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      05-11-2018, 06:00 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Not_Judy View Post
....... I have gone through the same situation with both of my sons. Two cars purchased, two cars modified to their liking and two cars destroyed within months of being "finished." Unfortunately they still somehow continue to drive like they are in bumper cars.
Perhaps just trying to justify my own youth, but if you make them work for the money and pay for it themselves, and take the bus when they wreck it, then I doubt you'll see that bumper-car behavior. Being the cool dad who hands out the cool cars can get real dark real fast when you get called to the ED after they have to cut them out of it.
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      05-11-2018, 06:04 PM   #24
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1. Glad he's OK.

2. Guaranteed there was some texting and driving going on.
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      05-11-2018, 06:54 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Real Dodger View Post
I wish I hadn't read this thread, as my 16 year old is leaving for school in their car. He's been driving on his own for 6 weeks.
Relax. You've got another week.

But seriously, cars are much safer these days compared to what most of us were driving at 16. My first car was a Mk1 GTI... No air bags, no traction control, no anti-lock brakes, and sheet metal as thick as a beer can. We all did stupid shit and the vast majority of us survived. The only advantage we had was knowing it was going to hurt when something went wrong. Better to learn that lesson young while you're green and flexible. That being said, please remind your kids to put away their "smart" phones while driving.
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      05-11-2018, 07:15 PM   #26
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first the Penguins and now this! you can't catch a break!
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      05-12-2018, 04:32 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Maynard View Post
Perhaps just trying to justify my own youth, but if you make them work for the money and pay for it themselves, and take the bus when they wreck it, then I doubt you'll see that bumper-car behavior. Being the cool dad who hands out the cool cars can get real dark real fast when you get called to the ED after they have to cut them out of it.
I agree with you and this is my method of parenting. This is why they don't want to live with me. Their mother is "cool" parent that "gives" them everything. They have rules, chores, responsibilities and have to work for what they have at my house which is why they aren't here. I don't hand out shit. This was the way that I was raised. I started working mowing yards and raking leaves around my neighborhood when I was 12 just to pay for my school clothes.

Glad to see I'm not the only one who parents in this manner. Sad thing is that when the parents are divorced for not being able to parent by the same mentality, the parent with morals ends up being the bad guy. I appreciate you making the effort to make this comment. Rather than be upset in thinking that you're trying to tell me how to parent, I see it as an attempt to change a mindset. Appreciate you but the rabbit is hole is deeper than it appears.

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      05-15-2018, 10:15 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Not_Judy View Post
I agree with you and this is my method of parenting. This is why they don't want to live with me. Their mother is "cool" parent that "gives" them everything. They have rules, chores, responsibilities and have to work for what they have at my house which is why they aren't here. I don't hand out shit. This was the way that I was raised. I started working mowing yards and raking leaves around my neighborhood when I was 12 just to pay for my school clothes.

Glad to see I'm not the only one who parents in this manner. Sad thing is that when the parents are divorced for not being able to parent by the same mentality, the parent with morals ends up being the bad guy. I appreciate you making the effort to make this comment. Rather than be upset in thinking that you're trying to tell me how to parent, I see it as an attempt to change a mindset. Appreciate you but the rabbit is hole is deeper than it appears.

Looking back, I'm glad my parents weren't "modern parents" as my younger sister used to say. My parents were fairly strict, and it definitely helped me have a good work ethic and be financially responsible. Many of those friends who had "modern parents" growing up have been in and out of jail, had kids with multiple partners before 25 years old, drug addictions, etc. Many of the parents who wanted to be friends with their kids when I was growing up barely see them anymore or have a bad relationship with them. I wasn't friends with my parents at all, and many times wished they weren't so strict. I now have a great relationship with them.
"Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."

