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View Poll Results: Am I at fault?
Yes, you are at fault 16 17.78%
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      11-30-2009, 04:25 PM   #67
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I hate kids like that.
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      11-30-2009, 04:48 PM   #68

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Originally Posted by Kroy View Post

Not trying to put words in your mouth, but by your general attitude, it really sounds like you're badmouthing everyone who disciples their children because you cannot accept corporal punishment as a working form of disciple.
No. I'm bad mouthing people who lose their temper and hit their kids out of frustration. And I think I've made that clear. I also think that many people use corporal punishment because its quicker and easier than having to follow through on other forms of punishment, and they are lazy. Where did I say children should never be disciplined? Corporal punishment is just one form of discipline.

In fact, in my first post I said specifically that I think losing you temper and hitting kids is pathetic. I stand by that. If you choose to use corporal punichment that's fine, but is should be a reasoned decision and the punishment should be leveled by a calm adult.
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      11-30-2009, 04:51 PM   #69

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Originally Posted by Kroy View Post
I thought you didn't believe in violence.
Sorry, do you think I deployed those troops? Do you think I, acting alone, passed the bill that authorized Canada's participation in the war? Do you think, maybe, just maybe, there is a small difference between how you react to an annoying child and how you best ensure the safety of citizens of a nation from people who would like to do them harm? I mean a kid throwing water on you or theatening to unplug a computer is just a little different from what happened on 9/11.
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      11-30-2009, 05:31 PM   #70

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Me and my cousins used to womp on each other a lot, friends too. Not sure I agree with a "punch", though I did vote not your fault, BUT, the punk did have something coming. Maybe a killer noogie would have been better?

Just a warning, my friend had a cousin that was just like what you described. Hippie, slacker parents that wanted to be this kids friend and not his parents, it didn't turn out well. Some kids, need a stronger hand than others (up-side-the head), and when that type of kid is born to slacker parents it's a terrible thing. There is NOTHING wrong with a controlled smack on the butt for disciplining a kid, of course flat out beating is wrong.

Mark my words, if his parents don't get this banshee under control now it's going to be real pain to the kid and the enire family as he ages. Good luck and God bless, you all are gonna need it, I am sorry to say.
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      11-30-2009, 06:03 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by jaiman View Post
No. I'm bad mouthing people who lose their temper and hit their kids out of frustration. And I think I've made that clear. I also think that many people use corporal punishment because its quicker and easier than having to follow through on other forms of punishment, and they are lazy. Where did I say children should never be disciplined? Corporal punishment is just one form of discipline.

In fact, in my first post I said specifically that I think losing you temper and hitting kids is pathetic. I stand by that. If you choose to use corporal punichment that's fine, but is should be a reasoned decision and the punishment should be leveled by a calm adult.
I'm guessing the following is your first post (first that I could find anyways)
Originally Posted by jaiman View Post
I think he also learned that you're an asshole.

Good lord. Adults, loosing control of their tempers and hitting kids or locking them in coolers. Perhaps you could have used your pea brains and come up with a better way to deal with the situations. As I said in the first thread, its pathetic. Go get vascetomies. Now. Today.
Sounded to me like the cooler kid mostly deserved his punishment. Immiketoo didn't hit the kid, he punished the kid in the manner in which he described when the kid called his bluff. He sat on the cooler for 60 seconds and no one forced him off the cooler.

Another point is that in the cooler example, the kid's mother supported the punishment. I wouldn't have done that to someone else' kid, but if the mother approves, who am I to judge. Obviously you don't agree with the steps taken, but you can respect the parent's decision. I'm also a bit confused as to this "first thread" you're talking about.

Also, in this example the kid was not hurt in any way. How is the cooler any different than timeout? I much rather have 60 seconds in the cooler than an hour.

