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      04-04-2016, 04:23 PM   #45

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Man OP, you got so lucky. There was this one time there was a Black BMW with tinted windows and some chrome rims parked outside my house all night long. Thought for sure I was gonna get raped. I think they got my wife though cause when i went to leave for work after her, the car was gone and so was she!!!!!

I got home later that night and those goddam rapists had parked their car in my garage!!! Needless to say, i burned the place to ground after i locked up all the doors and windows. I do wish they had returned my wife though. (kinda)
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      04-04-2016, 04:30 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Lucky John View Post
Yeah but your like a fifty year old truck driver with blue hair, tats and a Norwegian animal skinning knife on your belt. The people my mother warned me about are the ones that are scared of you.
Yeah, but some say I'm a 140 lbs female with a blonde hair and big boobs and a taste in cars that leaves no doubt for who you're looking at.

They're wrong. I am actually a 300 lbs short man with no hair except on my body.

And I'm sure mothers warn their sons about me. I would.
Originally Posted by Joekerr View Post
You're still a little new here, so I'll let you in on a little secret. Whenever Lups types gibberish, this is an opportunity for you to imagine it to be whatever you'd like it to be.
Originally Posted by Delta0311 View Post
How would you know this? Did mommy catch you jerking off to some Big Foot porn ?
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      04-04-2016, 04:37 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by Lups View Post
I've driven through your country a couple times alone, in a flashy car and without a gun.

Stop being so damn afraid.
Damn I missed the whole thread!

Lups just called you a little girl....

Hey, maybe The Mexican was just trying to race you. Did it have fart can exhaust? Brrrrrzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzz....
Originally Posted by Axius View Post
Why the sad face, I fucking love sausage.
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      04-04-2016, 04:42 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Mywifes335 View Post
Damn I missed the whole thread!

Lups just called you a little girl....

Hey, maybe The Mexican was just trying to race you. Did it have fart can exhaust? Brrrrrzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzz....
I'm calling most of Americans little girls, if you missed it. You fear everything and miss out on everything because of it.

We all die. It will happen. I wouldn't want to waste my life by fearing it, I want to see all and do everything.
Originally Posted by Joekerr View Post
You're still a little new here, so I'll let you in on a little secret. Whenever Lups types gibberish, this is an opportunity for you to imagine it to be whatever you'd like it to be.
Originally Posted by Delta0311 View Post
How would you know this? Did mommy catch you jerking off to some Big Foot porn ?
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      04-04-2016, 04:47 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by JoyRin View Post
Key phrase: "I think"

So i was leaving a buddy's house after a house party around 2:30am sunday morning. I was on the road that led me out of his neighborhood. The road is completely straight (neighborhood is grid set up). I notice a car heading into my direction about 1/3rd of a mile down as i come up to the 2nd to last stop sign before the road ends onto the main road. As i leave the stop sign, i notice the car slowly turning around (k-turn). By the time the car is facing the same direction as me, I was still at least 100yds away. Instead of just going, the car just kind of sits there toward the right side of the street as im slowly approaching. As i pass the car, i notice its got either small 16" chrome wheels or those chrome hubcaps and the windows are tinted. As soon as i fully pass the car, it's immediately on my ass. Im thinking the car screams bad guy and his behaivor was very suspicious. Now we're only about 50-75 yds from the main road (also signifying that he decided to turn around when hes already 50-75yd into the neighborhood), so as i was slowing down to the last stop sign, i decided im not going to take any chances. As soon as i could see both ways on the main road, i floored it, blowing thru the last stop sign and onto the highway exit. As im on the on-ramp, i look at the rearview and notice that the car is still at last stop sign and didnt follow me onto the highway. I didnt call the cops bc i had no idea what kind of car it was. I just focused on the red flags (tinted windows and chrome wheels) and we all know the road is plentiful with those kinds of cars.

So do ya'll think i made the right choice in overtly displaying that im suspicious of that car and that they're going to have to earn it, by flooring it like that in front of them?

Please share your opinions and please share any experiences you guys have had!
I'm sorry to say, I lived in No and So unless this was Camden you've been watching way too many carjacking movies.

Did you even get a make on the car?

I've got tinted windows and anthracite wheels... Would you hightail it out of the neighborhood from me?
Originally Posted by Axius View Post
Why the sad face, I fucking love sausage.
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      04-04-2016, 04:50 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Lups View Post
I'm calling most of Americans little girls, if you missed it. You fear everything and miss out on everything because of it.

We all die. It will happen. I wouldn't want to waste my life by fearing it, I want to see all and do everything.
Sadly, many are.

Kids need fucking "playdates" nowadays just to hang out. It's preposterous.

