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      04-16-2012, 01:23 AM   #111
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Originally Posted by skinnycow View Post
California girls = cake face with fake breast.

New York girls = natural looking girls.
As general as that is, I can say that a lot of Cali girls do cake there faces and I think the breast thing has recently become popular. Also, is it weird that Katy Perry started playing in my head?

Originally Posted by Alpine Whiteboy View Post
This is so true... There's this Asian family that lives around/up the block from me. They have an e93 M3, a LCI X5, an LCI 550, and LCI 335i, a VW GTI, and some random Toyota... They ALL LIVE TOGETHER WTF the house is not even a big house!!
Family is a big thing for us!
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      04-18-2012, 03:33 PM   #112
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Originally Posted by E90SoFlo View Post
They're closer to Asia. Duh.
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      04-18-2012, 05:23 PM   #113
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Not sure if I agree with everything said in this thread, but...

My girlfriend is Korean and comes from a wealthy family. She's not materialistic, immature, or demanding because we've had many discussions about how I'm not into that stuff. She has her own money to pay for things, doesn't need to rely on my wallet to go places in life. I'm not sure why you guys would have it any different from another Asian girl who also comes from a wealthy family.

Unless talking just works for me... You guys should try it.

However, imho, it's usually the girls who don't come from a wealthy family and who don't have their own money that really rely on you whenever you want to do things as a couple. Just my two cents.

P.S. OP, height doesn't matter as much as you think. Whole play of factors go into attraction. Confidence being higher on women's list than how tall her man looks.
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      04-18-2012, 06:38 PM   #114
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Originally Posted by Vanity View Post
Not sure if I agree with everything said in this thread, but...

My girlfriend is Korean and comes from a wealthy family. She's not materialistic, immature, or demanding because we've had many discussions about how I'm not into that stuff. She has her own money to pay for things, doesn't need to rely on my wallet to go places in life. I'm not sure why you guys would have it any different from another Asian girl who also comes from a wealthy family.

Unless talking just works for me... You guys should try it.

However, imho, it's usually the girls who don't come from a wealthy family and who don't have their own money that really rely on you whenever you want to do things as a couple. Just my two cents.

P.S. OP, height doesn't matter as much as you think. Whole play of factors go into attraction. Confidence being higher on women's list than how tall her man looks.
As a 4 year member on read my share on this dilemma..

When you pass a girl in the mall or where ever, the first thing the girl notices is height. By natural instinct she disqualifies you if you dont meet her height requirements. Height is the first thing women look at to see how much of a "man" you are. Unfortunately for me, I'm disqualified by 99.9% of women. Hell my dad probably would never have been able to marry my mom if it hadn't been for an arranged marriage hahaha. I'm not being pessimistic, I'm just stating a fact.

Now on the other side of the spectrum, that disqualification can eventually be turned around depending on ones game but that game has to be absolutely KILLER. Screw up once, and poof, attraction is gone. Short people have to work much harder but why should we? What's the point...there comes a time when enough is enough you know? Constantly worrying about putting the girl on the pedestal, becoming too desperate, right time to call/text, trying to have her do 99% of the talking, being MYSTERIOUS...too much. It's like an unsolvable formula.

So, essentially, I need a miracle. I guess that's why I focus more of what I know I can get aka material, mods, rolex, etc.

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      04-18-2012, 07:16 PM   #115

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Originally Posted by sA x sKy View Post
As a 4 year member on read my share on this dilemma..

When you pass a girl in the mall or where ever, the first thing the girl notices is height. By natural instinct she disqualifies you if you dont meet her height requirements. Height is the first thing women look at to see how much of a "man" you are. Unfortunately for me, I'm disqualified by 99.9% of women. Hell my dad probably would never have been able to marry my mom if it hadn't been for an arranged marriage hahaha. I'm not being pessimistic, I'm just stating a fact.

Now on the other side of the spectrum, that disqualification can eventually be turned around depending on ones game but that game has to be absolutely KILLER. Screw up once, and poof, attraction is gone. Short people have to work much harder but why should we? What's the point...there comes a time when enough is enough you know? Constantly worrying about putting the girl on the pedestal, becoming too desperate, right time to call/text, trying to have her do 99% of the talking, being MYSTERIOUS...too much. It's like an unsolvable formula.

So, essentially, I need a miracle. I guess that's why I focus more of what I know I can get aka material, mods, rolex, etc.

Meet chicks in parking lots in your car, they can't see how tall you are and the best line to use is, "Hey, I have candy" or maybe even "Wanna play with my puppies"

I am your miracle, you're welcome
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      04-18-2012, 07:17 PM   #116
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Originally Posted by E90SoFlo View Post
Meet chicks in parking lots in your car, they can't see how tall you are and the best line to use is, "Hey, I have candy" or maybe even "Wanna play with my puppies"

I am your miracle, you're welcome
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      04-18-2012, 08:26 PM   #117
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Originally Posted by sA x sKy View Post
As a 4 year member on read my share on this dilemma..

When you pass a girl in the mall or where ever, the first thing the girl notices is height. By natural instinct she disqualifies you if you dont meet her height requirements. Height is the first thing women look at to see how much of a "man" you are. Unfortunately for me, I'm disqualified by 99.9% of women. Hell my dad probably would never have been able to marry my mom if it hadn't been for an arranged marriage hahaha. I'm not being pessimistic, I'm just stating a fact.

Now on the other side of the spectrum, that disqualification can eventually be turned around depending on ones game but that game has to be absolutely KILLER. Screw up once, and poof, attraction is gone. Short people have to work much harder but why should we? What's the point...there comes a time when enough is enough you know? Constantly worrying about putting the girl on the pedestal, becoming too desperate, right time to call/text, trying to have her do 99% of the talking, being MYSTERIOUS...too much. It's like an unsolvable formula.

So, essentially, I need a miracle. I guess that's why I focus more of what I know I can get aka material, mods, rolex, etc.

I'm guessing you're early 20's or late teens. God forbid you still "play the game" in your 30's. What I can tell you now is, yeah you will find people who disqualify you walking in the mall. But so what? That argument is invalid. By that standard, you should be a caked-up make-up bimbo who believes everyday a man won't like her without "looking a certain way". Everybody here is attracted to gorgeous models because they appeal to us when we walk by them. But most people are in a relationship with normal girls who are MUCH LESS high-maintenence than that.

Reverse the roles. If guys can be so shallow and still like girls who aren't "models", then you have no excuses to be so whiny about your height cause obviously not everyone is so damn shallow as you. Where you get the idea that you need to have a "Killer Game Bro" to get girls should be re-updated (unless you're still in highschool).

Just be upfront. I asked my girlfriend out the 2nd time I saw her. Took her out to dinner. I asked her the same night if she wanted to catch a movie with me later that week. She said yes. But when we got into the relationship and shared our first-impression stories, I found out I was known as the "Creepy awkward guy" with her friends. In fact, she totally mis-read me as a "bad guy" who was trying to "play her". True story.

You know how long that title lasted? Till about our 4th or 5th date and I kept being me. Now her friends know me as a great guy.

What the f did playing the game do for me? Nothing. Because games are absolutely so retarded. You play the game to get around these "labels" girl may have about you, whereas if you were just your damn self and approached a girl cause you liked her genuinely, you'd figure out faster if things were going to click or not. Games = waste of time and dragging out things. I find you get too caught up with "timing" everything that you become too vulnerable and insecure. And it seems like you have enough of that already. You're only 5'2, christ. That opens up 5"-5"5 just fine. Most girls are in that range anyways.

Seriously, try not to value yourself on the same level of material goods. You get treated exactly as you are: a player. