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      07-01-2011, 02:56 PM   #23
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not a question of immigration status

Whatever your view on undocumented/illegal immigration, she's unlicensed and uninsured. She's a physical and financial menace to all law-abiding persons of any citizenship status.

You're not doing her or anyone a favor by letting her continue driving.
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      07-01-2011, 02:58 PM   #24
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The bumper cover and painting cost me $1200 here in NJ. This was at an authorized BMW repair facility. I went there myself rather than thru the dealer. In my case, the offender was a college student. His parents sent me a check, and yes I did report it to my insurance company indicatig it would be settled between the parties. I agree it is a good idea to do so.
Also - you do need tocheck to see that the absorbing material behind the bumber was not damaged, as well as the pistons that the assembly sits on.
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      07-01-2011, 03:51 PM   #25
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One word: karma. Your act will one day be reciprocated...I see it happen over and over again!
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      07-01-2011, 04:33 PM   #26

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If you report it to the insurance company as a collision with an uninsured, there is potential for everything to backfire.

When you signed your insurance contract, you agreed to assist your insurance company with collecting from any guilty party. First off, they will require a police accident report. But more importantly, you made a decision for the insurance company that you didn't have the right to decide for them. The insurance company provided uninsured coverage for you based upon the fact that they will be able to go after the uninsured driver and possibly recover from them. You decided on your own to rob the insurance company of that ability to recover from the driver. This would give the insurance company the right to deny you coverage for intentionally deciding not to get the driver's information.

The worst part is that you will still be rated as having had a collision, and you could potentially see an increase in your insurance rates -- EVEN if they deny you coverage.

While I don't think lying to an insurance company is a good idea (felony insurance fraud), I do think I might have misread your original post. Did you say you LOST the other driver's information after the accident? That you were so shook up after the accident that you must have misplaced the information in your time of stress?

Anyways, as for your question, you can search for used parts from junkyards using this webpage:

Junk yards post their parts there, and this is their index. This is actually what a lot of junkyards use themselves to locate parts when you call in. I've gotten plenty of used parts this way. I even got one junkyard to agree to ship for free at the same price as they listed the part for.
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      07-01-2011, 04:59 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by 11Series View Post
If you report it to the insurance company as a collision with an uninsured, there is potential for everything to backfire.

When you signed your insurance contract, you agreed to assist your insurance company with collecting from any guilty party. First off, they will require a police accident report. But more importantly, you made a decision for the insurance company that you didn't have the right to decide for them. The insurance company provided uninsured coverage for you based upon the fact that they will be able to go after the uninsured driver and possibly recover from them. You decided on your own to rob the insurance company of that ability to recover from the driver. This would give the insurance company the right to deny you coverage for intentionally deciding not to get the driver's information.

The worst part is that you will still be rated as having had a collision, and you could potentially see an increase in your insurance rates -- EVEN if they deny you coverage.

While I don't think lying to an insurance company is a good idea (felony insurance fraud), I do think I might have misread your original post. Did you say you LOST the other driver's information after the accident? That you were so shook up after the accident that you must have misplaced the information in your time of stress?

Anyways, as for your question, you can search for used parts from junkyards using this webpage:

Junk yards post their parts there, and this is their index. This is actually what a lot of junkyards use themselves to locate parts when you call in. I've gotten plenty of used parts this way. I even got one junkyard to agree to ship for free at the same price as they listed the part for.
You make good points.

I still think it's a good idea for the police to have his side of the story first.
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      07-01-2011, 09:52 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by TrackRat View Post
OT- but you're NOT helping the woman or society.

She needs to:

1. Come to the U.S. legally or not come at all

If all illegal immigrants would leave, the U.S. economy would suffer a huge blow.

2. Learn to drive properly, safely and get a driver's license
Yes, because it's easy to get a license in that situation...Here in CA, citizens voted against letting illegals get a driver's license. That's going to make our roads more unsafe.

But I agree that she needs to learn to drive properly and safely. SO DO A LOT OF U.S. CITIZENS.

3. NOT operate an uninsured vehicle
Yes, I agree on that.

4. Take personal responsibility for her actions
And what, exactly, would that mean in this case? Offer to pay for the repair?

