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      11-01-2017, 12:08 PM   #155
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Originally Posted by bbbbmw View Post
Build. The. Wall.
Yes, the USA<->Uzbekistan Wall is overdue
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      11-01-2017, 12:12 PM   #156
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Originally Posted by Hawkeye View Post
I wonder if the people that left him a good review or a tip feel bad.
I hope not. It isn't really anything they could control. What he did when he was an Uber driver and how he interacted with people while working for them isn't related to the attack. It's a bit scary to think about but there are a lot of people who appear normal on the surface that have some very deep social issues underneath.

Now if every time he drove people around for Uber he was constantly talking about radical stuff and making threats, yet nobody spoke up than it would be completely different.
"Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."

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      11-01-2017, 12:13 PM   #157
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Originally Posted by zx10guy View Post
Before this thread gets too crazy and gets possibly locked, here's a different perspective about what some Muslims are doing:

While I have some opinions on this situation about the religion, I do know there are those that are Muslim who are actively working to fight these radical animals. I hope this story I've linked to provides some balance in this argument.
Saw this on 60 minutes the other day, good piece
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      11-01-2017, 12:18 PM   #158
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Originally Posted by CTinline-six View Post
I hope not. It isn't really anything they could control. What he did when he was an Uber driver and how he interacted with people while working for them isn't related to the attack. It's a bit scary to think about but there are a lot of people who appear normal on the surface that have some very deep social issues underneath.

Now if every time he drove people around for Uber he was constantly talking about radical stuff and making threats, yet nobody spoke up than it would be completely different.
Yeah, that was more of a joke... I didn't even think about possible radical banter but would be surprised if there was because Uber said he was well rated as a driver. I wonder if having to drive around drunk Americans and hear all the stupid shit they think is important helped lead to being radicalized?

I did also read that he was linked through social media to some ISIS related groups/sites. How is that not an automatic red flag for investigation already?
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      11-01-2017, 12:22 PM   #159

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I never comment on these threads as a matter of principle but I would like to add one thing - There is no radical(or whatever adjective you want to attach to it) islam, there is just islam. Period. And unfortunately based on what we have seen, this religion and culture does not seem to be conducive to integration with other religions and cultures. That is all.
The podcast is interesting as well.

"When Islam comes into a place, either the society gets better, nothing changes, or it gets worse. Do we have enough data at this point after fourteen hundred years to suggest that we can try to bet what will happen to a society? The answer, regrettably, is yes. Again, I hate to have to preface [my assessment with], of course most Muslims are lovely and peaceful and simply wish to raise their kids, but Islam as an ideology, when it comes into a new society, is it a good thing? If yes, then let’s all turn Islamic. If no, then maybe we should have an honest conversation about this."
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      11-01-2017, 12:27 PM   #160
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Originally Posted by shoei View Post
I said, I SAID, it was fine if you were a turtle... I mean, what the hell was I supposed to say?

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      11-01-2017, 12:44 PM   #161
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Originally Posted by xander_g View Post
I never comment on these threads as a matter of principle but I would like to add one thing - There is no radical(or whatever adjective you want to attach to it) islam, there is just islam. Period. And unfortunately based on what we have seen, this religion and culture does not seem to be conducive to integration with other religions and cultures. That is all.
The podcast is interesting as well.

"When Islam comes into a place, either the society gets better, nothing changes, or it gets worse. Do we have enough data at this point after fourteen hundred years to suggest that we can try to bet what will happen to a society? The answer, regrettably, is yes. Again, I hate to have to preface [my assessment with], of course most Muslims are lovely and peaceful and simply wish to raise their kids, but Islam as an ideology, when it comes into a new society, is it a good thing? If yes, then let’s all turn Islamic. If no, then maybe we should have an honest conversation about this."

