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      03-05-2009, 01:13 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by xxForgedxx View Post
No, it's coming from someone who is related to and affiliated directly with the fighting force that was involved in it. Not just any old, history class informed civilian.

You just sound like a brainwashed liberal who ISN'T waiving a flag. Just like those who believed all the myths and protested and spit on every Soldier and Marine calling them BABY killers and what not. Maybe you're related to one of them?
no not a nutcase liberal, no i had no family in the military

no i will never allow any of my family join the military

the goverment has screwed me enough..i dont need to lay my life down for them

theres two side to every story in that war...but please pick up a book...take a class on asian studies...there were alot of lies during that era ...and lost of horrible truths

i was on your side on that guy calling you out for not being a real soldier

now i see youre just a bully playing soldier
Some people are like slinkies...not really good for much but you can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs"
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      03-06-2009, 11:32 AM   #24

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Originally Posted by Crimson92 View Post
no not a nutcase liberal, no i had no family in the military

no i will never allow any of my family join the military

the goverment has screwed me enough..i dont need to lay my life down for them

theres two side to every story in that war...but please pick up a book...take a class on asian studies...there were alot of lies during that era ...and lost of horrible truths

i was on your side on that guy calling you out for not being a real soldier

now i see youre just a bully playing soldier
Because you know SO much about his person for a few posts on a forum right? The government screwed you so you wouldn't lay your life on the line for them? How about the men, women and children... did THEY screw you too? Next time you see a little kid, a happy family, a little league baseball game... repeat to yourself the following:

"the goverment has screwed me enough..i dont need to lay my life down for them"

Then you will know what I am getting at
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      03-06-2009, 11:56 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Crimson92 View Post
no not a nutcase liberal, no i had no family in the military

no i will never allow any of my family join the military

the goverment has screwed me enough..i dont need to lay my life down for them

theres two side to every story in that war...but please pick up a book...take a class on asian studies...there were alot of lies during that era ...and lost of horrible truths

i was on your side on that guy calling you out for not being a real soldier

now i see youre just a bully playing soldier

One of the stupidest comments Ive read on this board.

People like you are sad, you just cant figure out why yourself.
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      03-06-2009, 11:58 AM   #26
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wow dude
as I recall u haven't laid your life for anyone either...

I'd like to officially appeal my stance on whether or not this guy is a sissy soldier..
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      03-06-2009, 12:15 PM   #27

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Originally Posted by Comet View Post
wow dude
as I recall u haven't laid your life for anyone either...

I'd like to officially appeal my stance on whether or not this guy is a sissy soldier..
You lay your life on the line the moment you sign on the dotted line in and become a Soldier in a time of war. When you do that, it means you are ready and willing to do what is necessary.

Hence the oath of enlistment, in case you are unaware of the contents:

"I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

do not discredit me for not having been to war, I was there for the Army to pick and they didn't... I even volunteered and never got sent. My contract has me in the Army until 2020. I'm sure sooner or later I will be there if it is Gods will so keep your sissy Soldier BS to your self unless you are willing to do something in the defense of this nation.
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      03-06-2009, 12:15 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by enfield View Post
The Americans lost the war because they lost the will to fight and the will to win.

The US objective was to defeat Communism in Vietnam. That did not happen.

The North Vietnamese objective was to reunify the country under Ho Chi Minh. That happened.

The US never lost a major Battle in Vietnam but they lost the war. There is more to war than just fighting. You need to read "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu.
Wrong. The US war in Vietnam was to stop the spread of communism in southeast Asia, which happened.
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      03-06-2009, 04:59 PM   #29

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what the hell does all of this have to do with the vietnam war? It sounds more like you are defending/talking up the military then presenting information about the vietnam war.
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      03-06-2009, 05:18 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by xxForgedxx View Post
Because you know SO much about his person for a few posts on a forum right? The government screwed you so you wouldn't lay your life on the line for them? How about the men, women and children... did THEY screw you too? Next time you see a little kid, a happy family, a little league baseball game... repeat to yourself the following:

"the goverment has screwed me enough..i dont need to lay my life down for them"

Then you will know what I am getting at
i dont need to....
Some people are like slinkies...not really good for much but you can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs"
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      03-06-2009, 05:18 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Digital.James View Post
One of the stupidest comments Ive read on this board.

