Originally Posted by Mark
Originally Posted by IEDEI
aw man....that's really unfortunate! I think the 1M deserved one from the beginning!
The 1M isn't about traffic.....as it's limited----BUT the forum is a great site of reference and is totally lost within the 1-series forum. It's hard to find for new members is weird in that it has subsections which are misused far too often by 1-series owners.
If you can at least make it a part of the main menu on the forums it would make for MUCH easier access.....especially on mobile.
Plenty of us would love this!! Please reconsider, Mark!
Thank you!
The decision is actually made to make the 1M forum a better more active one. Gotta trust us on this one
ALthough you make an excellent point about the mobile access and it being lost on the app. Will change that to make 1M a more obvious option from the main forums menu
Whatever happened with this:
Will change that to make 1M a more obvious option from the main forums menu???
Any chance it can be made into a stand alone link from the main forum page???