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      02-26-2009, 05:49 PM   #23
Citizen Z
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This thread needs to be moved to "Off Topic Discussions" or "Other Cars."
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      02-26-2009, 05:52 PM   #24
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i was 17 and skipped school for the day and was heading down to my familys vacation beach house. I was cruising at 90 and had to take a massive dump, i mean i was on the verge of exploding. I got hit by an undercover car shooting radar and 2 miles down the road got pulled over for doing 93 in a 65. Told the cop i was about to shit my pants and he could see i was just a kid and was scared and gave me a ticket for 70 in a 65. Thats the good story, a month later i was pulled over soing 72 in a 55 and the cop was just a plain dick. I mean he wanted to search my car and i consented havign nothing to hide. 40 min later i got a ticket and he told me to not drive faster than 50mph on his roads.... A month later i got pulled over by irvine pd he said i was not wearing my seatbelt, by the time he pulled me over and caught up to me i was laready out of the car and had a verbal argument with the officer (looking back this was not smart) anyways he conceeded that he never saw me without a seatbelt he jsut saw me on my cell and that i was in a nice car and wanted to pull me over. He gave me a ticket for tint and no front plate, and to top it off it was my brothers car i had to pay to have it retinted afterwards.

after the first 2 speeding tickits i got my v1 and have not had a speeding ticket in 3 years (knock on wood) and soont they will be off my record. By the way i get pulled over 4-5 times a year where i live usually for no reason.
2009 135 in transit
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      02-26-2009, 07:02 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by xbook View Post
Yes I have BSed with buddies about the stupid crap we have pulled. Hey we have all made mistakes. I am not even close to being a clean law abiding citizen. But, when I make a mistake I own to my mistake and don't place the blame on other parties. The stories I have read in this thread make no mention of "I made a mistake". What they do try to communicate is that the cops in these situations are a$$holes because they did their job. Yes, if you are doing 50mph in a 35mph zone you are breaking the law, plain and simple. If you get caught by a police officer breaking the law, you should be prepared for what comes next. Tough $hit if you don't like the consequences, that's life.

This thread sounds to me like glorifying really bad decisions, whilst criticizing the folks whose job it is to keep the public safe.
Because most speed limits set in this land are pure BS. Why don't the coppers go catch some REAL criminals instead of hiding in the bushes, shooting laser at people doing 75 in 65?
E90 M3 DCT Interlagos Blue/Silver Interior, Tech Pkg, Prem Pkg, Folddown Seats, 19"... that's it

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      02-26-2009, 07:03 PM   #26
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I was on the Veterans in Tampa about 2 year ago driving from my GF's house to my Godmothers in St. Pete.

The normal speed limit is 60 (maybe 65, I don't live in Tampa so I don't know) but there is a construction zone right before you hit the airport exits and the speed limit drops down to 35mph. NOBODY goes 35, they all stay at 60. I happened to be in the number 2 lane all by my lonesome doing 60mph. All of a sudden my radar detector starts freaking out and giving me a laser warning. When I look ahead at the median there is a opening in it and on the opposite side facing me is an unmarked Crown Victoria with a Florida State Trooper standing next to it with his laser gun pointed right at me. As I am looking at him I see him put the gun down as he goes to get into his cruiser.

I don't even know how I though to do what I did next, but I went into a "I'm not getting a ticket" mode. Without even thinking about it I looked to my right (keep in mind I am in the number 2 lane, and there is about 4 lanes) and I see it is all clear. About 200 feet ahead there is an exit on the right hand side of the highway. I cut the wheel, went across all the lanes and got off on the exit. I looked back at the trooper and he gets back up and watches me get off the highway.

I'm guessing he didn't pursue me, but just in case I started zig zagging down random streets to get away. Only downside to the whole story is I had no idea where I was so I got lost. That exit being right there saved my ass, and if there had been anyone at all to my right I wouldn't have pulled that shit. I'm not going to endanger someones life just to get off a ticket.
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      02-26-2009, 08:18 PM   #27
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Last edited by gtaday51; 02-28-2009 at 11:18 AM..
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      02-26-2009, 08:33 PM   #28
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This happened last summer.. I was coming home from my girlfriends house at 1am and in a good mood so I decided to take the last turn really fast (no cars anywhere) I had DCT off and was doing about 40mph, as i took the turn, the back kicked out and I drifted through it. Anyways I pull in to my drive way thinking in my head how cool it would be if a cop saw it but couldn't do shit cuz I would just park and bail. Right when I thought of that, a cop pulled up behind me and screamed on his mic "DO NOT ENTER THE PARKING LOT" They pulled me out of the car, did a couple of drinking tests, couldn't believe I wasn't drunk since my eyes were so bloodshot (guessing they never heard of contact lenses at night) Then they started playing good cop bad cop. The good one asked me why I took the turn so fast, but didn't wait for a reply and just said..

