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      04-05-2016, 06:11 PM   #23

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Originally Posted by ScottSinger View Post
Doctors can get money from drug companies, and if docs have a partnership in scan business

Like other medical device makers, OtisMed marketed directly to providers. And it had a powerful message for them: The OtisKnee would simplify surgery and bring in extra revenue from additional M.R.I. scans, according to Justice Department case filings.

Ornstein continued, "It's illegal to give kickbacks to a doctor to prescribe drugs, but it is legal to give money to doctors to help promote your drug. Some doctors make tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars a year beyond their normal practice just for working with the industry."
Sure there are some unethical doctors out there like in any career. Thats still no reason to make blanket statements about an entire profession. The actual percentage of doctors making money on the side by working with industry to promote medical devices or pharmaceuticals is minuscule. Likely in the single digits. Imagine adding additional work load to an already 60-90hr week.

Doctors legally have to disclose any financial earnings they acquire from industry sources and state disclaimers. It is perfectly fine to use certain products or devices you either are more comfortable using or you believe are the best for your patients. Though you can be sued handsomely and lose your license if its found you are in fact not using said product or device in the best interest of your patients.

Last edited by Gossypiboma; 04-05-2016 at 06:18 PM..
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      04-05-2016, 07:51 PM   #24
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If by kick backs you mean the lunch in the office every now and then, sure. And I guess people would definitely prescribe any number of drugs to get these incredible lunches.

The only guys that get these 'kick backs' are the guys who do the studies, usually working in big shot academic centers. The guys who are prescribing these drugs are usually no more than secretaries or accountants. There is hardly any time left for the real 'clinical' work for most of them.

Originally Posted by David0ff View Post
Hey J,
Sorry to hear about that, most doctors these days are in the business of selling drugs as they get a kick back from it from the big pharma cartels. Some doctors, like any other professionals, are decent caring human beings who will try and help, hopefully your mom can get in touch with one of those guys.

Good for you that you convinced here to not touch that shit.
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      04-06-2016, 08:50 AM   #25
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I think there are many quack doctors, but not because they get kickbacks or other financial compensation, but because they are unwilling to make the effort to stay current with research and therapy AND they resort to medication as the first solution. Nurse practitioners are even worse in that regard, in my experience.

I always ask doctors i trust for recommendations of who they go to.
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      04-06-2016, 09:15 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Gesler View Post
If by kick backs you mean the lunch in the office every now and then, sure. And I guess people would definitely prescribe any number of drugs to get these incredible lunches.

The only guys that get these 'kick backs' are the guys who do the studies, usually working in big shot academic centers. The guys who are prescribing these drugs are usually no more than secretaries or accountants. There is hardly any time left for the real 'clinical' work for most of them.
Most GP's and many internist's only use from 17-21 medications for over 90% of their patients. This has been validated by research in my industry. Further, it takes about 7 visits to a physician to even get them to consider changing their prescribing habits and that is IF and ONLY IF there is a clinical necessity for changing the specific medication. People that think physicians have a monetary motive for prescribing are living in the past. WAY in the past.

Additionally, I will remind everyone to consider that as someone said eloquently, there are bad people in every profession. Unfortunately for physicians, the increased scrutiny because patients' lives are literally on the line, is the cost of doing business.

Lastly I will ask this: Why are the 535 people +1, who are members of the largest exclusive club in the world, and who are proven to be incompetent in their duties involved in making decisions between physicians and patients?

This becomes even more egregious when you consider the fact that they exempted themselves from the rules that govern the land.


Last edited by MKSixer; 04-06-2016 at 09:40 AM..
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      04-06-2016, 09:26 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by MKSixer View Post
Most GP's and many internist's only use from 17-21 medications for over 90% of their patients. This has been validated by research in my industry. Further, it takes about 7 visits to a physician to even get them to consider changing their prescribing habits and that is IF and ONLY IF there is a clinical necessity for changing the specific medication. People that think physicians have a monetary motive for prescribing are living in the past. WAY in the past.

Additionally, I will remind everyone to consider that as someone said eloquently, there are bad people in every profession. Unfortunately for physicians, the increased scrutiny because patients' lives are literally on the line, is the cost of doing business.

Lastly I will ask this: Why are the 535 people +1, who are members of the largest exclusive club in the world ,and who are proven to be incompetent in their duties involved in making decisions between physicians and patients?

This becomes even more egregious when you consider the fact that they exempted themselves from the rules that govern the land.

