stop this from happening.
I'd like to believe that an event of the magnitude and scale of 09/11 has not happened in our country for the past 14 years because of our intelligence services and the tools we have provided to them in the form of the Patriot Act.

A small scale attack on a church or mall, perhaps, but a coordinated attack like Paris, with several elements...probably and hopefully not.
IMO - I think the main challenge is that we are always reactive with regard to intelligence.

Some media is reporting new 'dark' channels for IS to communicate that we know nothing about.
Originally Posted by Lups View Post
She stood there. Pointed a finger at me and laughed at me. That damn bitch.
Originally Posted by Lups View Post
Poop shit, shit and poop. I'm mildly angry now.
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      11-16-2015, 12:39 PM   #25
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I would try to look at it from the bright side. Out of those 25k, there has to be a handful who are good hockey/lacrosse players.
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      11-16-2015, 01:21 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by ASBSECU E93 View Post
IMO - I think the main challenge is that we are always reactive with regard to intelligence.
Yes...and to stay ahead, whether it's homegrown nutjobs or foreign agents.

Originally Posted by ASBSECU E93 View Post
Some media is reporting new 'dark' channels for IS to communicate that we know nothing about.
They must have one hell of an IT dept...
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      11-16-2015, 02:38 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Mr Tonka
I typically don't comment on these types of issues. I would love to see a world where people of all nations peacefully coexist with each other. But that's not the reality we live in. Because of that, I'm personally against bringing any muslim refuges to North America.

I see a very small portion of everyday muslim life while getting a disproportional amount of everyday life for the muslim extremist. But often times perception becomes reality. If every terrorist attack we see in the news was perpetrated by Inuit tribesmen and every public beheading was perpetrated by Inuit tribesmen and every public execution was perpetrated by Inuit tribesmen and every time the person lighting the match to burn someone alive in a cage was an Inuit tribesmen, like it or not, we'd all develop a mistrust of Inuit tribesmen. That's just human nature, but when you couple that with the known intent of the muslim minority extremest, which is to destroy western civilization. I'd just prefer we play it as better safe than sorry at this point in time. BTW, the muslim extremist "minority" currently is upwards of 157,000,000 (almost half the US population) We can do a lot to help their situation in their own country. I don't think bringing them here is necessary.

There is a long video floating around on social media about muslim refuges. The video most certainly has propaganda within it and i'm almost certain not all of the video clips used are of muslim refuges. But on the other hand, i don't really doubt the actual claim of the video. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle, but in order to open peoples eyes and gain interest it's been sensationalized.

Edit: Just found it on a FAR right wing nut site. But i still don't necessarily refute the overall message. I'm all for helping those in need, domestic and internationally, INCLUDING muslim refuges, but not in North America, not in this current political world climate. It seems that almost all people and religions can coexist together except for one, one that cant seem to peacefully coexist with any other. I also believe there is a lot to be said about the difference between a muslim person and muslim people. Much in the same way that a person with bigoted tendencies can be reasoned with, but people with bigoted tendencies, not so much.

Again, don't judge me for the video! It's just information, process it as you see fit.
That video showed me a world I had no idea existed...true eye opener.
Thanks for sharing!
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      11-16-2015, 02:53 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by C5driver View Post
Yes...and to stay ahead, whether it's homegrown nutjobs or foreign agents.

They must have one hell of an IT dept...
"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
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      11-16-2015, 02:57 PM   #29

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Originally Posted by Needbmwpartzz View Post
That video showed me a world I had no idea existed...true eye opener.
Thanks for sharing!
Show that video to Trudeau and he still won't get it. This guy will do anything "right or wrong" to win votes. We are in for a rough ride with him behind the drivers seat.
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      11-16-2015, 04:09 PM   #30
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In that controversial video, the message I retrieve is that they immigrate, get bored and frustrated, intimidate the locals + raise hell. Eventually they marry local women and have as much children as possible, then eventually outnumber and terrorize out the locals (violence, rape, murder) ...

In one interview, someone blaming the US/United Nations for causing the massive immigration away from the troubled countries. "US bombs these places, we pick up the refugees ..."