Supporting this woman's violations of numerous laws is a bad choice and is likely to create more crime and problems in the U.S. - which I and all tax payers end up paying for. Those who came to the U.S. legally take this type of situation as a real slap in the face, as they should.
I came to the U.S. legally and I DO NOT CONSIDER THIS A SLAP IN THE FACE...
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      07-01-2011, 11:37 PM   #29
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Sorry but i disagree with most of the ppl in this thread. Its HER fault she's here illegally and without insurance, and pregrant no less!! I think it was a very poor choice for both you and her especially for u to act how you did. For you, obviously now due to her not knowing how the fuck to drive and being without insurance, you now have to shell out money to pay for a replacement bumper with no help, unless your made of money i cant see why you wouldnt be pissed about that...i would. And for her, now she thinks "o well, i can hit whoever the hell i want and ill get off scot free, yippee!" Im sure it makes things all better you being the "better person" n all, but not really.. Next time get a license number and contact info and ffs report her ass, she needs to be responsible and you shouldnt have to pay for that shit, unless you have insurance that fully covers damage done by uninsured motorists?
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      07-02-2011, 04:35 AM   #30

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Cora-Musa-Balla was his name...

I had this happen to me.

I told the guy he better give me all the info he had to make sure I'd see him again, or I'd call the police. He spilled out his ID, credit card, and all.

I did get some money from him, but he shorted the body shop, and they in turn did a cheap repair. I asked him to pay me the difference he shorted the body shop, and he refused, so I used his Visa Card # to order 4 tickets to a Concert I wanted to see.

It was a great show!
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      07-02-2011, 04:38 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by red-sauerkraut View Post
Cora-Musa-Balla was his name...

I had this happen to me.

I told the guy he better give me all the info he had to make sure I'd see him again, or I'd call the police. He spilled out his ID, credit card, and all.

I did get some money from him, but he shorted the body shop, and they in turn did a cheap repair. I asked him to pay me the difference he shorted the body shop, and he refused, so I used his Visa Card # to order 4 tickets to a Concert I wanted to see.

It was a great show!

Prob woulda been better to just turn his ass in or sick a lawyer on his ass. If he had funds for his credit card you coulda easily gotten the money for the repairs off of him with a lawsuit.
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      07-02-2011, 04:46 AM   #32

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Yeah without a doubt illegal... Lawyers don't work for free.

The 4 tickets to the show were just fine will me. He is lucky I did not call the police, I had a meeting 2 blocks a way, and had zero time to wait for the slow ass police.

Originally Posted by thez99 View Post

Prob woulda been better to just turn his ass in or sick a lawyer on his ass. If he had funds for his credit card you coulda easily gotten the money for the repairs off of him with a lawsuit.
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      07-02-2011, 04:48 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by red-sauerkraut View Post
Yeah without a doubt illegal... Lawyers don't work for free.

The 4 tickets to the show were just fine will me. He is lucky I did not call the police, I had a meeting 2 blocks a way, and had zero time to wait for the slow ass police.
So did you actually TAKE his credit card or just the number? I wouldve basically just told him to give me everything of any value in his car or person at the time as collateral, and then with his phone number he'd get it back once the repairs were paid.
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      07-02-2011, 04:52 AM   #34

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I wrote down the number, exp date, and the 3 digit code on the back, and the correct spelling of his name. Without that I would have called the cops. I'd never had charged the tickets if he did not screw me over a few hundred dollars.

Originally Posted by thez99 View Post
So did you actually TAKE his credit card or just the number? I wouldve basically just told him to give me everything of any value in his car or person at the time as collateral, and then with his phone number he'd get it back once the repairs were paid.
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      07-02-2011, 07:36 AM   #35
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While your adult manor in handling the accident is great.
She needed to be reported to the Police. She is still driving without a license or insurance. Next accident she may injure of kill someone.

As a Citizen your responsibility is to the overall good of the Nation. She was doing something illegal, and needed to be reported.
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      07-02-2011, 07:53 AM   #36
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While I applaud your kindness I think you were wrong to let this pass. Should have called the police and let them deal with it.

Forget about being illegal in the country. She is an uninsured/unqualified driver and is not allowed to share the road with the rest of us.

Did you get her licence plate number? Report it to the police now.
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      07-02-2011, 08:11 AM   #37

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Damn, your actions were real respectable. I dont think I'd be able to handle the sutuation as lightly as you did. I'm sure you'll be paid back and then some for what you did.

That said, licenses should be much tougher to get. Top gear had a good episode on driving in Finland.

Let us know how this all turns out for you. If you decide to go the 135i bumper route, i have a stock diffuser that might save you a few bucks. Just cover shipping. (from Houston)

God bless, all the bigoted Christians I hear about need to learn from you
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      07-02-2011, 08:19 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by dcho View Post
Damn, your actions were real respectable. I dont think I'd be able to handle the sutuation as lightly as you did. I'm sure you'll be paid back and then some for what you did.

That said, licenses should be much tougher to get. Top gear had a good episode on driving in Finland.

