10-25-2016, 06:36 AM | #23 | ||
is probably out riding.
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Fat isn't bad, it's being discovered that it actually functions in ways other than energy storages. But once you reach obese levels, that fat has invaded your organs, increasing the intensity for them to function normally. Basically making it more difficult for your organs to function properly. This side effect of being fat is what's dangerous as it increases the risk of every health problem that humans face. Sharply increases that risk as well. In addition to that, the damage to your organs is more extreme and more permanent the fatter you are and the longer you're fat. As you pointed out, it's difficult to gauge someone's health by looking at them, well the only way to see the damage you've done to your organs is through post mortem exam. But nobody wants to have one of those any earlier than necessary. With all things being equal, not being over weight is a guaranteed way to postpone that final exam.
"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
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10-25-2016, 06:46 AM | #24 |
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It just reminds me of the people in the Wall-E movie from 'Buy and Large'. Sorta heading that way. Have a look at the average person from the 50's. Way different.
These women are just plain fat. Happy or not, they're just fatter than they should be. End of. |
10-25-2016, 07:39 AM | #25 |
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10-25-2016, 07:43 AM | #26 |
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OK, I'm not being a dick but none of those women appear to be at a healthy weight. Obesity is a serious health problem, carrying that much extra weight is hard on your joints, back and more importantly your cardio vascular system. I think it's great that folks have confidence because I think that a lot of folks eat for comfort and the problem becomes cyclical.
Taskmaster2502.00 |
10-25-2016, 07:59 AM | #28 |
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Who wants an average chick?
InternetFame553.00 |
10-25-2016, 07:59 AM | #29 |
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Obesity defined:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obesity http://www.smartbmicalculator.com For the record, I am 5'9 and 190 lbs, which give me a BMI of 28.1 which is overweight, a BMI of 30 or more is considered obese. I am 55 and it gets harder to maintain a healthy weight, but I am working on it as I don't want the long term negative affects of carrying too much weight. |
Mr Tonka6063.50 Taskmaster2502.00 |
10-25-2016, 08:16 AM | #30 |
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Heres my take:
Obesity should not be celebrated; but it also should not be shamed. Instead, a healthier lifestyle should be encouraged (not forced). I will never judge someone who is obese and truly trying to better themselves. I just cant get behind celebrating it. I'm up every morning at 5am at the gym followed by a 10-14 hour workday. When they tell me they "cant do it" i lose all respect. America has gone soft, and with all new healthcare regulations, we all have to pay for it.
2017 C63 2012 X5M SOLD: 2015 M3; 2007 X3 M Sport; 2014 X3 M Sport 35i; 2004 X5 4.4i; 1994 325i |
10-25-2016, 08:20 AM | #31 | |
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10-25-2016, 08:29 AM | #32 |
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r u joking, for a start the woman in the first pose is hot,
2ndly who are to say anyone is disgusting or unhealthy. I've danced (and I mean proper 50's jive) with some .. for want of a better word "fat" WOMEN who can run rings around there skinny counter parts. Blame the culture we live in, the ease and cheapness of getting junk food. Cars, school runs and cellphones. In different cultures, "fat" or "chubby" means wealth. That is you have so much money you can EAT more food than you need. I find that "bigger" women, have better personalities than there skinny size zero's and never have a problem when going to restaurants "oH O can only eat a stick of celery" And sex... man, you can pound that beast without fear of breaking bones. Women also put on weight after child birth. Then of course you have medical issues. Diabetes and insulin causes it's own issues (been there done that) Unless you have the honed body of a young arnold or JCVD, I wouldnt be throwing stones in a glass house. Consider yourself served ![]() |
10-25-2016, 09:02 AM | #34 |
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Doesnt really bother me much. If you want to be overweight, fat, etc good for you I guess. The only time its really annoying is on a plane. Aside from that, if you want to cut 10 years from your life well see ya later.
I got suspended from the 5th grade for a jokingly calling a buddy of mine fat. He knew I was joking, we all laughed it off and still do until this day....still got suspended. |
10-25-2016, 09:50 AM | #35 |
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No one ever kidnaps fat chicks, to damn heavy to pick up and stuff in a trunk.
10-25-2016, 09:55 AM | #36 |
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This is what happens when you allow minimum standard to become the majority. It therefor becomes the norm.
