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      03-16-2008, 09:26 AM   #1
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ok..don't shoot the messenger...

love to hear opinions on this..please do not flame me. I have a 335xi (not my first Bimmer--had an 04 745Li). But, I also have other cars-good performers.

Anyway..I hang out sometimes on other forums, and in general, BMW owners take a bad rap. Many say things like: "they are snobs and don't know anything about cars" or "they all think their car is faster than it is" or my favorite..."they are sore losers..after you beat them they either won't acknowledge you or they do the ricer fly by." I generally defend these comments with "all car types have cool drivers/owners and doesn't matter which brand."

Well..lately I have been starting to wonder if there is some truth to this, based on recent experiences. I will share just a couple:

Finally got some nice weather here..lots of nice cars out. Had some fun, short and safe freeway runs on friday in my heavily modified 300C (375 rwhp). Got a wave or thumbs up from all (several cts caddys, a couple of Benzes of the non AMG persuasion, a G35. none were serious competitors. but they all were into it and cool about it).

Then I get the sneeky attempted kill by a dork in a 550 BMW. Not only did he try to do it by sneeking up from behind...after he got totally spanked, he did the angry fly by, close cut in, and high speed weaving in and out of traffic (when we caught up to the traffic)--the dork had a small child in the back seat!

Saturday..almost same thing. I am in my sts-v. A really nice looking 540..big tire in back, exhaust..freshly detailed...just hanging back in my back right bumper while I am on cruise control-73. no biggie..except when the lanes go from 2 to 5 and traffic clears, of course, he nails it. (doean't pull up next to me like normal people..tries the sneeky way) So I oblige, and murder him quickly and effortlessly. Slow back down to normal speeds as I am approaching traffic. Guess what...same thing as the day before...comes flying up at very high rate of speed, cuts in front of me with little clearance, weaves in and out of traffic dangerously, then takes next exit.

So my question..are a higher percentage of BMW owners ##sholes than other car types??
2013550Xi msport white
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      03-16-2008, 09:32 AM   #2
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I think a lot of BMW owners think they own the road, but honestly I dont think percentage wise they are worse. I mean how many Civic or GTOs have I encountered that wanted me to hear their exhausts and then fly by? All depends.
2007 E92 Montego Blue 335i
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      03-16-2008, 11:35 AM   #3
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Every car owner pretty much does the same thing. I know Audi, Merc, Dodge owns and they all are great at calling us BMW Pricks and whatever else that stokes their ego but the truth can be said about them as well. The Merc owners are snobs, the audi owners are just plain gods, the dodge owners are just muscle heads ..bla bla bla.
Us BMW owners, we have our head up our asses, apparently. Sad to say but i can actually take my car apart, strip the engine and put it back together WORKING but hey, i have no idea what i'm doing.

It's just the way it goes dude!
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      03-16-2008, 12:04 PM   #4
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As we all know, this happens with ANY brand of cars....and yes, BMW owners can be pr*cks as well. I may be wrong, but I think BMW has a lower percentage of "enthusiasts" amongst its general pool of owners (but I think Mercs are even lower). You're chances are higher that you will run across a BMW driver that prob got one just for the label.

When I had my M3, I came across another M3 on the highway. When I passed him (not flyby), I tried to give him a wave. He then came right behind me, then laned over and floored it past me. So, I thought he wanted to have a little fun! I caught up to him and when I lined up to him, he had this nasty scowl on his face and wouldn't even look over.

If you've ever tried to "wave" to another BMW on the road before, then you'll realize how more often than not....they don't look/wave back....hence more civilian BMW drivers out there than enthusiasts.
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      03-16-2008, 12:59 PM   #5
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The problem is that BMWs are status symbols. A lot of people who buy them do it because they're viewed as sporty high performance cars, and are told by the salesperson that nothing can touch them.

When I was in my Cobra, I got it ALL the time from M3s and M5s. They'd try to race, reving the engine, often giving the thumbs down or saying taunting things. Occasionally I'd oblidge, and generally put a half dozen or more car lengths on them by 60 mph, at which point I'd stop accelerating. At this point, I usually got a fly by with a middle finger out the window, and on the occasion I'd pull up next to them at the next light, they'd either be frowning, looking straight ahead, or shout some ricer excuse at me, or tell me that they would have passed me by 120mph, because their car is built for the autobahn!

It's not all BMW drivers, but I think BMWs tend to get a higher quantity of pricks in a relatively high performance car than other makes. Since most BMW buyers are buying for status, and a lot of them are midlife crisis guys who want something fast and german, they end up in top of the line non-Ms, or M cars. At this point, encouraged by their SA, they think they're in God's gift to driving.