People like you are sad, you just cant figure out why yourself.
<--- happy as a clam
Some people are like slinkies...not really good for much but you can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs"
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      03-06-2009, 05:22 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by xxForgedxx View Post
You lay your life on the line the moment you sign on the dotted line in and become a Soldier in a time of war. When you do that, it means you are ready and willing to do what is necessary.

Hence the oath of enlistment, in case you are unaware of the contents:

do not discredit me for not having been to war, I was there for the Army to pick and they didn't... I even volunteered and never got sent. My contract has me in the Army until 2020. I'm sure sooner or later I will be there if it is Gods will so keep your sissy Soldier BS to your self unless you are willing to do something in the defense of this nation.
what does god have to do with this? fictional characters are running the show now?

god doesnt doesnt decide if we go to war...its the idiots who have nothing to lose and dont mind wasting human lives
Some people are like slinkies...not really good for much but you can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs"
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      03-07-2009, 04:38 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by xxForgedxx View Post
No, it's coming from someone who is related to and affiliated directly with the fighting force that was involved in it. Not just any old, history class informed civilian.

You just sound like a brainwashed liberal who ISN'T waiving a flag. Just like those who believed all the myths and protested and spit on every Soldier and Marine calling them BABY killers and what not. Maybe you're related to one of them?
Okay, I am pretty sick of this and normally I just sit back and watch you guys battle back and forth, but this is just too much.

Forged, first of all, I have served in the military for over 23 years now. From F-111's to SOF to Desert Shield/Storm to Sarejevo to Iraq. Hopefully, that is enough of a qualifier for what follows.

Just because you were/are/will be in the military does not automatically make you more of an expert on all things military. You continuously wave your affiliation with the armed services as some banner of superiority over all those on this forum. Your manner, bearing and lack of self-restraint are in direct conflict with the core values of any service. Step back and take a look in the mirror. If you are trying to become an officer, you better develop a lot more character and humility than you show at this point.
You presented a list of "facts" which were interesting. Try not to have such a myopic view and realize that there are many sides to "facts". There is very little black and white where war and governments are concerned.
If you truly believe in the Constitution your are sworn to uphold and defend, you would not be so quick to condemn those who disagree with your views (which were not your views in the first place, but quotes out of another source).
That uniform you wear is precious to a lot of people. A lot of good people have died and been wounded wearing it. It is the uniform of a servant, bound by oath and belief to their country and the foundation upon which it was built. Do not tarnish or soil it.
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      03-07-2009, 06:21 AM   #34
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Go Army Beat Navy...

I say that it doesnt matter what books say, it doent matter what the media says, it doesnt matter what the amreican populous says. For the real soldiers, Vietnam, WWII, Afghanistan, Iraq or where ever past and present none of that stuff matters.... Every soldier knows what they have done or not done.... Its a common misconception that every soldier that enlists in the military has "seen some shit"...

Next time you walk around and see that guy that is bragging about how many people he has killed, or you see that other guy talking about how hard he had it during deployment... Remember one thing 9 out of 10 times that guy is full of shit.... When you see a soldier that comes back looking like death himself and never wants to talk about what "happened or didnt happen" thats the guy who is a true hero and has no need to impress anyone because he knows what he did.

Furthermore, any one that thinks people get shot at for their country is diluted, its not for the country and its not for the people judging us on their couches safe in the confines of their home. Its maybe hoping... just hoping... that your rounds will protect the soldier "your brother" fighting along side you.

just because you served in a war doesnt mean "you have served in a war"

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      03-07-2009, 12:17 PM   #35
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You know what was seriously fucked up by the American government during Vietnam? The secret bombings in Laos that fucking Nixon and his advisor forgot his name i know it is a big one though, and just bombed the hell out of the civilians. And till this day people are dying in Laos because of those bombs that never went off. The images are just disturbing because it is mainly young kids who walk into the pathway of the bombs and start touching them because kids just simply are curious.

Another thing was how the war made the troops such brutal animals. The number of deaths is just ridiculous and the number of bombs they dropped in the Vietnam War too.