When I was a kid, we rode bikes in the woods and played everywhere. No one got abducted no one met Uncle perv and no one died. We got hurt once in a while but that's just being a kid.
Originally Posted by Axius View Post
Why the sad face, I fucking love sausage.
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      04-04-2016, 04:59 PM   #51

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I lol'ed out loud... OP must've lived a sheltered life and will forever remember the one moment in his life where he cheated death by speeding away in his M4... Good thing it wasn't a 320 - we might be reading about the op on some jalponik article... I can only imagine the story that friends and family are getting right now - "I have a new lease on life !!! Will never take it for granted again !!! " Gets gym membership and starts taking vitamins...

In closing... Sounds like he can't be friends with Verbiage... Might be too much anxiety for him... You know, with all the media portrayals of, you know, THE Verbiages...
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      04-04-2016, 05:00 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by Mywifes335 View Post
Sadly, many are.

Kids need fucking "playdates" nowadays just to hang out. It's preposterous.

When I was a kid, we rode bikes in the woods and played everywhere. No one got abducted no one met Uncle perv and no one died. We got hurt once in a while but that's just being a kid.

I think what you're describing above is what we nowadays call organic parenting. It's like parenting, but knowing you don't get to sue a tree tour kid falls out from. You also can't blame anyone else if your kid is 15 minutes late. You're not even supposed to call the cops on them.

My 3 year old slipped on ice today and survived. I'm sure he is the only kid ever who's had such a hard time in life. I haven't found a lawyer yet but I bet my neighbors are sure I beat my kids since he has an awesome black eye.

I wish I believed physical punishing worked. I'd be kid free by now (they destroyed my coffee beans. I think that should be a good reason for a few murders. "mom, we tried to grow you coffee bushes. It's all cool, we'll use the other brand next time")
Originally Posted by Joekerr View Post
You're still a little new here, so I'll let you in on a little secret. Whenever Lups types gibberish, this is an opportunity for you to imagine it to be whatever you'd like it to be.
Originally Posted by Delta0311 View Post
How would you know this? Did mommy catch you jerking off to some Big Foot porn ?
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      04-04-2016, 05:09 PM   #53

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Originally Posted by Mywifes335
Originally Posted by Lups View Post
I'm calling most of Americans little girls, if you missed it. You fear everything and miss out on everything because of it.

We all die. It will happen. I wouldn't want to waste my life by fearing it, I want to see all and do everything.
Sadly, many are.

Kids need fucking "playdates" nowadays just to hang out. It's preposterous.

When I was a kid, we rode bikes in the woods and played everywhere. No one got abducted no one met Uncle perv and no one died. We got hurt once in a while but that's just being a kid.
We were just talking about this the other day... Really wasn't even that long ago... Maybe 10-15 years - we'd still play out in the street late at night, go hang out in the bodegas and get candy or drinks (bodega not bordello you perverted fucks) or even go to Yankee games without adults sometimes... Worst thing we had to worry about was looking both ways before crossing the street and being able to run really fast if we stole something that wasn't bolted down... Even younger than that, strangers would be able to come up to us and talk to us or what not...

Present day - if you see a child that looks lost, it's not advisable to just touch that child or approach WITHOUT caution... Strange how times have changed so quickly... Now we have to worry about creepy uncle Charlie or teachers in school or even the babysitter...

Oh uncle Charlie, it was so much fun to play the tickle game with you as a child... Wonder why you had to go away for 20 years...
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      04-04-2016, 05:20 PM   #54
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Lol. Uncle Charlie.
Originally Posted by Axius View Post
Why the sad face, I fucking love sausage.
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      04-04-2016, 05:30 PM   #55

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You did the right thing. Your gut instinct is usually right in situations like this. Some people might call you paranoid but I wager none of them ever had weapons pulled on them. Your here in one piece and you still have your car so ultimately you made the right decisions. Fuck profiling, you did what you needed to do to get your ass home in one piece and that's all that matters.
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      04-04-2016, 05:35 PM   #56

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Originally Posted by ksa View Post
So this is what I am picturing...the guy obviously took a wrong turn from the main highway onto some road he didn't recognize. You were fairly far so he kinda pulled a u turn. By the time he was going back you were right there so he let you pass so he doesn't cut you off. And you notice the chrome and tint and your tin foil hat starts vibrating or whatever the hell they do and your paranoia kicks in for no reason and you illegal ran a stop sign and the speed limit from the sound of it for no reason.

I kinda wish you had called the cops cause I would have loved to hear what they had to say to you haha. Stop being so paranoid. And if what the OP did isn't paranoia then you guys need to get of States. lol. I think there are days when I go to bed with my door unlocked or garage door open without many issues. Hopefully I don't jinx it though ahah.
This is what I thought it was immediately.
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      04-04-2016, 05:37 PM   #57
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I've had a gun pulled on me by a limo driver while driving an E420 and another time in the M235i, by a fat TX cowboy in an E350 with the tags "GITTYUP". Both were the result of road rage idiocy on both parties.