Originally Posted by jaiman View Post
Sorry, do you think I deployed those troops? Do you think I, acting alone, passed the bill that authorized Canada's participation in the war? Do you think, maybe, just maybe, there is a small difference between how you react to an annoying child and how you best ensure the safety of citizens of a nation from people who would like to do them harm? I mean a kid throwing water on you or theatening to unplug a computer is just a little different from what happened on 9/11.
I'll admit it wasn't really fair for me to say that. But you rebuttled someone with an example that contradicts your beliefs. I just pointed that out. I want to say more about your examples now, but really don't want to go down that path.

Edit: Last point. Jaimon, please ask yourself if you have read anyone on this thread advocating beating children for no reason. I don't think a single person here would advocate abusive hitting of children. I know the difference between disciple and abuse, but it seems like you don't. The cooler incident can be seen as a bit strange and unusual, but I haven't heard anyone talk abuse yet.
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      11-30-2009, 07:13 PM   #72
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jaiman APPEARS to have the same reaction I had myself in my example with my brother. I wasn't hitting his to discipline him, I was OUT OF CONTROL with FRUSTRATION. That is not the same thing at all as disciplining a kid with a sharp smack on the butt to get his attention. The only time I use a belt on my kid is when I'm JOKING with him.
Not out of fear of reprisal from CPS, but because that is excessive force that isn't needed.

Best regards,
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      12-01-2009, 01:02 AM   #73

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Originally Posted by jaiman View Post
Perhaps you can enlighten me with your perception of Canada's foreign policy, because I'm not seeing the connection.

Are you talking about us not joining the US in Iraq? Are you aware that we have troops on the ground in Afganistan? Really not sure what you're trying to say.
lol im not guna get into a political debate with you but surely you see the overly pacifist resemblance.
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      12-01-2009, 02:19 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by samwoo2go View Post
and while we are sharing childhood geeting your ass beat stories.

When I was a kid, whenever I fuck up, I would get belted and it was fucking shitty.

My dad would make me walk to the closet and pick out a belt of my choosing. That is worse than getting hit IMO, its like the firing squad asking you to pick out the type of bullet you want...well let see here, we got hollow points, buck shots, .45s, .38s...FML.
The first time i did that, I picked out the thinnest belt in the closet, it was like a whip, o Man i never did that again. Then i would lie down and my dad would ask me how many times do you think you deserve. I would always ALWAYS say de facto 1 lol and he would go, ok 10 sounds pretty good, I don't even know why he asked haha.

What did I learn? Here is some key ass beatings that I think i really benefited from.

at 7, I learned that if theres food on the table in front of me I better fucking eat it.
at 2nd grade, I learned i can't just kiss the girl I like, she has to agree too...ridiculus...I know.
at 4th grade, I learned to not cut class
at 5th grade, i learned not to steal
at 6th grade, I learned not to fap with the door unlocked.
the belting stories you have i can relate to a lot. i remember when i fucked up and the worst part was if it wasnt at home i would dread for hours the just waiting to get home hoping my dad forgot about it. but nope go home ass bared hands behind my back and like the cracking begin!

my parents favorite switch was either the belt or if you guys can remember those rubber grocery belt dividers, the ones that were fucking thick and flexible at the same time, well that thing. oh those painful days!! lol im glad i got my ass beat because i look at my little brother who hardly ever got hit is growing up to be a little shit. with little to no respect for elders. he once stepped up to my dad. the one thing in my 23 years of life have not done. hes only 18
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      12-01-2009, 02:41 AM   #75
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A good punishment is making the kid(s) knee for an hour. My parents used to do that to us a lot. It's not like caning or whipping but that shit was just insane. After 15 minutes we would start to find ways to sit down and take a breather.
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      12-01-2009, 02:45 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by BMW E90 View Post
A good punishment is making the kid(s) knee for an hour. My parents used to do that to us a lot. It's not like caning or whipping but that shit was just insane. After 15 minutes we would start to find ways to sit down and take a breather.
lol my mother would tell me stories of times where she misbehaved and her mother made her face the corner on her knees with rice on the floor.
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      12-01-2009, 07:46 AM   #77

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Originally Posted by samwoo2go View Post
lol im not guna get into a political debate with you but surely you see the overly pacifist resemblance.
Well thats good, as you don't seem to have a clue what's happening in the world. How can call Canada a pacifist nation when we are currently engaged in a war? Is it because we're only in 1, not 2 wars?

