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      10-28-2016, 06:41 AM   #177
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Originally Posted by swagon View Post


I was browsing tumblr the other night, just random things (never again), and I came across a page that had women who are actively gaining weight because they want to be fat. Why would people want to do that to themselves?! Smh the world is going downhill fo real.


Fa serrus?!?! In America though, right?
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      10-28-2016, 09:21 AM   #178
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Originally Posted by InternetFame View Post

Fa serrus?!?! In America though, right?
Ya, for real, man. I guess in America, yeah. Maybe somewhere else, too. Idiots are everywhere.
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      10-28-2016, 09:47 AM   #179
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So the talk about 50 years ago, society was so different when I was born.

(As I wipe the cheese paper and slurp another gulp of large pumpkin spice latte)

Coffee was coffee. The freaks put milk and sugar.

I walked to school until I got a car at age 16. 2 miles thru 6th grade. 2.5 in junior high. 3.5 in HS. (uphill, both ways, thru 10 feet of snow barefoot in SoCal)

When the majority of people went to work, they DID something. Intellectual products where a thing of the future.

McD's told you how many millions they had served AS A CORPORATION. They don't have that much room on signs any more

There were no gaming consoles. You played hide/seek with all the neighbors, and came home when the street lights came on. You were outside, in weather, every day unless you were sick.





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      10-28-2016, 09:50 AM   #180
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Originally Posted by UncleWede View Post

I walked to school until I got a car at age 16. 2 miles thru 6th grade. 2.5 in junior high. 3.5 in HS. (uphill, both ways, thru 10 feet of snow barefoot in SoCal)

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      10-28-2016, 10:03 AM   #181
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Originally Posted by InternetFame View Post
<sarcasm> ... <\sarcasm> just doesn't seem to work on this board
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      10-28-2016, 10:04 AM   #182
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Originally Posted by UncleWede View Post
<sarcasm> ... <\sarcasm> just doesn't seem to work on this board

Lol I just created this account to troll with. I am aware of your tactics.
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      10-28-2016, 10:05 AM   #183
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Yep I lived in SD and walled to school in a lot of snow. About a mile and home was uphill.
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      10-28-2016, 10:07 AM   #184
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and continuing my rant. 50 years ago, if you were lucky, there was one Piggly-Wiggly in town. Now you have 17 different grocery franchises, plus a few of the local Hispanic centers, competing for your waistline. The sheer abundance of choices, most of them poor, is enough to raise your BMI.

I love me some Mac/Cheese, but it used to be limiting in that I had to boil a pot of water, then cook the noodles, then mix in that AMZING cheese powder, some butter, and milk. Now all I have to do is fill water to line, place in microwave for 2 minutes, and enjoy.
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      10-28-2016, 10:08 AM   #185
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Originally Posted by 1MOREMOD View Post
Yep I lived in SD and walled to school in a lot of snow. About a mile and home was uphill.
Not THAT kind of snow
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      10-28-2016, 10:37 AM   #186

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Originally Posted by Mr Tonka View Post
All addictions are difficult to kick and for the most part people who overcome additions do so by completely abstaining from their addiction. Look at Axius for instance. He's addicted to strip clubs. He spends every night there, spends hundreds each night in hopes of taking one, ANY of the stripers home, especially the midget ones. After his car, bike and home were repossessed and foreclosed on he realized he had a problem. But because the addiction is so strong, he can't just cut back to 3 nights a week with a $25 dollar limit. The draw is too strong and he'll spend far more than that each night. So he abstains from all the clubs all the time because allowing himself a little always turns into partaking too much.

*cries in a dark corner*
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      10-28-2016, 12:05 PM   #187
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Originally Posted by Beartato View Post
You should write a health book, because apparently you have all the answers for weight loss

I'm well aware of what the size means.

Just as a little background on me, I'm in the military, and while my main job isn't fitness I've always played an active roll in it for the last decade. I've mentored a lot of people to pass their fitness test, whether they were too big, too weak, unmotivated or whatever reason under the sun these people couldn't run or do strength training.

The Air Force fitness test isn't the hardest thing to pass, but I've done my homework on weight and health, I've seen all kinds of body types run the test and do fine. Weight isn't the absolute indicator of health, it's more of where it's at. Obesity isn't ok, and weight concentrated around the abdomen isn't ok, but if someone has a little weight on the hips or in the arms it isn't gonna give them diabetes or a heart attack.

I've known plenty of women you guys here would dismiss as fat and lazy who go to the gym everyday and eat right. They're not unhealthy by any measure but only to the judgmental eye of someone shallow. I feel for these girls who bust their asses in the name of health but still are seen as fat by the general population.
I've actually had more than a few people suggest (without your sarcasm) that I write a book about weight loss.

I applaud you for being a fitness mentor. But you just don't seem to get it.....

