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      01-07-2025, 12:57 PM   #89
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Originally Posted by tracknut View Post
Just in case you're not aware, you can withdraw money from your IRA also (without penalty), you just have to make consistent draws and not just random amounts. Check with your accountant if you need to do it. I retired at 49 and drew from my IRA from about 50y to now (66).
Yep, I kind of screwed the pooch with respect to that. I do plan to use my traditional IRA to fund most of my early retirement from 53ish to 59 1/2. My mistake was letting my brokerage account grow way to much between 2015 when I fired my financial advisor to now. We're way too heavy on the brokerage side and my wife and I need to start pushing as much money as allowed to our Roth IRAs. We have like 65% of our portfolio in the brokerage account and a substantial amount of it would now have capital gains taxes when sold. I want it more like 40% of our portfolio.

As you can tell, I'm still learning the ropes I need to hire a fiduciary this year to analyze my portfolio and help me set a plan.
The forest was shrinking, but the Trees kept voting for the Axe, for the Axe was clever and convinced the Trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of them.
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      01-07-2025, 01:00 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by omasou View Post
When selecting an investment I take the price/share into consideration.

For example, if Stock(orEFT)A is $400/share and Stock(orEFT)B is $200/share. "I" will invest 2X in StockB. If they both go up $10/share, my ROI is 100% more with StockB.
That’s the idea yes buy low sell high. I’m in a season where I let someone else do it for me / safer for me for now
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Originally Posted by GrussGott View Post
Sounds pizzagatey.
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      01-07-2025, 04:32 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by XutvJet View Post
Yep, I kind of screwed the pooch with respect to that. I do plan to use my traditional IRA to fund most of my early retirement from 53ish to 59 1/2. My mistake was letting my brokerage account grow way to much between 2015 when I fired my financial advisor to now. We're way too heavy on the brokerage side and my wife and I need to start pushing as much money as allowed to our Roth IRAs. We have like 65% of our portfolio in the brokerage account and a substantial amount of it would now have capital gains taxes when sold. I want it more like 40% of our portfolio.

As you can tell, I'm still learning the ropes I need to hire a fiduciary this year to analyze my portfolio and help me set a plan.
I may be wrong as I don't know all your particulars, but I bet that a fiduciary you hire will tell you to do the opposite of what you suggest above. Likely the advice will be to use the brokerage to fund your early retirement, as a bunch of money there is presumably untaxed basis and a bunch of the rest is presumably LTCG which are taxed at a favorable rate. While you live off of that, none of which generates ordinary income, you do Roth conversions of part of your traditional IRA, up to the point when you max out the tax bracket you are targeting. This strategy becomes harder once you start taking Social Security (and of course once you run out of taxable brokerage assets) so you want to do it early and then live off the converted Roth assets, in a blend with the unconverted Traditional IRA assets, when the taxable runs out.

Of course YMMV and it all depends on your situation. Getting expert help (which isn't me - for sure!) is a great idea.
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      01-07-2025, 04:37 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by floridaorange View Post
That’s the idea yes buy low sell high. I’m in a season where I let someone else do it for me / safer for me for now
****I have a significant portion of my investment portfolio professionally managed now but have both tax and non tax privileged accounts under my control - mostly my IRA which I do backdoor Roth conversions on every few years depending upon how the market is doing and my re-balancing schedule.

It's worked out ok for me. I'm not homeless!
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      02-12-2025, 01:29 AM   #93
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Originally Posted by jokeroz View Post
I think the best investment is real estate. Maybe it's already a cliché, old-fashioned even, but it's something stable that brings profit, unlike the stock market, which can leave you broke.

I mean, I’ll use myself as an example, I did a quick search, found good agents and bought a house in Breckenridge. Mountain area, lots of tourists, I always find tenants. And the property keeps increasing in value. For me, it’s the obvious choice when it comes to retirement.
Currently BMW-less.
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