10-31-2013, 02:59 PM | #552 | |
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I guess it goes hand in hand with, if you can't respect me enough to talk to me like your SO after a few minutes, why should I try and butter things up to make her feel better? Wouldn't that be lying (in a sense)? |
10-31-2013, 03:07 PM | #553 | |
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You're right, I'm in a very different situation, but I did want to show that kids aren't always the destroyer of worlds, even in the most unplanned situation. Our being together has pretty minimal bearing on his shaping as a person, but I don't think it hurts not to be in a situation where the parents are poisoning the kid against each other. It's funny, because I was always trained to think you'd pick the kid. When you consider that you can always make more kids (not quite the same) but that without your SO you'd have to start over completely with some pretty devastating consequences, it doesn't really make sense to. Hard to balance emotion and logic sometimes, though. You make an interesting point at the end there; I'd never really thought about it like that. My mom always put me first, partially because my dad is a selfish jackhole, but I don't think I feel any less respect towards spouses toward it. They say women tend to seek men who are similar to their fathers, and so I think if anything it's put me in places where perhaps the men are selfish but I feel the need to put in extra love, so sort of the opposite. Hmm. |
10-31-2013, 03:07 PM | #554 | |
is probably out riding.
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As Biorin said, being completely honest with each other and not taking offense when being honest plays a large role in a successful relationship. It is hard to start an in depth conversation that has the potential to blow up into a fight when you guys are getting along. It's difficult to risk the happy time while you have it. But that won't bring change. Just the same old circle of behavior.
"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
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10-31-2013, 03:10 PM | #555 | |
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10-31-2013, 03:13 PM | #556 |
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10-31-2013, 03:23 PM | #557 | |
is probably out riding.
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There would be only 2 reasons for her sticking around. She's on the look out for someone else. Or it's not that bad but, she thinks by telling you it is, she's motivating you to be the way she wants you to be. This is of course my uninvolved, never met either of you, professional opinion. ![]()
"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
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10-31-2013, 04:36 PM | #558 | |
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Your girlfriend's attitude sounds very similar to a previous girlfriend of mine. She would also tell me that the relationship is a struggle for her because I was somehow always making it difficult. I'm not sure how I was doing that because I'm a pretty easy going guy. Basically what it came down to was everything had to be done her way, and any objection or suggestion to it was me being difficult. Of course there has to be compromise in every relationship, I just wasn't cool with it being from me 100% of the time. I'm not sure if your situation is similar. From the sounds of it though, I most likely wouldn't want to continue down the current path if I were in your shoes.
Delivered in Munich, broken in on the Nurburgring.
10-31-2013, 05:10 PM | #559 |
Volcano Knuckles
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10-31-2013, 05:32 PM | #560 |
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She's the most amazing woman I've ever met. Why wouldn't I want to call her my wife? Makes me proud every time I introduce her that way. It's the highest level of commitment I can give her and she can give me. I was 23 and she was 21. We got married after dating for 9 months. Not a single regret.
10-31-2013, 05:46 PM | #561 | |
is probably out riding.
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When you want it there are no pros and cons of being married vs a relationship, you just want to be married to that person. All the weighing and measuring is done when you're getting to know that person. If after all that you decide you are compatible, you're emotions will let you know if you want that commitment. I actually resisted my emotions for weeks after i met my wife. The day i met her, i told my friend who showed up at my work after she left, that he just missed my future wife. We were both stunned since i was in a place far, far, away from wanting to be married. I had just closed on a house and was ready to pick out a puppy. So i was in it deep from the start. With my deep attraction to her, knowing that she had good credit, was an independent woman, had her shit together, etc... i was hooked. So i resisted kissing her for a long time. We did something together every day for 8 weeks without me kissing her. Because i knew once i did, it was over. So i did my 8 week evaluation and took the plunge. My suspicions were correct as i started designing her ring 4 months later. But everyone is different. For you, it may be better to stay in a relationship. Me, i like being able to get into a knock down drag out fight with my woman and know that even though she's mad a fuck at me, that she's still got my back. And i have hers. Plus it's cool to have someone to make you sammiches and do your laundry. ![]()
"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
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10-31-2013, 06:24 PM | #562 |
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Seriously, I get medical insurance out of it! And she and her sisters are some of the best Mexican cooks I know. TRuly the way to my heart is via my stomach.