It's not about busting your ass. It's about not over eating. A person with a regular 9 to 5 job CAN'T OUT EXERCISE A BAD DIET. My wife's best friend, 4'11" weighs 117 with flat stomach, fat hips, fat arms. Even though she's about 13 pounds overweight, she's not unhealthy from a weight perspective. But in regards to eating and wine consumption, she is somewhat unhealthy. The reason she can't lose the weight has nothing to do with her swimming 2 miles a week, running an average of 20 miles a week while also biking an average of 120miles a week. It mainly has to do with her excessive wine consumption, however her poor food choices and unsteady diet are contributors as well. On average, she drinks 16-18oz of wine each night. Some days she eats potato chips and pastries, other days she eats veggies and protein smoothies while other days she doesn't eat anything. In her eyes she should be losing, but her body doesn't know what to do other than process the poison she regularly drinks.

Among other nutrients, our livers process the lion's share of poison we ingest. When it is over loaded it throws what it can't process into fat cells for later processing. If you don't have fat cells, it will trigger your body to create some. Our livers not only view alcohol as poison but the vast majority of the processed food we eat is viewed as poison by your liver and is processed accordingly. When toxins are present, those take top priority and everything else gets put on back burner (fat cells) The fact that she had decided cows and other animals that provide meat are too cute to eat, she's increased her processed food intake and because of this, coupled with her wine intake, she has not seen any weight loss even though her calorie content is lower than it was before.

So in some instances, yes, calories in vs calories out doesn't work. But its still because of decisions we make. In this particular case above, she's well aware that cutting out her wine will ensure better liver health and increased metabolization of her fat since it's no longer needed.

In terms of feeling your best, performing at your highest level and recovering from intense exercise, everyone's ideal macro nutrient intake is specific to them. But in terms of losing weight, eating less calories than what you burn, in the form of a relatively clean diet, guarantees weight loss.

About judgement, if all those selfies and pics in question were of the same women in exercise clothes, working out, jogging, on a treadmill or stair climber; everyone's comments would be different.

I along with several people posting in this thread have recently lost upwards or more than 50 pounds each. And every one of us did it through diet. Every one of us, including those who haven't recently lost weight would be nothing but encouraging to anyone of any size if they were making an effort to better their health. Exercise is wonderful for muscular, joint and cardiovascular health. But the other organs become healthy or unhealthy due to a person's diet. And if they want to lose weight, the need to put as much effort into controlling their diet as they do into going to the gym.
"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
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      10-28-2016, 12:16 PM   #188
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TL; DR but I know it's accurate tbh.
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      10-28-2016, 01:05 PM   #189
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Originally Posted by InternetFame View Post
TL; DR but I know it's accurate tbh.
Lazy ass.
"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
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      10-28-2016, 06:19 PM   #190
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Originally Posted by Germanauto View Post
I am as free market and pro-America as it gets, but I'll concede that one of the downsides of our free market system is the incentive to cash in on making people fat. I'm not placing the blame squarely on fast food companies, Nabisco, etc. and the lot, as I am a firm believer in personal responsibility. But these companies certainly make it easier for people to become unhealthy.

Again though, the responsibility falls more on people to make better life decisions. I love McDonalds and Chic fil a too, but it's not something I eat often.
Success isn't easy. If it was easy to improve in situations then everyone would be successful.

Most people don't even realize the actual position that they are in. Therefore, how can they think to get themselves out of it.

I realize the position that I am in. Therefore, I am able to understand what is necessary to get out of that position, however, I choose to do otherwise.
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      10-28-2016, 06:23 PM   #191
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Originally Posted by InternetFame View Post
TL; DR but I know it's accurate tbh.
Originally Posted by Mr Tonka View Post
Lazy ass.
If reading burned calories, I would be super skinny after reading the first paragraph of that novel.
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      10-28-2016, 06:27 PM   #192

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Maybe this is normal in America (wtf America) but as a non American those women are all obese and not attractive at all. I'm 5"11 and 160lbs. I would want a partner around the same (preferably shorter/lighter as typically men should be the larger one). FYI I don't even really make that much of an effort, I don't really excercise much but I guess I just don't eat 2000 calorie fast food meals 3x a day.
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      10-29-2016, 03:10 PM   #193
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Originally Posted by Mr Tonka View Post
I've actually had more than a few people suggest (without your sarcasm) that I write a book about weight loss.

I applaud you for being a fitness mentor. But you just don't seem to get it.....