Wow... What do you guys think - propaganda or reality?

What a messed up world we live in ...
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Last edited by dcaron9999; 11-16-2015 at 04:17 PM..
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      11-16-2015, 04:12 PM   #31
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There is no way to screen most of them, period. Doesn't matter if you have 6 mos. or 1 week to do background checks. There is either no data on many of them or no way to know who they really are. So you either take them in with a best effort on filtering out known terrorists and live with the resulting risk or you do your best to keep them out (easier in North America than Europe). There is no good answer to the problem. The entire world is completely unprepared, the result of poor strategy and a complete lack of planning. So here we are.
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      11-16-2015, 06:12 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by dcaron9999
In that controversial video, the message I retrieve is that they immigrate, get bored and frustrated, intimidate the locals + raise hell. Eventually they marry local women and have as much children as possible, then eventually outnumber and terrorize out the locals (violence, rape, murder) ...

In one interview, someone blaming the US/United Nations for causing the massive immigration away from the troubled countries. "US bombs these places, we pick up the refugees ..."

Wow... What do you guys think - propaganda or reality?

What a messed up world we live in ...
Looks like it's a bit propaganda and biased truth.
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      11-16-2015, 06:51 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Needbmwpartzz View Post
Curious to heard thoughts/opinions/concerns and rants on this?
Canadian also chime in if you feel.
I certainly don't think this is a smooth move.....sure we loved to be thought of as a humanitarian country but I think we should help in any way we can from here without taking them in(why will no one closer take them?)
Help them with money/food shelter and help them establish a more stable form of gov't but to just totally transplant them into our culture would be a mistake IMHO.
Into your culture? Excuse my ignorance but what is exactly your culture? And why do you want an American point of view on this decision?
We just got rid of Harper for a reason. If majority of Canadians wanted an American point of view, Harper would still be in office!!

I'm not gonna get into the whole immigrants issues in Canada, that'd be for another day, but the question you posted is just hair raising...
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      11-16-2015, 07:06 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Ali Shiralian
Originally Posted by Needbmwpartzz View Post
Curious to heard thoughts/opinions/concerns and rants on this?
Canadian also chime in if you feel.
I certainly don't think this is a smooth move.....sure we loved to be thought of as a humanitarian country but I think we should help in any way we can from here without taking them in(why will no one closer take them?)
Help them with money/food shelter and help them establish a more stable form of gov't but to just totally transplant them into our culture would be a mistake IMHO.
Into your culture? Excuse my ignorance but what is exactly your culture? And why do you want an American point of view on this decision?
We just got rid of Harper for a reason. If majority of Canadians wanted an American point of view, Harper would still be in office!!

I'm not gonna get into the whole immigrants issues in Canada, that'd be for another day, but the question you posted is just hair raising...
What is hair raising?
I just want to get a general view of how American view this matter as opposed to Canadians.
Culture is something that embodies way too much detail to put into words here....but imagine uprooting everything you know and going somewhere that is foreign and you will know what I mean in time.
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      11-16-2015, 07:17 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Mr Tonka View Post
I typically don't comment on these types of issues. I would love to see a world where people of all nations peacefully coexist with each other. But that's not the reality we live in. Because of that, I'm personally against bringing any muslim refuges to North America.

I see a very small portion of everyday muslim life while getting a disproportional amount of everyday life for the muslim extremist. But often times perception becomes reality. If every terrorist attack we see in the news was perpetrated by Inuit tribesmen and every public beheading was perpetrated by Inuit tribesmen and every public execution was perpetrated by Inuit tribesmen and every time the person lighting the match to burn someone alive in a cage was an Inuit tribesmen, like it or not, we'd all develop a mistrust of Inuit tribesmen. That's just human nature, but when you couple that with the known intent of the muslim minority extremest, which is to destroy western civilization. I'd just prefer we play it as better safe than sorry at this point in time. BTW, the muslim extremist "minority" currently is upwards of 157,000,000 (almost half the US population) We can do a lot to help their situation in their own country. I don't think bringing them here is necessary.