Interestingly enough, I've never run into a prick BMW driver in a modified BMW. My opinion is the impression of BMW drivers being pricks comes from the vastly differing motives for purchase of enthusiast vs non-enthusiast drivers.
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      03-16-2008, 01:12 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by E82tt6 View Post

It's not all BMW drivers, but I think BMWs tend to get a higher quantity of pricks in a relatively high performance car than other makes. Since most BMW buyers are buying for status, and a lot of them are midlife crisis guys who want something fast and german, they end up in top of the line non-Ms, or M cars. At this point, encouraged by their SA, they think they're in God's gift to driving.

Interestingly enough, I've never run into a prick BMW driver in a modified BMW. My opinion is the impression of BMW drivers being pricks comes from the vastly differing motives for purchase of enthusiast vs non-enthusiast drivers.
Well put.
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      03-16-2008, 01:18 PM   #7
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There are teenage ricers in their Civics. And there are rich ricers in their supercars.
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      03-16-2008, 01:23 PM   #8
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Personally... i think its just a 5 series thing. I know 2 people that have 5 series' (my neighbor and another guy i know who would always come tell me his car is better :P) and they are asses.

And i dont mean all 5 series people suck... i just think the 5 series is more prone to those kind of people... But thats just my 2 cents.
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      03-16-2008, 01:29 PM   #9
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For some reason I think it's also living up to the hype. Everytime when I see another bmw driver on the road I always wanna wave hi or give them a , unfortunately not once have i've gotten a reply back. But if you meet another bmw driver at the parking lot not once have someone ignore a nice comment about their car and reply with a thank you. I think it's that smoking with one hand and look cool persona when you're driving mentality. I'm usually the opposite, when someone gives me a I usually have the biggest grin on my face and glady reply back with a thank you.
08 335i Jet Black | too much to name....

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      03-16-2008, 02:08 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by E82tt6 View Post
The problem is that BMWs are status symbols. A lot of people who buy them do it because they're viewed as sporty high performance cars, and are told by the salesperson that nothing can touch them.

When I was in my Cobra, I got it ALL the time from M3s and M5s. They'd try to race, reving the engine, often giving the thumbs down or saying taunting things. Occasionally I'd oblidge, and generally put a half dozen or more car lengths on them by 60 mph, at which point I'd stop accelerating. At this point, I usually got a fly by with a middle finger out the window, and on the occasion I'd pull up next to them at the next light, they'd either be frowning, looking straight ahead, or shout some ricer excuse at me, or tell me that they would have passed me by 120mph, because their car is built for the autobahn!

It's not all BMW drivers, but I think BMWs tend to get a higher quantity of pricks in a relatively high performance car than other makes. Since most BMW buyers are buying for status, and a lot of them are midlife crisis guys who want something fast and german, they end up in top of the line non-Ms, or M cars. At this point, encouraged by their SA, they think they're in God's gift to driving.

Interestingly enough, I've never run into a prick BMW driver in a modified BMW. My opinion is the impression of BMW drivers being pricks comes from the vastly differing motives for purchase of enthusiast vs non-enthusiast drivers.
well said...pretty accurate. I will also say my now modded 335xi is pretty sweet. Not the worlds fastest car by any stretch, but strong enough to hang with most and definitely a bit of a sleeper. (JB2H and catless DPs)
2013550Xi msport white
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      03-16-2008, 02:17 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by wj4 View Post's a mentality.

There are teenage ricers in their Civics. And there are rich ricers in their supercars.

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      03-16-2008, 03:19 PM   #12

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When I drove my zhp I let people in, waved, the whole nine yards. People were surprised almost every time. But hey, I came from a Miata, so I started out friendly. I was just so damn happy to be driving around in a BMW, nothing could piss me off. And when the next ship sails, hopefully my 328i coupe will be on-board and I will be happy...again.