I disagree about the radical part. Religion as a whole is usually designed to convince other people to become that religion. Example: Christians are supposed to help other people see the positive aspects of the religion and want to convert. Same thing with Islam. The goal is to convince other people (or all people) into believing the same thing. I could be Christian, and want to convert an Atheist to the same religion, but as a rational human being I would understand that people have the right to practice other religions. Radicals are the ones who believe people should be put to death if they do not practice the same thing, big difference. That is not to say I agree with any of the ideas of Islam, just saying how I see the radical vs. non-radical people.

Millions of people practice different religions side by side in the US every day, the radical ones are those who feel the need to kill others to force them to submit to their religion.

I have a hard time believing a lot of these extremists are actually religious, and not just carrying out crimes against a certain group they hate and feeling it is acceptable because of some mental defect they have. Many of their actions do not really follow any sort of religion. Take ISIS for example, many of the ISIS soldiers capture young women, rape them, and use them as sex slaves to pass around between them. That seems to go against the whole no sex outside of marriage thing.

I could go around burning schools and government buildings because those people are non-religious or "sinners", but does that make me still a Christian necessarily?
"Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."

-Dr. Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park
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      11-01-2017, 12:50 PM   #162

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Originally Posted by CTinline-six View Post
I disagree about the radical part. Religion as a whole is usually designed to convince other people to become that religion. Example: Christians are supposed to help other people see the positive aspects of the religion and want to convert. Same thing with Islam. The goal is to convince other people (or all people) into believing the same thing. I could be Christian, and want to convert an Atheist to the same religion, but as a rational human being I would understand that people have the right to practice other religions. Radicals are the ones who believe people should be put to death if they do not practice the same thing, big difference. That is not to say I agree with any of the ideas of Islam, just saying how I see the radical vs. non-radical people.

Millions of people practice different religions side by side in the US every day, the radical ones are those who feel the need to kill others to force them to submit to their religion.

I have a hard time believing a lot of these extremists are actually religious, and not just carrying out crimes against a certain group they hate and feeling it is acceptable because of some mental defect they have. Many of their actions do not really follow any sort of religion. Take ISIS for example, many of the ISIS soldiers capture young women, rape them, and use them as sex slaves to pass around between them. That seems to go against the whole no sex outside of marriage thing.

I could go around burning schools and government buildings because those people are non-religious or "sinners", but does that make me still a Christian necessarily?
Only if you do it in the name of Christianity while screaming Jesus Saves!
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      11-01-2017, 12:50 PM   #163
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Originally Posted by Hawkeye View Post

I did also read that he was linked through social media to some ISIS related groups/sites. How is that not an automatic red flag for investigation already?

A kid in one of the school districts I work for posted on a social media site that he wanted to call in a threat to the school. The cops came, he was suspended, put on some list, social media accounts deleted, parents notified, etc. This kid was in 6th grade.

Facebook has the capability to easily monitor stuff like this. Why they are not doing it, and instead figuring out how to better market useless advertising shit to us is beyond me.
"Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."

-Dr. Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park
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      11-01-2017, 12:51 PM   #164
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Originally Posted by stooker View Post
Agreed, because apparently most Americans believe chocolate milk comes from brown cows, if you believe everything you see and hear.
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      11-01-2017, 12:54 PM   #165
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Originally Posted by CTinline-six View Post

A kid in one of the school districts I work for posted on a social media site that he wanted to call in a threat to the school. The cops came, he was suspended, put on some list, social media accounts deleted, parents notified, etc. This kid was in 6th grade.

Facebook has the capability to easily monitor stuff like this. Why they are not doing it, and instead figuring out how to better market useless advertising shit to us is beyond me.
The same reason why Google won’t take down ISIS videos. I try to use Yahoo now as much as possible.
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      11-01-2017, 01:45 PM   #166
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Originally Posted by pasghetti View Post
Why do these threads always turn into a left vs right Slim Jim sword fight?
This article gives a reasonable explanation.

But in short, is the main stream media's fault. Their extreme bias causes people to become more passionate about these situations. Weather it be because the media is hyping up an incident or down playing another. The lack of truth, honesty and objectivity really pisses some people off. In situations like this, those people are infuriated by the media's minimal response when a similar situation, with a different type of perpetrator conjures up an extreme response from the media. In the situations similar to this, but perpetrated by someone representing something non-islamic, the other people get all pissed because of the media's extreme reaction and attempted collusion with people of conservative views.