"cuz you got a fast little B. M. Dabaya that why huh... this shits fuckin fast isn't it."
"Yes officer."
"You like to fuck around?!?! What if someone jumped in the middle of the street?"
"The streets looked pretty clear sir"
the bad cop cuts me off.. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't take you to jail"
"I wont ever do it again."
"Alright then get the fuck outta here."

And i never did it again... on that same turn

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      02-26-2009, 08:44 PM   #29

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Blew by a cop going 240km/h..... he tried chasing but I kept going and took the next exit haha
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      02-26-2009, 09:03 PM   #30
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i've got a crazy ass story but i'm too lazy to type it all out. it happened last night/this morning.

basically, i had a party that got busted and i should've been charged with possession of alcohol (not mine), marijuana (didn't smoke it), and paraphernalia (not mine), but because i didn't tell the officer he needed a search warrant and cooperated i got let off with a noise warning. zero bucks. clean record.

i smashed a $175 Zong that wasn't even mine.
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      02-26-2009, 09:06 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Bimmer Loyalist View Post
i've got a crazy ass story but i'm too lazy to type it all out. it happened last night/this morning.

basically, i had a party that got busted and i should've been charged with possession of alcohol (not mine), marijuana (didn't smoke it), and paraphernalia (not mine), but because i didn't tell the officer he needed a search warrant and cooperated i got let off with a noise warning. zero bucks. clean record.

i smashed a $175 Zong that wasn't even mine.
i just got your pm, oh shiz, you lucky n00b
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      02-26-2009, 09:13 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by jh valley View Post
i just got your pm, oh shiz, you lucky n00b
the only noob was my dumbass friend who wouldn't stop telling the cop he couldn't search my apartment without a warrant. i almost did go to jail because he wouldn't stfu and gtfo.
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      02-26-2009, 09:58 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by damadama View Post
(not a story about driving)

Was 14 years old, friday night maybe 8 or 9pm. I was skateboaring with a couple of my friends towards the back of this strip-mall type place in Louisville, KY. Cop rolls by and I with his window down staring me down and i said to him "wazaaaaaaaaaaaaa" - recall sprite commercial from long time ago w/ black guy? anyway... We get to the back of mall in front of the theatre and are checking out what is playing when 2 cop cars pull up surrounding us. They get out of the guns drawn and proceed to make us lie on our faces while they start illegally searching us (I say illegally, they said I made a gang call at them, he could have wrecked his car or something and so they were justified). I didn't hesitate to give this cop all kinds of attitude as I was a snot-nosed 13 yr old lil shit at the time (not much has changed i guesS). I started standing up to get my shoes back on (slipping into them i dont use laces kthx) and the cop pushes me back to the ground and then calls my parents (at this point im THRILLED they are calling my parents). He goes on telling them i have a huge mouth, disrespect this and that, whatever... Gets my parents to to drive up there to pick us up. My dad gets out of the car, and is in a fuckin awful mood. I try to explain the situation to him and hes sort of back and forth on my side or the cops side. Well, luckily my buddy had his handicam and was videotaping all of this for our stupid skate video purposes. Parents see video, I'm off the hook. Parents send video to local PD, 1 officer fired the other one suspended

Most cops are pretty decent guys I think. To the Pigs out there, suck eeeet!

Finally, some justice. In my experience most cops are total assholes, and this includes experiences of me just witnessing crap these guys do. What would be interesting to know is if they became officers because they are assholes, or developed into assholes after they became cops.

And no...I'm not still pissed about the no-plate ticket I got while parked on a quiet street at 12:30 in the morning. In fact, I commend him for being so committed to service that he would get out of his car at such an hour, in the heavy rain and 40 degree temps, to write a ticket for a nonmoving violation (being sarcastic). Although, I would have been very appreciative if he would have atleast put the ticket in plastic so that I didn't have a paper mess on my windshield in the morning. Oh, I'm thinking of fighting this ticket, just so I can meet this POS.

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      02-26-2009, 10:32 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by ktdw View Post

Finally, some justice. In my experience most cops are total assholes, and this includes experiences of me just witnessing crap these guys do. What would be interesting to know is if they became officers because they are assholes, or developed into assholes after they became cops.

And no...I'm not still pissed about the no-plate ticket I got while parked on a quiet street at 12:30 in the morning. In fact, I commend him for being so committed to service that he would get out of his car at such an hour, in the heavy rain and 40 degree temps, to write a ticket for a nonmoving violation (being sarcastic). Although, I would have been very appreciative if he would have atleast put the ticket in plastic so that I didn't have a paper mess on my windshield in the morning. Oh, I'm thinking of fighting this ticket, just so I can meet this POS.
Just show officers a little respect and common courtesy and they wont be assholes. If you act like an ignorant shit, they have every right to treat you as such.

They have a job to do, ok? You may not like all the little insignificant regulations they enforce but they didnt write the laws did they?
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      02-26-2009, 11:27 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Bimmer Loyalist View Post
the only noob was my dumbass friend who wouldn't stop telling the cop he couldn't search my apartment without a warrant. i almost did go to jail because he wouldn't stfu and gtfo.
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      02-27-2009, 12:17 AM   #36

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Originally Posted by damadama View Post
(not a story about driving)

Was 14 years old, friday night maybe 8 or 9pm. I was skateboaring with a couple of my friends towards the back of this strip-mall type place in Louisville, KY. Cop rolls by and I with his window down staring me down and i said to him "wazaaaaaaaaaaaaa" - recall sprite commercial from long time ago w/ black guy? anyway... We get to the back of mall in front of the theatre and are checking out what is playing when 2 cop cars pull up surrounding us. They get out of the guns drawn and proceed to make us lie on our faces while they start illegally searching us (I say illegally, they said I made a gang call at them, he could have wrecked his car or something and so they were justified). I didn't hesitate to give this cop all kinds of attitude as I was a snot-nosed 13 yr old lil shit at the time (not much has changed i guesS). I started standing up to get my shoes back on (slipping into them i dont use laces kthx) and the cop pushes me back to the ground and then calls my parents (at this point im THRILLED they are calling my parents). He goes on telling them i have a huge mouth, disrespect this and that, whatever... Gets my parents to to drive up there to pick us up. My dad gets out of the car, and is in a fuckin awful mood. I try to explain the situation to him and hes sort of back and forth on my side or the cops side. Well, luckily my buddy had his handicam and was videotaping all of this for our stupid skate video purposes. Parents see video, I'm off the hook. Parents send video to local PD, 1 officer fired the other one suspended

Most cops are pretty decent guys I think. To the Pigs out there, suck eeeet!
reminded me of this video

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      02-27-2009, 01:33 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by NYSPEM3 View Post
Because most speed limits set in this land are pure BS. Why don't the coppers go catch some REAL criminals instead of hiding in the bushes, shooting laser at people doing 75 in 65?
Ummm...have you seen the way people drive out there? Seriously if the speed limits were higher than they are or if cops didn't do their jobs, traffic accidents would kill more people than cancer. A ticket given for doing 80mph is a reminder to you as well as other drivers that if you drive too fast you might hurt yourself and/or other people.
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      02-27-2009, 03:13 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by aut0sh0cker View Post
Just show officers a little respect and common courtesy and they wont be assholes. If you act like an ignorant shit, they have every right to treat you as such.

They have a job to do, ok? You may not like all the little insignificant regulations they enforce but they didnt write the laws did they?
You're right about showing respect. Almost 30 years ago, my daycare was at this police officer's house. While everyone was eating dinner one night, the mild mannered wife reminded him to chew with his mouth closed. I stilll remember how everyone was so shocked that she would correct him at the dinner table. Anyways, she definetly deserved the beating for disrespecting him like that!

There are other stories, too.

Regardless of my opinions about known officers, my limited personal interactions with the police were always respectful (as I am towards everyone). I just wish they would also be respectful - and there lies the problem: the " I don't give a shit attitude". Personally, I have only known one police officer who I believed to be respectful & fair, but he was a desk officer...

Honesly, I don't mind the ticket so much, since I know I didn't follow the rules. What gets on my nerves is actually the conviction of many officers to use their discretion (yes, I said it!) to apply the laws in a discriminatory manner. Maybe if I didn't know of officers who drive drunk, smoke pot, beat their wives, etc., and then arrest others for the same offenses, I wouldn't act like an ignorant shit.

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      02-27-2009, 06:09 AM   #39
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Granted, if you are doing some crazy speeding, expect the cop to nail you.

What SHOULD be the point of this thread is that instead of cops pulling over someone who is talking on their cell phone while cutting across 4 lanes of traffic in their Ford Expedition, or someone doing 50 in the left-most lane of a limited-access highway and failure to yield to an emergency vehicle (REAL tickets, REALLY bad drivers), they are doing this bit I just found in an Associated Press news article

Man Saves 3, Gets Jaywalking Ticket
DENVER (Feb. 26) - A good Samaritan who helped push three people out of the path of a pickup truck before being struck and injured has gotten a strange reward for his good deed: A jaywalking ticket.
Family members said 58-year-old bus driver Jim Moffett and another man were helping two elderly women cross a busy Denver street in a snowstorm when he was hit Friday night.Moffett suffered bleeding in the brain, broken bones, a dislocated shoulder and a possible ruptured spleen. He was in serious but stable condition Wednesday.
The Colorado State Patrol issued the citation. Trooper Ryan Sullivan said that despite Moffett's intentions, jaywalking contributed to the accident.
Moffett had been driving his bus when the two women got off. In the interest of safety, he got out and, together with another passenger, helped the ladies cross.
Moffett's stepson, Ken McDonald, said the driver of the pickup plowed into his stepfather, but not before Moffett pushed the two women out of the way.
When he awoke in intensive care, he learned of the ticket. "His reaction was dazed and confused. I was a little angry," said McDonald.
The other man also was cited for jaywalking, while the pickup driver was cited with careless driving that led to injury. Sullivan said the two elderly women haven't been cited but the investigation is ongoing.
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      02-27-2009, 06:28 AM   #40
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That story just reminded me of when I was about 10 or 11 my dad and I were driving in NYC I wanna say 47 St. We are at the corner of that and 5th Ave. We watch a pedestrian get hit by a car and the driver took off. My dad immediatly pulled his truck out and blocked 2 lanes of 5th Ave so that the guy wouldn't get run over. The cops gave my dad shit and a ticket for most likely saving that guy's life. Needless the say the judge in traffic court said are you f-ing kidding me?

Sorry about the multipost btw.
Our Lady of Blessed Acceleration don't fail me now.
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      02-27-2009, 11:38 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by gtaday51 View Post
That story just reminded me of when I was about 10 or 11 my dad and I were driving in NYC I wanna say 47 St. We are at the corner of that and 5th Ave. We watch a pedestrian get hit by a car and the driver took off. My dad immediatly pulled his truck out and blocked 2 lanes of 5th Ave so that the guy wouldn't get run over. The cops gave my dad shit and a ticket for most likely saving that guy's life. Needless the say the judge in traffic court said are you f-ing kidding me?

Sorry about the multipost btw.
I did the same thing a few months back when I saw a lady run into a car...yes you read it correctly..A car was driving by and she ran right into the side of the car. Although she was an idiot, I blocked traffic with my car till help arrived....When I asked her if she was okay...she looked up at me and said I just got hit by a car! I wanted to say got knocked the f out (from FRIDAY). I stayed till the cops arrived because the lady was adament that the car hit her. I had her lawyer call me as a witness as well as the cars insurance company. Her lawyer decided not to go through with the suit once I told them the actual story. Funny how people want to sue even though it was their own fault!!
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      02-27-2009, 12:59 PM   #42

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Let me preface this story with this, I deal with cops A LOT. 90% of them are cool and I am cool with them too. I've only ever dealt with 3 dick cops, and I was a dick right back at them. I've been told that there are notes on my license whenever the local PD runs it now about how I went out of my way and above and beyond what was asked of me in order to help them convict someone of Sexual Assault. What I'm trying to say is, this isn't how I normally talk to cops. Oh, and as for context, I drive my dad's cab (legit, I'm licensed) on the weekends to pay for school/car/fun and this incident occurred while I was doing that.