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      03-17-2008, 02:36 AM   #13
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It's a problem with drivers, not cars or brands. I was driving on one rainy night,and when I was starting to exit from the highway I was on, I saw a 335 desperately trying to get into the exit lane last-second; A 90's Dodge Caravan was being a dick, so I moved a lane over to the right to let the bimmer in. The 335 managed to get into an exit lane, so I figured all is well. Due to inclement weather, I'm doing maybe 55 on a 45 ramp, and it so happens that i start catching up to the dickhead van to my left. The bimmer driver decides that it will be a cold day in hell before a civic passes him on an off-ramp, so he starts riding the van's ass probably not a foot away from him, trying to cut me off... Thank god for limitted slip and new front tires that night, because I don't recall having road rage hit me that hard often...I dropped down a few gears and continued on my merry way off the ramp, struggling at keeping the car on the road going in the vicinity of 90 at that point. It was kind of sad, since i romanticize about my future 335 driving (I'm hoping to pick one up around August), and having to deal with a total prick, after actually being pretty nice on the road. Yeah, civic drivers are all **** with fartcans that show off... :\
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      03-17-2008, 02:39 AM   #14
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Since you speak of other drivers and of flybys, you should check this out:
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      03-17-2008, 07:58 AM   #15
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The first thing you have to understand is that anyone who races on the street is both immature and a idiot. There is no such thing as safe street racing period. There are lots of venues off the street now where you can race. That is where racing belongs and where you will actually find people with great skill levels. The good news is that laws and enforcement are rapidly changing for the good. Within a few years it will be routine for all drivers caught street racing to have the cars impounded and sold or destroyed. Drivers street racing involved in deaths are now being charged with murder instead of manslaughter in some areas and more and more jurisdiction are changing their laws to reflect that. We just buried a 17 year old and his 12 year old brother in the latest streetracing mess. Within 5 years I think you will see dramatic changes in enforcement and laws almost everywhere in the country. Lets hope the changes happen even faster!
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      03-17-2008, 11:11 AM   #16
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Having spent the first 24 years of my life in Metro-Detroit, I think I can relate to where you're coming from.
The problem around Detroit; is BMW drivers are the huge minority. More so then any other import (well... except maybe Subaru )

I would notice a huge difference in how I was treated while driving my BMW, vs. my dad's Saab or STS, or my mom's Civic. I was constantly cut off, tailgated, not allowed to merge, or just given the finger for no reason. People in Michigan view BMW as the German army coming in and destroying American jobs
Getting this treatment each day definitely puts you on the defensive. I would still try and break the stereotype and compliment any nice car I saw on the road, German, Japanese or American.
One thing I did notice. BMW drivers in Detroit are MUCH friendlier to one of their own then out here in Phoenix. In Michigan, most drivers are enthusiast, or at least acknowledge another brave soul.

Not saying either 5er driver you came across wasn't a prick - they definitely sound like they were.

Originally Posted by E82tt6 View Post
It's not all BMW drivers, but I think BMWs tend to get a higher quantity of pricks in a relatively high performance car than other makes. Since most BMW buyers are buying for status, and a lot of them are midlife crisis guys who want something fast and german, they end up in top of the line non-Ms, or M cars. At this point, encouraged by their SA, they think they're in God's gift to driving.

Interestingly enough, I've never run into a prick BMW driver in a modified BMW. My opinion is the impression of BMW drivers being pricks comes from the vastly differing motives for purchase of enthusiast vs non-enthusiast drivers.
I can't believe how many people I see driving around in M cars that obviously bought it, based only on the fact that it's the best BMW.
Few weeks back I pulled up to a light next to an Interlagos Blue M coupe. I put down my window to compliment his car - he wouldn't even look over. As soon as the light turned green, he mashed the pedal and took off.

And yeah, there's a difference between the BMW driver who bought the car for status, and the one who bought if for the driving experience. Most BMW drivers won't return a friendly wave; but modded Bimmers are more likely to acknowledge another enthusiast.

Originally Posted by sailvi767 View Post
The first thing you have to understand is that anyone who races on the street is both immature and a idiot. There is no such thing as safe street racing period....
Everything you've said is valid and reasonable; but let's stay on topic. The thread is about driver's attitudes and the perceived BMW superiority complex. There are more then enough other threads about street racing.
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      03-17-2008, 12:32 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by srt8/bmw View Post
So my question..are a higher percentage of BMW owners ##sholes than other car types??
No, I think just the ones who race.

BMW's are bought by many with type-A personalities, people who want to be in control all the time (since bimmers do offer this feel for most drivers). The same people also cannot stand to loose, they need to feel always on top - and thus the reason for the cold stares, attempts at rectifying the situation, the excuses, etc.

After a close race, the adrenaline can also be messing with the head.

/Dr. Phil logging off
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      03-17-2008, 02:51 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by adc View Post
No, I think just the ones who race.

BMW's are bought by many with type-A personalities, people who want to be in control all the time (since bimmers do offer this feel for most drivers). The same people also cannot stand to loose, they need to feel always on top - and thus the reason for the cold stares, attempts at rectifying the situation, the excuses, etc.