Let us know how this all turns out for you. If you decide to go the 135i bumper route, i have a stock diffuser that might save you a few bucks. Just cover shipping. (from Houston)

God bless, all the bigoted Christians I hear about need to learn from you
Would you feel the same if the person who rear ended the OP was drinking and was given a pass?
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      07-02-2011, 08:42 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by dcho View Post

God bless, all the bigoted Christians I hear about need to learn from you
Must be nice to be so simplistic. The fact of the matter is, tho, that there are rational arguments for turning her in that have nothing to do with bigotry. But I guess it's a whole lot easier to just label people than it is to actually read this thread, and open your mind to the points being made.
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      07-02-2011, 11:37 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by red-sauerkraut View Post
so I used his Visa Card # to order 4 tickets to a Concert I wanted to see.
I'm no lawyer, but couldn't that be a crime in itself? Not saying he didn't owe you for your damages and I know he wasn't being honorable, but if he wanted to couldn't he have turned it around and reported you to the CC company?

I'm guessing Visa wouldn't care about the accident or what he owed you, but they might get a little pissy about unauthorized use of their card.
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      07-02-2011, 12:26 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by 1SerieStud View Post
One word: karma. Your act will one day be reciprocated...I see it happen over and over again!

[QUOTE=germ;9939438]If all illegal immigrants would leave, the U.S. economy would suffer a huge blow.

Yes, because it's easy to get a license in that situation...Here in CA, citizens voted against letting illegals get a driver's license. That's going to make our roads more unsafe.

Originally Posted by Rawhide View Post
I'm no lawyer, but couldn't that be a crime in itself? Not saying he didn't owe you for your damages and I know he wasn't being honorable, but if he wanted to couldn't he have turned it around and reported you to the CC company?

I'm guessing Visa wouldn't care about the accident or what he owed you, but they might get a little pissy about unauthorized use of their card.
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      07-02-2011, 01:21 PM   #42

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The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Always call the police.
Did she have current plates and tags on the truck? If she did, she probably has insurance or the registered owner of the truck could have insurance.
People BS all the time to get out of trouble.
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      07-02-2011, 10:31 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by devet14 View Post
I came here expecting a ton of hatred but I'm actually pleasantly surprised.

You're a good man. Hope you get that bumper fixed soon. G/L
I can see how he is being a "good man".
However, a pregnant woman driving around with no insurance is not helping anybody, especially her unborn baby.

I have sympathy for immigrants, and even those who may be here illegal.
I myself am a naturalized US citizen who immigrated into the US.
But, that's a different discussion.

In this case that woman needed to be reported mainly to protect her baby, and others who may potentially be harmed by her.
It's an incident with someone being at fault. Regardless of the persons immigration status, that driver needs to be help accountable for her actions.

Yes the OP was being very good to her.
But, if she ends up hurting her baby or someone else because she's still on the road, then it's not helping to not report her.
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      07-02-2011, 10:41 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by pinmagic View Post
I dunno - I have mixed emotions on this. t's all well and good that you were so charitable to her, but the end result is that we still have someone uninsured, who clearly ain't the best driver, running around putting people's financial futures in jeopardy, with no accountability. Sure, the other driver's insurance will pay if she can't, but if she causes a major accident, and the other driver isn't adequately insured, then they'll spend the rest of their lives paying for her mistake. Not sure that's so fair.

And before you jump on me, let me say that I'm an equal employment opportunity lawyer, so I do know a thing or 2 about diversity. And I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other about illegal immigrants, because there are so many pros and cons on each side of the debate.

I just think that being charitable in this case does lead to potential problems for the next person she hits.
I agree as that is the real issue, responsibility for ones actions.
It's not about legal or illegal immigration status.

But, the OP's real question is about the bumper.
I'm with others here that you need to have the car looked at to assess any further damage that might be lurking underneath.

Have you considered filing this with your insurance under the "uninsured" portion of your coverage?
Most states now require an "uninsured" premium coverage.
But, that might cause problems too as they'll probably want a police report, which you'll have to get, and you don't want to lie either.
Since you don't know who this person is or the plate number, you might just file a report stating the facts.
Your insurance may get upset that you let the woman go, but I wonder if they can deny your claim based on simply being nice and letting her go without getting information or calling the police?

I don't fault you for being nice to the woman.
It's a tough call on what to do in a situation like that, especially if you have sympathy and empathy for her.
I too tend to be a sympathetic person as well.
For me, sitting at the keyboard at this moment, I think I would have called the cops due to an accident, not any other reason.
But then, it easier to make these decisions while sitting comfortably behind my keyboard.

Last edited by RPM90; 07-02-2011 at 10:55 PM..
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