I know that even when we scream and yell at each other, make each other cry, don't talk to each other for a few days, we are STILL going to make up and say "I love you" |
10-31-2013, 06:26 PM | #563 | ||
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Shitty situation, but I built it for myself. I will say, its good seeing more experienced knowledge from outsiders, because most reactions I get to my situation, are very biased. That only makes things harder. Quote:
10-31-2013, 06:29 PM | #564 | |
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10-31-2013, 06:51 PM | #565 | |||
Volcano Knuckles
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I like your approach of dating your now wife without getting physically involved for a while because once you get a taste of the nectar, everything seems perfect about a woman! |
10-31-2013, 07:20 PM | #566 | |
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However, its one thing to have a quick pissing contest, as opposed to having a 2/3 hour bickerfest over what should have been nothing. There is always benefit of the doubt, as every person has positive traits in some way shape or form, but don't always coincide, which creates a boundary much like what I am in. I would give up anything for the best of her, but the clashing wouldn't create a positive living environment for anyone involved. |
10-31-2013, 09:19 PM | #567 | ||
is probably out riding.
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What i'm getting at is when two people are right for each other, they will always compromise for the good of the relationship.
"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
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10-31-2013, 09:27 PM | #568 |
Chief Senior Executive Managing VP of Orange Sales
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From reading about the little tidbits of your relationship, @Billup, it reminds me of mine. Lots of arguing and making up, lots of compromise from my end. In the end it just gets old.
Some of us choose better than others. I chose poorly, but I was in love, felt she was "the one" within weeks of meeting her, started changing things, giving up dreams "for her", and ignored red flags. Love my kids to death but agree with @Biorin, doesn't mean I give in to their demands and let them grow up into uncontrollable, unappreciative brats. To me, I now put marriage in with religion and politics. I know my position, and unless someone really wants my opinion, I won't really state what it is or try to push it down people's throats. As Mr. Thinka said, marriage isn't for everyone. It certainly isn't for me, and it took a failed marriage to really learn that. I also learned, and plan to teach my kids, that it's not worth to give up your dreams for anybody. If you meet the right person, and they don't like something you do or want to accomplish, they aren't the right person for you. Now that I have kids and my single-dad family, I really don't see a point to ever get married again. I can hire a maid for the laundry, and I make a damn fine sandwich myself, let alone my awesome smoked chicken! ![]() |
10-31-2013, 09:43 PM | #569 |
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I really feel for people in bad relationships; it's such a frustrating thing for everyone involved. My wife and I have seen a number of our close friends over the years get married and then divorced. It's tough.
Glad to hear some stories here about people who bounced back. As for weighing relationship vs. marriage... you know when you know I guess.
11-01-2013, 12:03 AM | #571 | |
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-It takes two to argue. So if you are tired of it, don't engage in an argument. Whatever the situation, you always have the opportunity to say "I'm sorry - I didn't mean to offend you", and then quit responding. STFU. And if you are a man, be a man and take the leadership role. It's that simple. -If you have kids, be about the kids. Again - be the adult - be the leader. If you had to choose between the kid and the SO, choose the kid. Every time. You both should agree on that - it's biological. If you feel like your wife/husband is a complete bitch on skates, and you can't live under the same roof, why would you move out and leave your innocent, defenseless kid(s) with her/him? Your kids are fun, at every age. Look for it, and enjoy it - it won't last. And as adults, they can be awesome. -Life is not about what happens to you - it's about how you react to what happens to you. So for whatever you find lacking or annoying, ask yourself how you can change your outlook. Lots of money/no money, exciting/boring sex, etc. - it's your choice in how you look at it. -Never cheat. Be above deceit. An "open marriage" is no marriage - don't deceive yourself. -Recognize that there is something greater than yourself. Lead your spouse and children in the same recognition. To reject it is to lead a life and a family without hope - and that won't end well.
<OO (llll)(llll) OO>
11-01-2013, 10:04 AM | #572 | |
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The bold part is spot on. Thought she was the one, but I have been ignoring red flags for a long time, as I'm sure she has been as well. I wanted to give it benefit of the doubt, but the amount of times I had made her cry, scream, hang up on me...., is probably more often than there are stars in the sky. Should that not be a tell tale sign that I am not right for HER. I am 150% self efficient and don't have to rely on anyone for anything, and I've worked to hard to get where I am, to have someone stress me out more often than not because of things I do or things I say. Especially when I am putting my life on hold to move her out here so she can go to college and get a degree? Shes already said she feels "trapped" or "fucked over", then doesn't realize how that would sound if I said that to her. Its one sided. |
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