There is a long video floating around on social media about muslim refuges. The video most certainly has propaganda within it and i'm almost certain not all of the video clips used are of muslim refuges. But on the other hand, i don't really doubt the actual claim of the video. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle, but in order to open peoples eyes and gain interest it's been sensationalized.

Edit: Just found it on a FAR right wing nut site. But i still don't necessarily refute the overall message. I'm all for helping those in need, domestic and internationally, INCLUDING muslim refuges, but not in North America, not in this current political world climate. It seems that almost all people and religions can coexist together except for one, one that cant seem to peacefully coexist with any other. I also believe there is a lot to be said about the difference between a muslim person and muslim people. Much in the same way that a person with bigoted tendencies can be reasoned with, but people with bigoted tendencies, not so much.

Again, don't judge me for the video! It's just information, process it as you see fit.
I can't find words to describe how I feel....just wow...
Originally Posted by Lups View Post
She stood there. Pointed a finger at me and laughed at me. That damn bitch.
Originally Posted by Lups View Post
Poop shit, shit and poop. I'm mildly angry now.
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      11-16-2015, 08:03 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by dcaron9999 View Post
Very controversial subject for sure ...

Our new prime minister (Justin Trudeau) has a tough initial challenge on his hands. Early last week (before the Paris attack), JT set up a comittee of experts (security, immigration, financial, etc) to determine how to best manage these new Syrian immigrants.

Right now, Canadians are torn between accepting them (people in need), and rejecting them to avoid oppurtunistic infiltration by terrorists. There is actually a petition that just started, to reject the Syrian immigrants. The petition is gaining momentum after the November 13 Paris attack ...

See this article which sums up our current dilemma:
Has JT legalised weed yet ?
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      11-16-2015, 08:08 PM   #37

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Originally Posted by American Dave View Post
Has JT legalised weed yet ?
He said he will legalize it right away. But when asked about the time frame, he said he doesn't have one. He was also asked about % of tax on it, he said he doesn't know yet.

He is truly a man of "just do it" worry about it later.
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      11-16-2015, 08:21 PM   #38

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Mexicans looking pretty good now aren't they...
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      11-16-2015, 08:46 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by dreamingat30fps View Post
Mexicans looking pretty good now aren't they...
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      11-16-2015, 08:47 PM   #40
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What a joke.. No Western country should accept Muslims. History has shown that Muslims cannot co-exist with other religion and cultures. Just look what happened to France. They were one of the few European countries that were friendly to Muslims and they end up biting France in the ass.
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      11-16-2015, 09:11 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Mario_Kart View Post
He said he will legalize it right away. But when asked about the time frame, he said he doesn't have one. He was also asked about % of tax on it, he said he doesn't know yet.

He is truly a man of "just do it" worry about it later.
smoke and mirrors PM
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      11-16-2015, 09:16 PM   #42
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I'm a little scared yes
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      11-16-2015, 09:41 PM   #43
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I'll say one thing, the Republicans in the US are going about it all wrong. Using their religion to halt them from coming in is stupid and will likely fail. Use the statistics, their history, the area they are coming from, pretty much any other excuse, just not their religion. This is America, after all. Also, they can put anything about their religion down on a piece of paper, who knows what the truth is. Most of these people don't have a "background" that can be screened. What are we going to do, waterboard every one of them that comes over here?

I'll be honest, I don't think we (the US) or our friends up north are going to be able to stop this for long, if at all. I see a lot of posts on social media about how these terrorists are living in the stone age and they are idiots, etc... Nope. ISIS and their supporters are smart as hell and they adapt to almost anything. I mean we can talk about percentages all we want... it only took eight assholes to do what they did in Paris. I don't know any government that is so good that they won't screw up at least 10 times out of 25000 (0.04% error), especially not the US.

You can be sure, some are going to slip through the cracks and there's nothing we, as people, can do about it except be prepared. The government has already made their choice without our input. Say I'm crazy, or whatever, that's fine. I'm telling you it's coming, I just know it... These extremists hate us, our lifestyles, and our freedoms and they'll give up their lives to take those things away from us. You can't reason with that, you can't "coexist" with that.
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      11-16-2015, 09:53 PM   #44
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