After a close race, the adrenaline can also be messing with the head.

/Dr. Phil logging off
thanks Doc. Actually think there is something to that.

to the poster above condemning street racing...I don't disagree. I drive 40 minutes up the freeway to work everyday, in light to moderate traffic, because it is going against the rush hour direction. I almost always put it on cruise in the 75-77 range. I hold it there when I see police, and they have no problem with it. But at 75 in a 70 MPH zone, I am a nuisance. The average speed is around 90, with many cars flying by well over 100. They zip in and out of what traffic there is regardless of road conditions. They cut as close to your back bumper as they can, and cut in front off you as close as they can. When two of them get near each other, they turn it into their personal road rally. These are the ones whose cars should be impounded and destoyed.
They pose way more danger than two drivers, with no traffic around, cruising next to each other, who acknowledge each other, and do a quick 5-7second sprint up to 110 or so. Yes..they are racing, but pose way less danger than those dozens of idiots who drive like that EVERY day. I see them..every single day. I stay the hell out of their way too. my two cents..
2013550Xi msport white
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      03-17-2008, 03:08 PM   #19
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To the OP,

Reading your OP, I would say that you're the one who looks like an annoying prick (even though you may not be trying). What makes you think all these people who are coming up from behind you are trying to race you or beat you in a "sneaky way"?

The way you're describing it, it sounds like you're driving the speed limit or a bit faster, there's a car behind you who wants to pass you, and then as soon as they accelerate to pass, you gas it and speed up. That would piss me off too.

You've turned into one of those people who speeds up every time someone tries to pass them, and then slows back down again. I've never understood those annoying people, but now I see that they might be thinking that I want to race them. Idiots.
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      03-18-2008, 04:29 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by takedown8 View Post
To the OP,

Reading your OP, I would say that you're the one who looks like an annoying prick (even though you may not be trying). What makes you think all these people who are coming up from behind you are trying to race you or beat you in a "sneaky way"?

The way you're describing it, it sounds like you're driving the speed limit or a bit faster, there's a car behind you who wants to pass you, and then as soon as they accelerate to pass, you gas it and speed up. That would piss me off too.

You've turned into one of those people who speeds up every time someone tries to pass them, and then slows back down again. I've never understood those annoying people, but now I see that they might be thinking that I want to race them. Idiots.
I could see where you might think that based on my description. Not so..I typically cruise with cruise on mid 70s- -and here in Michigan, EVERYONE passes me. No Problem! If I could show you film of these events you would see more of what I mean. There is no doubt about the fact that the cars which I was driving, which I admit are not "stealthy" in looks or sound" (and is typically not one I take out on workdays)was specifically stalked and targetted. Many people were passing me prior to this.These were not Passing attempts, which would have been easy and effortless for anyone since I was going mid 70s. These cars got behind me several cars, stayed there for quite some time, and then went WOT out of nowhere.

As I say..if I could show you film of it, you'd see what I mean and it would leave no doubt for you. You will have to just trust me on that, or not beleive me..your call.

Last night, on the way home in my 335, again on cruise control at 76 in the middle of three lanes..light traffic. A trailblazer SS is screaming from behind in the far left lane..I am guessing doing 95-100. I can see him from 1/2 mile back..wide open countryside. No biggie right..what does he do? when he gets up near me he slows down and tucks in behind me, so close I could not even see his front . He was riding my ass for some reason. Again..I am sitting there minding my own business with cruise on 76. He stays right there riding my ass when he could have passedon either side. After a minute or two of this, I turn on my right signal and slide over one more lane. He goes right behind me, still within a couple feet of my back bumper. So I let it rip..I can see, and hear, he does the same. I easily pull away from him and at about 115 (which didn't take long) I lay off. He for some reason stayed back now, quite some way.. What I take from this is he wanted to either intimidate me or race, and was embarrased now. What should I take from this??
2013550Xi msport white
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      03-18-2008, 08:28 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by srt8/bmw View Post
What should I take from this??
That a higher percentage of Trailblazer SS drivers are ##sholes compared to other car types.

Oh no wait, that would be BMW drivers.

Did you get your final answer now?
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      03-18-2008, 09:18 AM   #22
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Red face

When I was breaking in my car (and couldn't race) some guy in a new Lexus IS350 acted like a real dick. I think there's no real pattern to who is going to be a jerk. BMW owners just tend to appreciate the unique feel of German cars...
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