Never once due to driving in a bad neighborhood.

Ran some stop signs and lights before but not because a car had tint and chromies.
Originally Posted by Axius View Post
Why the sad face, I fucking love sausage.
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      04-04-2016, 05:39 PM   #58
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OP, next time I suggest putting Vaseline in your tailpipes and never get up from a seated position. You should be fine.
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      04-04-2016, 05:47 PM   #59

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Originally Posted by shoei View Post
We were just talking about this the other day... Really wasn't even that long ago... Maybe 10-15 years - we'd still play out in the street late at night, go hang out in the bodegas and get candy or drinks (bodega not bordello you perverted fucks) or even go to Yankee games without adults sometimes... Worst thing we had to worry about was looking both ways before crossing the street and being able to run really fast if we stole something that wasn't bolted down... Even younger than that, strangers would be able to come up to us and talk to us or what not...

Present day - if you see a child that looks lost, it's not advisable to just touch that child or approach WITHOUT caution... Strange how times have changed so quickly... Now we have to worry about creepy uncle Charlie or teachers in school or even the babysitter...

Oh uncle Charlie, it was so much fun to play the tickle game with you as a child... Wonder why you had to go away for 20 years...

Nef, is that you from the future 10yrs from now, with your psych degree?
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      04-04-2016, 05:52 PM   #60

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Originally Posted by ksa View Post
So this is what I am picturing...the guy obviously took a wrong turn from the main highway onto some road he didn't recognize. You were fairly far so he kinda pulled a u turn. By the time he was going back you were right there so he let you pass so he doesn't cut you off. And you notice the chrome and tint and your tin foil hat starts vibrating or whatever the hell they do and your paranoia kicks in for no reason and you illegal ran a stop sign and the speed limit from the sound of it for no reason.

I kinda wish you had called the cops cause I would have loved to hear what they had to say to you haha. Stop being so paranoid. And if what the OP did isn't paranoia then you guys need to get of States. lol. I think there are days when I go to bed with my door unlocked or garage door open without many issues. Hopefully I don't jinx it though ahah.
Ill clarify...the car made a u-turn as soon as i was leaving the 2nd to last stop sign. We're close enough to make out eachother's headlights. Car makes u-turn super slow. Almost as if hes trying to time it so that by the time he completes his u-turn, i would be about to approach him, thus making it seem that all hes doing is turning around. And if that was really his intent, then he mis-timed it, bc by the time he completed his turn, i was still 100yds away. Plenty of time to just go, but instead he stays off to side. When i did pass him, he was already 50-75 yds already into the neighborhood. May be even more bc the dunkin donut parking lot right on the corner is about 50-75yds and he was a little bit passed it.

And for some context...Again, it was 2:30am in the morning in a south jersey suburb where NOBODY was out. Only people out at these times are people going home from a late night drunk or not, people who wanna cause trouble, or the cops. Again we are 5 min away from camden, and like it or not, it does spill over. And bad guys roam these types of neighborhoods looking for any opportunity.

Maybe i am paranoid...i dont have a tin foil hat, but i can go make one real quick...but with context and all of the 'circumstantial' plays of events, i made a choice. And i wanted to reflect.........
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      04-04-2016, 05:59 PM   #61

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Well OP, there's a test for paranoia - does this happen to you all the time?
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      04-04-2016, 06:04 PM   #62
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I only ever tickle ABOVE the waist, why you gotta be picking on Uncle?

OP, just because you are paranoid does NOT mean they are NOT out to get you!!!!
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      04-04-2016, 06:05 PM   #63
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The only thing that could've gotten out of its car, approached yours and entered without you being able to punch the gas during the 3 seconds you were stopped at a stop sign would be a liquid metal T1000 terminator.
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      04-04-2016, 06:05 PM   #64

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Originally Posted by UncleWede View Post
I only ever tickle ABOVE the waist, why you gotta be picking on Uncle?

OP, just because you are paranoid does NOT mean they are NOT out to get you!!!!
Why'd i had a premonition we'd be seeing the Uncle in here once someone mentioned a molesting uncle..
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      04-04-2016, 06:05 PM   #65

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Originally Posted by grimlock View Post
Well OP, there's a test for paranoia - does this happen to you all the time?
I always try to be aware of my surroundings. And, no...this would only be the 2nd time i actually felt truly threatened.
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      04-04-2016, 06:06 PM   #66
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Let's all be honest here. I'll start.

Since getting my windows tinted, I've committed 3 car-jackings and 7 drive-bys.
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