It's not about busting your ass. It's about not over eating. A person with a regular 9 to 5 job CAN'T OUT EXERCISE A BAD DIET. My wife's best friend, 4'11" weighs 117 with flat stomach, fat hips, fat arms. Even though she's about 13 pounds overweight, she's not unhealthy from a weight perspective. But in regards to eating and wine consumption, she is somewhat unhealthy. The reason she can't lose the weight has nothing to do with her swimming 2 miles a week, running an average of 20 miles a week while also biking an average of 120miles a week. It mainly has to do with her excessive wine consumption, however her poor food choices and unsteady diet are contributors as well. On average, she drinks 16-18oz of wine each night. Some days she eats potato chips and pastries, other days she eats veggies and protein smoothies while other days she doesn't eat anything. In her eyes she should be losing, but her body doesn't know what to do other than process the poison she regularly drinks.

Among other nutrients, our livers process the lion's share of poison we ingest. When it is over loaded it throws what it can't process into fat cells for later processing. If you don't have fat cells, it will trigger your body to create some. Our livers not only view alcohol as poison but the vast majority of the processed food we eat is viewed as poison by your liver and is processed accordingly. When toxins are present, those take top priority and everything else gets put on back burner (fat cells) The fact that she had decided cows and other animals that provide meat are too cute to eat, she's increased her processed food intake and because of this, coupled with her wine intake, she has not seen any weight loss even though her calorie content is lower than it was before.

So in some instances, yes, calories in vs calories out doesn't work. But its still because of decisions we make. In this particular case above, she's well aware that cutting out her wine will ensure better liver health and increased metabolization of her fat since it's no longer needed.

In terms of feeling your best, performing at your highest level and recovering from intense exercise, everyone's ideal macro nutrient intake is specific to them. But in terms of losing weight, eating less calories than what you burn, in the form of a relatively clean diet, guarantees weight loss.

About judgement, if all those selfies and pics in question were of the same women in exercise clothes, working out, jogging, on a treadmill or stair climber; everyone's comments would be different.

I along with several people posting in this thread have recently lost upwards or more than 50 pounds each. And every one of us did it through diet. Every one of us, including those who haven't recently lost weight would be nothing but encouraging to anyone of any size if they were making an effort to better their health. Exercise is wonderful for muscular, joint and cardiovascular health. But the other organs become healthy or unhealthy due to a person's diet. And if they want to lose weight, the need to put as much effort into controlling their diet as they do into going to the gym.
Totally fam, I gotcha. On a basic level, yes everyone can lose weight by changing their diet and exercising.

I was thinking about this discussion yesterday (didn't get a chance to get on the forums though) and so we're on the same page, you're saying everyone can be skinny if they really wanted to, by hitting the gym and eating what'd be considered healthy for them (after consulting a dietitian or something), and that's great, I'm 100% behind that logic.

What I'm saying is while yes that is true, it isn't that easy for everyone. I'd put money down the girls in the article aren't necessarily eating unhealthy, their body's just processes and stores fat differently than someone who is more inclined to be skinny (yes, shocker, that is a thing), and there's nothing wrong with that. Why should those women who are naturally bigger be punished having to go to the gym for hours at a time and eating kale everyday because society deems it unattractive/assumed unhealthy (you can't tell someone's health in a picture, only assume). Not everyone is a fitness nut like we are. Why can't women be happy with how their body is and live life how they want?

Of course, with that last sentence comes the standard caveat about if the bulk is in the abdomen and/or they're pushing over 30 BMI it's time to get help.

I've mentored plenty of people into shape, both male and female, I do get it. I get it to the point that yeah some of these people could loose a few pounds, but they're running well and can lift fine so why force a drastic change in their diet if they're within a health range for fitness and weight? Because society deems them unattractive?

My point, overall, is this isn't about health, that's a scapegoat to ostracize these women because they don't fit the "ideal" body type, this is purely about physical attractiveness and how it upsets the status quo as these women are fine with how they are instead of feeling shamed in the corner.
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      10-29-2016, 03:17 PM   #194
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Those who don't have time for exercise and proper diet better put aside time for disease and disability.
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      10-29-2016, 03:25 PM   #195
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Originally Posted by 1MOREMOD View Post
Those who don't have time for exercise and proper diet better put aside time for disease and disability.
If they're obese, yes. Think about the animal kingdom, being bigger is a sign of health (obesity is still bad, of course). The idea that you have to be thin to be healthy is purely a societal construct.
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      10-29-2016, 03:34 PM   #196
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Yesh if you say so. What's attractive can help you reproduce and pass on your genes if we wanna go there so fat ugly people are still doing it wrong.
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      10-30-2016, 11:57 PM   #197
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Originally Posted by Beartato View Post
Totally fam, I gotcha. On a basic level, yes everyone can lose weight by changing their diet and exercising.

I was thinking about this discussion yesterday (didn't get a chance to get on the forums though) and so we're on the same page, you're saying everyone can be skinny if they really wanted to, by hitting the gym and eating what'd be considered healthy for them (after consulting a dietitian or something), and that's great, I'm 100% behind that logic.

