11-16-2024, 07:58 PM | #1 |
Do Donuts
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What is your favorite movie fan theory?
What is your favorite movie fan theory?
I will start. My favorite is the M Night movie Signs. My theory is the invaders aren't aliens, they are demons. The theory has been posted on reddit and articles for years, but basically late in the film you find out that the aliens are unable to touch water without being burned like acid, on a planet that is 2/3rds water. What dumb aliens would do that? We are meant to believe they are aliens because we stay with the view of the family for like 90% of the movie, but you get pieces that others in the world are getting different views of the invaders. The cop who checks the crop signs thinks it is pranking kids and some very sick person spitting on skateboards. The crazy bookstore owner sees it as a hoax for selling things, the weird Army guy sees an invading military and calls them strangers, but not aliens. In books, old stories etc. demons are tricksters but standard things can block them, kind of like pantry doors like M Nights house in the film. The little girl and her water around every room. The dad who used to be a priest describes her as "an angel" so all her water basically became holy water. Also at the end, while the climax is occurring there is a news brief where you hear the newscaster says "ancient method of killing the creatures has been found in three small cities in the Middle East” which is a very big religious hub basically all religions besides cults started there. Who would know how to fight demons best than religious groups? Honorable mention to my second favorite fan theory that was actually confirmed by the director for Prometheus. Director Ridley Scott confirmed via interviews that initially he intended for the reason that the Engineer we woke up at the end of the film instantly goes ape shit and killing ever human he sees is that back in day they sent an emissary to Earth to check on their growth after they seeded our planet, but you know humans suck and we ended up putting him on a cross and killing him. Jesus, if you cannot put that together, Jesus was an Engineer. He didn't do it because he would have likely had a lot of religious people not want to see his film.
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