I am happy to know though that the troops are the one who started the "get out of Vietnam" ordeal. Where hundreds of them were sent to prisons because of their refusal to fight in a war they seriously thought was outrageous. Props to them and props to the people of America who finally stood up against the government.
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      03-07-2009, 01:06 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Takumi587 View Post
You know what was seriously fucked up by the American government during Vietnam? The secret bombings in Laos that fucking Nixon and his advisor forgot his name i know it is a big one though, and just bombed the hell out of the civilians. And till this day people are dying in Laos because of those bombs that never went off. The images are just disturbing because it is mainly young kids who walk into the pathway of the bombs and start touching them because kids just simply are curious.

Another thing was how the war made the troops such brutal animals. The number of deaths is just ridiculous and the number of bombs they dropped in the Vietnam War too.

I am happy to know though that the troops are the one who started the "get out of Vietnam" ordeal. Where hundreds of them were sent to prisons because of their refusal to fight in a war they seriously thought was outrageous. Props to them and props to the people of America who finally stood up against the government.
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      03-07-2009, 01:30 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by ukthunderace View Post
Okay, I am pretty sick of this and normally I just sit back and watch you guys battle back and forth, but this is just too much.

Forged, first of all, I have served in the military for over 23 years now. From F-111's to SOF to Desert Shield/Storm to Sarejevo to Iraq. Hopefully, that is enough of a qualifier for what follows.

Just because you were/are/will be in the military does not automatically make you more of an expert on all things military. You continuously wave your affiliation with the armed services as some banner of superiority over all those on this forum. Your manner, bearing and lack of self-restraint are in direct conflict with the core values of any service. Step back and take a look in the mirror. If you are trying to become an officer, you better develop a lot more character and humility than you show at this point.
You presented a list of "facts" which were interesting. Try not to have such a myopic view and realize that there are many sides to "facts". There is very little black and white where war and governments are concerned.
If you truly believe in the Constitution your are sworn to uphold and defend, you would not be so quick to condemn those who disagree with your views (which were not your views in the first place, but quotes out of another source).
That uniform you wear is precious to a lot of people. A lot of good people have died and been wounded wearing it. It is the uniform of a servant, bound by oath and belief to their country and the foundation upon which it was built. Do not tarnish or soil it.
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      03-07-2009, 01:32 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Comet View Post
wow dude
as I recall u haven't laid your life for anyone either...

I'd like to officially appeal my stance on whether or not this guy is a sissy soldier..
thats messed up.
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      03-07-2009, 06:39 PM   #39

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Originally Posted by ukthunderace View Post
Okay, I am pretty sick of this and normally I just sit back and watch you guys battle back and forth, but this is just too much.

Forged, first of all, I have served in the military for over 23 years now. From F-111's to SOF to Desert Shield/Storm to Sarejevo to Iraq. Hopefully, that is enough of a qualifier for what follows.

Just because you were/are/will be in the military does not automatically make you more of an expert on all things military. You continuously wave your affiliation with the armed services as some banner of superiority over all those on this forum. Your manner, bearing and lack of self-restraint are in direct conflict with the core values of any service. Step back and take a look in the mirror. If you are trying to become an officer, you better develop a lot more character and humility than you show at this point.
You presented a list of "facts" which were interesting. Try not to have such a myopic view and realize that there are many sides to "facts". There is very little black and white where war and governments are concerned.
If you truly believe in the Constitution your are sworn to uphold and defend, you would not be so quick to condemn those who disagree with your views (which were not your views in the first place, but quotes out of another source).
That uniform you wear is precious to a lot of people. A lot of good people have died and been wounded wearing it. It is the uniform of a servant, bound by oath and belief to their country and the foundation upon which it was built. Do not tarnish or soil it.

Once again, very well said.
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      03-07-2009, 06:48 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by enfield View Post
The Americans lost the war because they lost the will to fight and the will to win.

The US objective was to defeat Communism in Vietnam. That did not happen.

The North Vietnamese objective was to reunify the country under Ho Chi Minh. That happened.

The US never lost a major Battle in Vietnam but they lost the war. There is more to war than just fighting. You need to read "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu.
mhm. that afghanistan-russia example is pretty much the same as vietnam-us
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      03-07-2009, 08:17 PM   #41
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