90% of people are fat due to, A. LACK of exercise B. POOR diet choices C. LACK of discipline and self control D. Reassuring themselves that there is nothing wrong with A, B and C less than 10% is to actual medical reasons We don't respect people who make poor financial choices, why the fuck should we now respect people who make poor diet choices. |
Naz241646.50 natedog7700766.00 fravel1648.00 InternetFame553.00 Taskmaster2502.00 Jhenka34.00 Germanauto9358.00 RABAUKE4672.50 |
10-25-2016, 10:10 AM | #38 | |
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I'll be eating my Arugula and Grilled chicken salad for lunch today, thank you very much. Shit, i'd love to have shake shack instead, but its all choices. Need to keep them abs for when i go to cabo! ![]()
2017 C63 2012 X5M SOLD: 2015 M3; 2007 X3 M Sport; 2014 X3 M Sport 35i; 2004 X5 4.4i; 1994 325i |
10-25-2016, 10:50 AM | #39 |
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Mr Tonka6063.50 upstatedoc7526.00 |
10-25-2016, 02:32 PM | #40 | |||
is probably out riding.
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![]() Quote:
![]() ______________________________ I've recently learned that you can't out exercise a bad diet. Also recently learned that the 80/20 rule that people misquote doesn't mean losing weight is 80% diet and 20% exercise. It's 100% diet. If you want to lose weight, you'll have to eat less. The only way to out exercise a high calorie diet is if you're a professional athlete meaning work = 4 to 6 hours of physical exercise 5 days a week. But it's 100% diet for the regular folks. Anyone who thinks they are going to lose 10-20 pounds by exercising 30 min a day without diet change, is sadly mistaken. Even an hour a day won't cut it. I generally exercise at in intense level for 8 hours a week. Not a chance in hell i could have lost the wight i have with that alone. Hell, i lost about 23 pounds before staring to exercise. Lost 33 more after starting regular exercise but all of it came off a pound a week no matter before or after the exercise start point. I tracked my weight every day on the same scale, same time of day, same routine for more than a year. Averaged a loss of 1 pound a week as expected by calorie consumption vs expenditure. Someone asked me today why i still log my calories on my phone app after i've reached an ideal size and weight. They actually said "why not ditch that app and enjoy your life". I found that kind of funny because i really enjoy not being over weight anymore. And knowing exactly where i am in my calorie intake each day allows me to indulge in my favorite snacks and treats without any guilt. Then I had kind of an epiphany about why it's difficult for so many to lose weight while it was very easy for me...... All addictions are difficult to kick and for the most part people who overcome additions do so by completely abstaining from their addiction. Look at Axius for instance. He's addicted to strip clubs. He spends every night there, spends hundreds each night in hopes of taking one, ANY of the stripers home, especially the midget ones. After his car, bike and home were repossessed and foreclosed on he realized he had a problem. But because the addiction is so strong, he can't just cut back to 3 nights a week with a $25 dollar limit. The draw is too strong and he'll spend far more than that each night. So he abstains from all the clubs all the time because allowing himself a little always turns into partaking too much. Food is different in that we can't just abstain from it all together. So if you've grown up with bad habits, developed a bad relationship with food or just love to eat.... you're forced to manage your addiction to food type, frequency and quantity. We all know that people with addictions generally suck at managing internal desires so that usually doesn't work out too well. I'm no different as i love to eat food. For me, i had to employ something that would help me make better decisions and keep me accountable to my goals. Myfitnesspal calorie logging app is what did the trick for me.
"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
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10-25-2016, 02:53 PM | #41 |
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10-25-2016, 03:38 PM | #42 | |
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24 years old now so it was some time ago...I wouldnt say a lot though haha. NYC public schools...they weren't exactly lenient in my district. All I did was call the kid fat...my exact words were "you have a blubber pack" it was enough to warrant a 3 day suspension. |
10-25-2016, 03:51 PM | #43 | |
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This space for rent.
10-25-2016, 03:54 PM | #44 |
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How do I feel about it?
If the trend keeps up I foresee a lot of lonely women who can't attract men, and lonely men who want nothing to do with the women that are available. Like seriously, there are few things I want out of life more than to be a husband and father, but I would rather stay single for life before pretending to be attracted to one of those women.
![]() Last edited by fravel; 10-25-2016 at 04:00 PM.. |
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