Anyway, i think this paints a better picture than i can.

On Tuesday, an apparent Islamist terrorist rammed a truck into dozens of Americans on a bike path in New York City, killing eight and injuring over ten. He popped out of the truck shouting “Allahu Akhbar” before being captured by police.

Imagine that a white supremacist had driven a truck onto a bike path filled with minority innocents, killing eight of them. Imagine that the white supremacist had emerged from his truck carrying aloft a Confederate flag.

Imagine that the media had leapt to the defense of those flying the Confederate flag, explaining that only a tiny minority of those who did so had engaged in any sort of racist violence. Imagine that all of America’s major political leaders said the same, and told those who connected the terrorism with the Confederate flag that their viewpoints represented bigotry. Imagine, too, that CNN ran a chyron reading “WITNESSES: SUSPECT WAS CARRYING SOUTHERN VERSION OF AMERICAN FLAG,” and then hosted panels assuring audiences that the Confederate flag was simply a symbol of Southern pride.

Hard to imagine, isn’t it?

Yet that was precisely the chain of events that took place after yet another Islamist terror attack on American soil. Leftist media darling and terrorist-sympathizer Linda Sarsour tweeted, “Every believing Muslim says Allahu Akbar every day during prayers. We cannot criminalize ‘God is great.’ Prosecute the criminal not a faith.” The media did its typical rush to prevent cruel Americans from engaging in “Islamophobia,” expressing that radical Islamic terrorism had no connection to actual Islam. Most of America’s political leaders quickly agreed. CNN ran a chyron reading, “WITNESSES: SUSPECT WAS YELLING ‘GOD IS GREAT’ IN ARABIC.”

Precisely the reverse takes place after white supremacist terror attacks, of course. When white supremacist Dylann Storm Roof committed a massive terror attack on a black church, the media quickly uncovered photos of him with a Confederate flag, and led a month-long discussion on whether the Confederate flag ought to be banned from public places. When a white supremacist in Charlottesville murdered an innocent woman, the media held a month-long discussion on whether Confederate statues ought to be removed. This week, a Latino interest group ran an ad attempting to connect a Republican gubernatorial candidate with a white supremacist march he had openly condemned, and created an ad showing a Confederate flag-flying white supremacist with that candidate’s bumper sticker attempting to run down minority children.

Now, we can have solid discussions about Confederate monuments and the Confederate flag. Those discussions are worthwhile. But why is that we leap to discuss those issues when a white supremacist terrorist kills innocents, but we leap to defend Islam when an Islamist kills innocents? Why the difference? Isn’t radical Islam just as horrifying as white supremacism? And isn’t white supremacism just as statistically non-representative of Confederate flag-owners throughout the South as radical Islam is of observant Muslims across the country?

The answer lies in a serious problem of bias. The media believe that Americans, by and large, are racist Islamophobes. They are the problem. They’re the problem if perpetrators are Muslim, in which case the backlash from non-Muslim Americans must be pre-emptively curbed; they’re the problem if the perpetrators are white supremacists, in which case Americans must answer for their supposed connections to white supremacism.

That’s nonsense. If we’re going to start attributing terrorist ideologies to broader movements, we’re going to have to abide by that rule across the board; if, by contrast, we’re going to distinguish terrorist ideologies from other ideologies, let’s do that across the board. But you can’t connect white supremacism to Ed Gillespie and Confederate flag-owners while adamantly disconnecting Islamism from Islam. That’s intellectually dishonest. Actually, it's disparaging of non-Muslim Americans more generally, unless there’s a deeper connection between white supremacism and Confederate flag-owning or conservative voting than there is between Islamism and Islam. Which there isn’t.
"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
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      11-01-2017, 02:00 PM   #167
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Originally Posted by Mr Tonka View Post
This article gives a reasonable explanation.