See, there you go with these "facts" again. Also, it amazes me how many people don't know that they have their own separate healthcare provisions - that they don't use the ones they "created" for the rest of us. Sounds like the "ruling" class mentality, no?
This space for rent.
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      04-06-2016, 09:42 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by jtodd_fl View Post
See, there you go with these "facts" again. Also, it amazes me how many people don't know that they have their own separate healthcare provisions - that they don't use the ones they "created" for the rest of us. Sounds like the "ruling" class mentality, no?
I think that if the average citizen heard some of the insider conversations that the place among their, 'duly elected officials' there would be rioting in the streets.
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      04-06-2016, 09:47 AM   #29
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#clubforlife And once in the "club" don't they get it for life?
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      04-06-2016, 09:50 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by UncleWede View Post
#clubforlife And once in the "club" don't they get it for life?

Sort of like the title, 'Maximum Ruler for Life' for a dictator.
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      04-08-2016, 11:07 AM   #31

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good question;

1> mum Wants to be independent

2> Sis's house has 3 levels, and bedrooms and washroom are on the 3rd,
too many stairs, but I DID ask that

Originally Posted by M3 Number 86 View Post
need to find a different doctor ASAP.

Also why is your mom who can fall at any minute live alone while your sister is also in the UK? I don't get it - one slip and she is gone.
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      04-08-2016, 11:32 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by jaye944
good question;

1> mum Wants to be independent

2> Sis's house has 3 levels, and bedrooms and washroom are on the 3rd,
too many stairs, but I DID ask that

Originally Posted by M3 Number 86 View Post
need to find a different doctor ASAP.

Also why is your mom who can fall at any minute live alone while your sister is also in the UK? I don't get it - one slip and she is gone.
This is a situation you force though.
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      04-08-2016, 12:02 PM   #33

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I sincerely appreciate your post and your points are valid.

that said,

I've had personal experience of a friend who was depressed, and as a diabetic, depression is a very real side effect; let's just say, several things happened at once which saw me being admitted into ER.

Absolutely agree with the "cheer up" comment. To expand, I know that several things are usually helpful, exercise, getting out and about, hobbies, doing things you like. NO not a cure, but these should be explored before handing out AD's like jelly babies.

I certainly didnt tell my mom to shake it off and go out and do something, but I did tell her she needs to make some changes in her lifestyle and also wait for the results of her bloodwork

again, good point made and all totally valid txs

Originally Posted by BigBoosting View Post
The original poster noticeably speaks without experience with depression. The most degrading and ignorant thing you can tell someone who is depressed is to "cheer up" or "get out more".

A 70 year old widow with health issues who also lives alone is a classic example of depression. The only persons that know the conversations that went on in that office are the doctor and your mom. You would be surprised what very close family members do not tell each other but reveal to their physician. Rather than blatantly telling your mom not to take a prescribed medicine, you, your sister, or other family member should attend a doctors visit. To hear all parties concerns and have questions answered. There could have been conversations about severe depression with thoughts of suicide, feeling worthless, not wanting to eat and losing weight, not being able to sleep, wanting to give up. Obviously all very serious issues.
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      04-08-2016, 12:05 PM   #34

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I believe sis is doing this and/or this has been done, certainly after her fall,

txs good tips

Originally Posted by larryn View Post
Call the Social Care department affiliated with the local NHS Trust that is caring for her. If you do not know which trust to contact, call the GP Practice that she is assigned to, and just ask them which NHS Trust they are affiliated with. Most now have programmes specifically for this type of care, where a community nurse is on a schedule to visit your mum on routine basis. They would stop by, assess for fall risk, social wellbeing and mental health.

The best part is that they get to know your mum and are an advocate for making sure the best things happen for her.

Your sister will likely need to be involved and act as a family carer, who is local.
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      04-08-2016, 12:08 PM   #35

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there are some REALLY GREAT doc's I've had treat me, I had a total a$$ wipe crackhead here in Canada, and the diabetic care here is rubbish, my DM team in the UK was the mutts nutts <uk slang for fckung great>

Originally Posted by chillindrdude View Post
I'm a doctor. I get zero kickbacks. Nor want any. And the same among my peers. What I do get is shitload of paperwork and regulations to wade through. Decreasing reimbursement from govt programs and private insurance. Sometimes, unrealistic patient expectations from what's read/posted on the internet.

I still love it.

But blanket generalizations making doctors to be like pariahs/scapegoats/fat cats, are absolute bullshit
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      04-08-2016, 12:11 PM   #36

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yep, your preaching to the choir sir

Originally Posted by M3 Number 86 View Post
This is a situation you force though.
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