I'm driving along in Downtown Ottawa with a Police Car behind me and my friend in another car directly behind the cop and we were on the phone together at the time (Bluetooth headsets). I stop at a red light, light turns green, and I proceed through when all of a sudden the disco lights come on behind me. I pull over and am absolutely clueless as to why. The cop comes up to me:

Cop: "Do you know why I pulled you over?"
Me: "Honestly, I have no idea. Do I have a broken light or something?"
Cop: "You just completely blew through that red, I was behind you. You stopped at the red light and then proceeded through it."
Me: (doubting myself in my mind, did I actually blow the red?!)
My friend on the phone: "What the hell?! I was right behind you, you DID NOT blow the red. Look in your rearview, the hand is flashing showing that its changing back to red now and was green when you went through a minute ago. I'm pulling over up here."
Me: "Officer, I am positive I didn't go through the red. If you look back now the light is changing back to red as we speak indicating that it was green when I went through it."
Cop: "Are you calling me a liar?"
Me: "As respectfully as I can, yes sir I am. That cab pulled over a block ahead of us was behind you and will say that I didn't go through the red. So will the TaxiCam footage as the camera catches everything out the rear window. If you want to give me a ticket, fine, but I am going to have to ask you to contact your supervisor to come here and pull the footage off the camera right now so I may use it in court to defend myself."
Cop: "License, Insurance and Registration. NOW!"

Goes back to his car, comes back a solid 15 minutes later.

Cop: "I'm not going to give you a ticket, I suggest if you are going to drive for a living you pay more attention."
Me: "Sir, respectfully, I did pay attention and stop"
Cop: "Are you going to argue with me when I'm cutting you a break?"
Me: "No sir, am I free to leave?"
Cop: "Yea"
Me: "Alright, may I also suggest to you that if you are going to try and enforce the law for a living that you pay more attention? Have a good evening officer." (Roll up window)
My friend on the phone: "You fucking IDIOT! He's letting you GO!"

And with that I drove away, making damn sure I drove like a saint after that.

I still have no idea why he pulled me over in the first place though. I see that cop all the time as he patrols the bar-district... he recognizes me as we have a fairly easily identifiable cab (it's one of the highest-trimmed vehicles in the fleet) and he always gives me the death-stare as I drive past
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      02-27-2009, 02:44 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Desi View Post
Let me preface this story with this, I deal with cops A LOT. 90% of them are cool and I am cool with them too. I've only ever dealt with 3 dick cops, and I was a dick right back at them. I've been told that there are notes on my license whenever the local PD runs it now about how I went out of my way and above and beyond what was asked of me in order to help them convict someone of Sexual Assault. What I'm trying to say is, this isn't how I normally talk to cops. Oh, and as for context, I drive my dad's cab (legit, I'm licensed) on the weekends to pay for school/car/fun and this incident occurred while I was doing that.

I'm driving along in Downtown Ottawa with a Police Car behind me and my friend in another car directly behind the cop and we were on the phone together at the time (Bluetooth headsets). I stop at a red light, light turns green, and I proceed through when all of a sudden the disco lights come on behind me. I pull over and am absolutely clueless as to why. The cop comes up to me:

Cop: "Do you know why I pulled you over?"
Me: "Honestly, I have no idea. Do I have a broken light or something?"
Cop: "You just completely blew through that red, I was behind you. You stopped at the red light and then proceeded through it."
Me: (doubting myself in my mind, did I actually blow the red?!)
My friend on the phone: "What the hell?! I was right behind you, you DID NOT blow the red. Look in your rearview, the hand is flashing showing that its changing back to red now and was green when you went through a minute ago. I'm pulling over up here."
Me: "Officer, I am positive I didn't go through the red. If you look back now the light is changing back to red as we speak indicating that it was green when I went through it."
Cop: "Are you calling me a liar?"
Me: "As respectfully as I can, yes sir I am. That cab pulled over a block ahead of us was behind you and will say that I didn't go through the red. So will the TaxiCam footage as the camera catches everything out the rear window. If you want to give me a ticket, fine, but I am going to have to ask you to contact your supervisor to come here and pull the footage off the camera right now so I may use it in court to defend myself."
Cop: "License, Insurance and Registration. NOW!"

Goes back to his car, comes back a solid 15 minutes later.

