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      03-05-2020, 03:19 PM   #45
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Spend a few bucks more and stay downtown in Coal Harbour, the views are amazing (if you can get a north facing or west facing).
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      03-05-2020, 03:20 PM   #46

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Originally Posted by XKxRome0ox View Post
crap... is this coronavirus going to be a problem for my trip with the baby?
i booked parts of the trip... but now i'm holding off because i don't know how bad things will get

i'm not too worried for myself. i'm in relatively good health and i can probably just deal with it
but don't want to expose the baby to anything unnecessarily

the whole reason for planning this Vancouver trip was because originally my wife and I were going to visit our remaining grandparents in Korea
wife has both grandmothers left, my maternal grandmother is the last surviving one for me
my grandma's in the convalescent home and we don't foresee her living too much longer
but we decided to postpone our trip due to the coronavirus spreading through Korea
now it seems that nowhere is safe
Might be. Never know where that plane has been, and guaranteed it wasn't cleaned well. We are waiting to decide whether we want to fly to Calgary still, supposed to go out in May. Wait till the end of this month to see what happens.

If you are going to Victoria and not looking for anything fancy (ie. not dinner) but a lunch, go to Bard & Banker. Really nice pub, great scotch selection last time I was in (a while ago), but nice to go to. Was an old bank that they converted to a pub.

Edit - looked it up, here's the link:

Last edited by Joekerr; 03-05-2020 at 03:38 PM..
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      03-05-2020, 03:36 PM   #47

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I haven't heard any reports of Coronavirus in children.
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      03-05-2020, 03:47 PM   #48

Drives: 13 Frozen White E92
Join Date: Apr 2016
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Originally Posted by XKxRome0ox View Post
crap... is this coronavirus going to be a problem for my trip with the baby?
i booked parts of the trip... but now i'm holding off because i don't know how bad things will get

i'm not too worried for myself. i'm in relatively good health and i can probably just deal with it
but don't want to expose the baby to anything unnecessarily

the whole reason for planning this Vancouver trip was because originally my wife and I were going to visit our remaining grandparents in Korea
wife has both grandmothers left, my maternal grandmother is the last surviving one for me
my grandma's in the convalescent home and we don't foresee her living too much longer
but we decided to postpone our trip due to the coronavirus spreading through Korea
now it seems that nowhere is safe
Hard to predict. Overall here in Vacouver there aren't any special precautionary measures being taken. IE. no closure of schools or businesses. Although I just saw on twitter that two secondary schools are closed today because a student has the virus. Depends where you go, some store shelves are more empty than usual as people are buying up supplies. But for the most part I would stay everything are fairly normal.

If you do go to Victoria, make a stop at Hoyne Brewing Company and try their Dark Matter. Very good dark beer.
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      03-07-2020, 11:46 PM   #49


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