Anyway, I've given my opinion and I doubt anything useful is going to come from this thread so I'm done. PM if you want to chat further.
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      12-01-2009, 11:13 AM   #78

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jaiman, you don't have kids so stfu with this,

"Generally, I'm not a fan of spanking as it teaches kids that they can use physical force to impose their will upon those weaker than them. And I'm even less of a fan of adults who can't come up with a better strategy than flying off the handle and hitting kids who are misbehaving."

i'm pretty sure you're white and the stereotypical person that would assume there's always other alternative then hitting your child, right? so when a child at mcdonalds is throwing a tantrum because he doesn't get a happy meal we're suppose to cater to their ass?

fact is, while people don't like the idea of "hitting", there's a reason why people do it, IT FRIGGIN' WORKS, im asian growing up if you misbehaved, you'd get put into your place so you wouldnt do anything stupid

you are just ignorant, the one Russell Peters always talks about, i have a shih tzu and my cousin's have one as well, ours behave because we "condition" it, they on the other hand spoil it 24/7 and it runs the house. children aren't adults they dont have any logic except i want this i want that,
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      12-01-2009, 02:48 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by SoCali E90 View Post
lol my mother would tell me stories of times where she misbehaved and her mother made her face the corner on her knees with rice on the floor.
Ouch dude!! lol That's gotta hurt.
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      12-01-2009, 02:55 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by BMW E90 View Post
Ouch dude!! lol That's gotta hurt.
I was thinking the same thing.

My parents favored using the mahjong stick. I still remember red and whtie sticks from my childhood. Heck, I still remember where they kept it in our old house. I never got the belt.
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      12-01-2009, 03:11 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by Kroy View Post
I was thinking the same thing.

My parents favored using the mahjong stick. I still remember red and whtie sticks from my childhood. Heck, I still remember where they kept it in our old house. I never got the belt.
U know what is hella f*cked up? Using those spiky fruits' shell and make someone kneel on it.
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      12-01-2009, 04:29 PM   #82
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OP, you did what you had to do and you did it the way i would have done if i were in your situation. if talking ain't gonna work, bring out the gun

to be what i am today, i am grateful and thankful for my parents beating my ass up when i was a kid for my own stupidity. i never get beatn in public, but if i did something wrong, my mum usually is the one that gives me the face and let's me know it's enough and stop what i was doing or 'shit's gonna hit the fan when we get home' thing.

my mum is usually the 1st barrier and or the so called correction officer. if my mum can't get her words into my head and set me straight because i'm just not wanting to, she'll bring out my dad, and that is really when things go down. my dad usually don't say anything or shout at us, but if i'm getting diciplined and my dad walks in, i know it's gonna be a long ass night.

btw, i have a older bro and younger sis, bro and i have gotten hell beatings from my dad for smoking, stealing his car to drive around town without license etc... but the worst is when if he gives me cash to buy something for him and i don't give him back the change or worse, not being honest and lying to him. its not that the change of dollar or 2 gets him angry, its honesty that really pisses him off.

i, myself is a taiwanese but born and raised in South Africa so it's not usual for my friends to know how i get diciplined but heck, i'm glad to be beaten up by my parents at that young age instead of getting beaten up in society or even getting myself shot with lack of respect and honesty to others.
and to me i guess i'm lucky to be in a family that still hold the tradition of diciplining your child if he/she don't listen and get the facts straight.

back on topic, there is a line between corporal punishment and physical abuse to a child. OP was just punishing for what the kid had done and in which he should learn to suffer the concequences. without OPs beating that kid is an easy target and a very reasonable one for someone to get ass kicked or beaten in future. OP made the right decision from my POV
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