Cop: "I'm not going to give you a ticket, I suggest if you are going to drive for a living you pay more attention."
Me: "Sir, respectfully, I did pay attention and stop"
Cop: "Are you going to argue with me when I'm cutting you a break?"
Me: "No sir, am I free to leave?"
Cop: "Yea"
Me: "Alright, may I also suggest to you that if you are going to try and enforce the law for a living that you pay more attention? Have a good evening officer." (Roll up window)
My friend on the phone: "You fucking IDIOT! He's letting you GO!"

And with that I drove away, making damn sure I drove like a saint after that.

I still have no idea why he pulled me over in the first place though. I see that cop all the time as he patrols the bar-district... he recognizes me as we have a fairly easily identifiable cab (it's one of the highest-trimmed vehicles in the fleet) and he always gives me the death-stare as I drive past sweet...
Past: '08 E92 335i|ZPP|ZSP|6AT
Past: '15 Mustang GT|401A|PP|6MT
Current: '20 Shelby GT350|6MT
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      02-27-2009, 04:52 PM   #44
do a wheelie!!!
MrAdams's Avatar

Drives: E46 M3 - '72 2002 - '65 Impala
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Los Angeles

iTrader: (1)

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Her's a pretty long one... I had my M3 for about a month at the time. I'm driving down a street in my town where all the clubs/bars/stores are (a lot of poeple) theres 5 people in my car total. We see a group of chicks as we're stopped at a red light and we start hollerin at them, the light turns green and the car in front of me wants to turn left but has to yield to traffic (about 15 cars) so I decide to get in the right lane. the car in the right lane is trying to turn right into a 1 way. so I'm stuck going nowhere and I'm trying to get to a club. The cars behind me start honking so I go through the middle of both cars, when I hit 2nd I was on top of tile floor on the roads intersection so my tires chirped. I continue down the street at about 30-35 mph. My friend says "Did you see that cop?" I look back and say "No where?" and he says "Just keep going whatever" so I'm thinking its not a big deal. the next corner theres a guy crossing the street so I wait for him, once he's on the corner I turned. the next corner is a 4 way stop the car on the left of me goes and then I make a left turn and go into a private parking lot. we all get out of the car. we start walking away and my friend gets a text saying its about a mile up. so we decide to park closer. as we're walking back to my car I see 2 police looking underneath cars with their explorer parked behind my car. One of them looks at me ad says "Is this your car?" I say yes and he asked me again and pointed at the car "is this your car?" so I said "Yes it is" (keep in mind I look like I'm 17) so he tells all of us to sit on the curb and tells me to put my hands behind my back, He says "you're an asshole! you almost ran people over doing your little stunt back there!" I asked him what sunt and he just sayed "don't be a smart ass with me you are an asshole" he asked all my friends over and over who was driving and he kept telling them I was an asshole. they searched my car (without asking me) they pulled everything out of my trunk, glove box, and center counsel. I'm sitting in the police truck thing at this time watching. I looked at them and said "hey do you mind if I search your car?" he looked confused and said "what? no" and I said "well at least I asked I coulda just looked" he tells me I'm being charged with Evading arrest. Speeding. Running a red light. Failing to yield to a pedestrian. running a stop sign. and wreckless driving. He says my car is being impounded and I'm going to jail and I'm going to lose my license. one by one my friends are let leave and they are laughing saying "we'll make Free Adam t shirts" as we are waiting for the tow truck I start telling them "you guys know I didn't do anything and you searched my car without asking me" he said "we were looking for your registration" I said "its taped to the window!" then the partner cop says to me "that car looks fast just sitting there especially with a young guy behind the wheel" I told him "maybe thats why yo thought I was going fast? My uncle Dave S*****S told me to look out for cops like you" (My uncle is chief of police ) they said "Dave is your uncle?!" I said "He's technically my godfather" they both had the dumbest look on their faces and I said "What's your guys names again? or will it say on the paperwork?" he paused and said "It'll be on the paperwork"

My car ends up getting impounded for the night. I got Booked in. and they "Let me go with JUST" a Wreckless driving.

had my court date and all charges mysteriously were dropped. I told the judge "both of those police from that night need to learn some manners, and who's gonna pay for the tow/lock up fee on my car?" the jude says "we have done what we can an I appologise for those 2."

so My record is still clean but a crazy night I had to pay $380 to get my baby back.

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