But in short, is the main stream media's fault. Their extreme bias causes people to become more passionate about these situations. Weather it be because the media is hyping up an incident or down playing another. The lack of truth, honesty and objectivity really pisses some people off. In situations like this, those people are infuriated by the media's minimal response when a similar situation, with a different type of perpetrator conjures up an extreme response from the media. In the situations similar to this, but perpetrated by someone representing something non-islamic, the other people get all pissed because of the media's extreme reaction and attempted collusion with people of conservative views.

Anyway, i think this paints a better picture than i can.
Fantastic article Mr Tonka
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      11-01-2017, 02:24 PM   #168
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Originally Posted by Mr Tonka View Post
This article gives a reasonable explanation.
This is the hypocrisy of the left. Please post the link for the article.
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      11-01-2017, 02:28 PM   #169
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Originally Posted by anglo View Post
This is why, a religion that promote human rights abuses shouldn't be welcomed here!
From the Belgian newsflash...

1- The Belgian Ann-Laure Decadt 31 , is killed by the terror attack .
She was mother of 2 sons , 3 month old baby and a 3 year old .

Here is more info =>

2- Another Belgian family was hit as well , the mother her both legs are crushed by the truck and in the hospital they amputated already one leg .
Her other leg looks really bad . And maybe another amputation is required !
Her 2 kids are also in the hospital . They are injured pretty bad !

My prayers are with the Belgian and other American families of the victims ...

The Belgian Ann-Laure Decadt 31 . May she RIP !
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      11-01-2017, 02:39 PM   #170
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Originally Posted by ///M Power-Belgium View Post
From the Belgian newsflash...

1- The Belgian Ann-Laure Decadt 31 , is killed by the terror attack .
She was mother of 2 sons , 3 month old baby and a 3 year old .

Here is more info =>

2- Another Belgian family was hit as well , the mother her both legs are crushed by the truck and in the hospital they amputated already one leg .
Her other leg looks really bad . And maybe another amputation is required !
Her 2 kids are also in the hospital . They are injured pretty bad !

My prayers are with the Belgian and other American families of the victims ...

The Belgian Ann-Laure Decadt 31 . May she RIP !
Heartbreaking, such a loss!
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      11-01-2017, 02:53 PM   #171
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Originally Posted by anglo View Post
Heartbreaking, such a loss!
Yes , it's really heartbreaking !
Saw her husband speak in the newsflash....Ohhh man !
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      11-01-2017, 02:59 PM   #172
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Islam is a criminal Enterprise like the drug cartels, mafia, they use violence to intimidate and silence their critics.

Charlie Hebdo, Theo Van Gogh, Rushdie etc.
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      11-01-2017, 04:20 PM   #173
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Oprah Winfrey...
“How are Mr. Trump’s hands?” My hands are fine. You know, my hands are normal. Slightly large, actually. In fact, I buy a slightly smaller than large glove, okay? No, but I did this because everybody was saying to me, “Oh, your hands are very nice. They are normal.”
- Donald J. Trump.
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      11-01-2017, 07:09 PM   #174
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Originally Posted by Kev312 View Post
Originally Posted by bbbbmw View Post
Oh - and build a wall.
We already have a wall. Looks like this:

More like this:
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<OO (llll)(llll) OO>
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      11-01-2017, 07:11 PM   #175
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Originally Posted by TBN54 View Post
Originally Posted by bbbbmw View Post
Gee, I guess I'll have to tune into other news sources to find propaganda-free news. Where do you suggest we look?
Too far gone. You do some research on your end, I already did mine.
Well if you find a news source in any nation on earth that's "propaganda-free," just let us all know.
<OO (llll)(llll) OO>
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      11-01-2017, 07:12 PM   #176
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Originally Posted by yousefnjr View Post
Originally Posted by bbbbmw View Post
Build. The. Wall.
Yes, the USA<->Uzbekistan Wall is overdue
Newsflash: having any porous border essentially allows anyone to enter your country. In fact, it's not that hard to fly from Uzbekistan to Mexico City, and go north.
<OO (llll)(llll) OO>
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