What I'm saying is while yes that is true, it isn't that easy for everyone. I'd put money down the girls in the article aren't necessarily eating unhealthy, their body's just processes and stores fat differently than someone who is more inclined to be skinny (yes, shocker, that is a thing), and there's nothing wrong with that. Why should those women who are naturally bigger be punished having to go to the gym for hours at a time and eating kale everyday because society deems it unattractive/assumed unhealthy (you can't tell someone's health in a picture, only assume). Not everyone is a fitness nut like we are. Why can't women be happy with how their body is and live life how they want?

Of course, with that last sentence comes the standard caveat about if the bulk is in the abdomen and/or they're pushing over 30 BMI it's time to get help.

I've mentored plenty of people into shape, both male and female, I do get it. I get it to the point that yeah some of these people could loose a few pounds, but they're running well and can lift fine so why force a drastic change in their diet if they're within a health range for fitness and weight? Because society deems them unattractive?

My point, overall, is this isn't about health, that's a scapegoat to ostracize these women because they don't fit the "ideal" body type, this is purely about physical attractiveness and how it upsets the status quo as these women are fine with how they are instead of feeling shamed in the corner.
There are outliers and exceptions to every rule. For MOST, a well controlled diet will manage your weight and create good overall health without exercise.

And my point, overall, IS about health. It's not a scapegoat for anything. There are plenty of people who are within your "healthy weight range" who are very unhealthy even though they run well and lift.

The bottom line is that the majority of Americans are unhealthy due to poor diet and lack of exercise. In terms of over all organ health and losing weight, diet is king. Exercise is king for cardiovascular / heart health.

Want to lose weight? The advice most often given is to diet and exercise, but it turns out that one aspect is far more important than the other. While both are key to living a long, healthy life, ultimately, nutrition experts say you can’t outrun a poor diet.

The reality is that the only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you take in, which is nearly impossible to do unless you change your eating habits. “A pound of fat is 3,500 calories,” says Wayne Andersen, co-founder and medical director of the weight-loss coaching program Take Shape for Life. “Running a marathon burns 2,600 calories. That’s how ineffective exercise is for losing weight.”

That’s not to say that exercise isn’t important – but if you absolutely have to choose between the two, the evidence is clear that diet plays a much bigger role in weight loss. “It’s so easy to consume large doses of calories when something like a burger and fries can have more than 1,200 calories,” says Angela Fitch, ​director of Medical Weight Loss at the University of Cincinnati Health Weight Loss Center. “The only way you’re going to lose weight is to be more mindful of your calories, because we are notoriously poor at estimating how many calories we consume.”

So how many calories should we be eating? Probably a lot less than you think, Fitch says. “Women should be eating around 1,500 calories per day to lose weight, men a little more,” she says. “The key to sticking to that limit is eating many more fruits and vegetables.”

And while going to the gym will help you burn more calories, Andersen says, most people tend to put the calories right back on, almost negating their workout. “When you go to the gym and burn off 400 calories and then go eat a 1,000-calorie dinner, you wasted your time,” he says.

One calorie bomb that Fitch advises people to cut out of their diet is beer. “A craft beer can have upwards of 500 calories,” she says. “It’s easy to drink that in 10 minutes, but it’s not easy to burn off. You’d have to do two to three hours of walking, or spend more than an hour on the bike.”

Another way of looking at calories is by what they equate to in ​healthy food, Fitch says. “500 calories is a lot of apples,” she says. “You’d be very full from eating that much fruit, but you’re not when you drink those calories in a beer. It’s just more of a reason to increase your intake of healthy food.”

And as a bonus, decreasing your calories and increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables offers double the benefit. “You get so much more bang for your buck,” Fitch says. “You’ll lose weight and get all the health benefits of these foods.”

Once you have your diet down, adding exercise can help you see results faster, Fitch says. “People who do 150 minutes of physical activity per week lose more than those who don’t,” she says. “The most interesting part is that the time is additive." So someone who works out in five 10-minute intervals would see the same benefit as someone who works out for 50 minutes straight.

For that reason, it’s easier and more sustainable to make lifestyle changes rather than sign up for the gym, which many people stop going to after only a few months. “Start taking the stairs every day, or park a little further from work," Fitch says. "These things add up and eventually become a healthy habit.”

In the end, losing weight is about small victories – everything you do adds up to create meaningful change, Andersen says. “It’s very difficult, but you can do it,” he says. “It requires time and effort, but the payoff is huge.”

But back to the article and photos that brought this thread to life, tell me which of those 29 women are at a healthy weight range. As far as i can see, maybe 2 fit the description of possibly being healthy while being over weight.

The thing is, if those women pictured were eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly, they wouldn't look they way they do.
"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
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