-Dr. Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park
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King Rudi13071.00
      05-15-2018, 10:34 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by CTinline-six View Post
Looking back, I'm glad my parents weren't "modern parents" as my younger sister used to say. My parents were fairly strict, and it definitely helped me have a good work ethic and be financially responsible. Many of those friends who had "modern parents" growing up have been in and out of jail, had kids with multiple partners before 25 years old, drug addictions, etc. Many of the parents who wanted to be friends with their kids when I was growing up barely see them anymore or have a bad relationship with them. I wasn't friends with my parents at all, and many times wished they weren't so strict. I now have a great relationship with them.
THIS!!! I hated that when my friends spent their summers at the pool and whatnot I was working but now, most of them are back at home or have far worse issues. The morals, work ethics and financial stability I have now is worth WAY more to me than being able to spend time with "friends" that are no longer around. As far as my children go, they now see the downfall of the cool parent. She recently lost her job and now is stuck in the meat grinder of trying to find a job with no relative work experience; my kids are now old enough to understand and have started coming to me for advice about finances and jobs. Life has a tendency to turn tables. I believe that life continues to give you the same problems until you are able to make the right decisions and progress.
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      05-15-2018, 11:17 AM   #30
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Where at in PA? Noticed all the blue/yellow/white plates..
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      05-15-2018, 12:11 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by blau iii View Post
Where at in PA? Noticed all the blue/yellow/white plates..

check his avatar
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      05-15-2018, 12:22 PM   #32

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Originally Posted by Not_Judy View Post
THIS!!! I hated that when my friends spent their summers at the pool and whatnot I was working but now, most of them are back at home or have far worse issues. The morals, work ethics and financial stability I have now is worth WAY more to me than being able to spend time with "friends" that are no longer around. As far as my children go, they now see the downfall of the cool parent. She recently lost her job and now is stuck in the meat grinder of trying to find a job with no relative work experience; my kids are now old enough to understand and have started coming to me for advice about finances and jobs. Life has a tendency to turn tables. I believe that life continues to give you the same problems until you are able to make the right decisions and progress.
Them coming to you for advice on finances and jobs is great, providing they don't cross the line and also seek driving tips from you, the guy who got run over by his own vehicle (kinda).
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King Rudi13071.00
      05-15-2018, 01:08 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Joekerr View Post
Them coming to you for advice on finances and jobs is great, providing they don't cross the line and also seek driving tips from you, the guy who got run over by his own vehicle (kinda).

This car is going to be the death of me. Literally just got caught in a hail storm while at lunch. I did manage to make it to an awning at a gas station but the guy in a $1200 S-10 couldn't be bothered to move up a foot to let me get completely under. I'm too sick about it to even go look for damage.
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      05-15-2018, 01:11 PM   #34

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Originally Posted by ShopVac View Post

Boy just got out of an 8 car pile up - him being the 8th car. First off, he's okay. Major cuts and burns from the airbag, sore shoulder from the seat belt. They were all driving the speed limit...

For his part, since he couldn't see around the car in front of him...when the Jeep hit the car in front of them, he didn't have enough reaction time to do anything. He tried to steer clear...but probably made the impact worse. There's hardly any damage to the back of the Jeep...and that was the only car able to drive away.

In PA, as most states, beings he hit the car in front of him, this part of the accident was his fault. So I'll get dinged for his total and the damage to the back of the Jeep (guessing that's 500 to a grand.)

Jetta has to be totaled, engine oil, power steering, and coolant all left at the scene. Front end is gone, windshield, doors, airbags.

All involved were kids 18 and under just leaving high school. Lack of driving awareness at its best.

And before one of you chumps chimes in with a "this thread is worthless without pics" - I know how yinz love carnage.
Happens when following too close.
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      05-15-2018, 01:47 PM   #35

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Originally Posted by Never_Enough View Post
Happens when following too close.
Well, it can happen in other situations as well. Like whiteout conditions. Ask me how I know.

Although, in fairness, I was probably also too close at the time, but wouldn't have mattered. I was a little freaked out to see a tractor trailer suddenly materialize, fully stationary, about 20 feet in front of me.
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      05-15-2018, 08:56 PM   #36
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and this is why children should buy their own cars. when mommy and daddy gives it to them, why give a fuck and be careful?
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      05-18-2018, 09:19 AM   #37
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Interesting that the only car with deployed airbags was the VW.
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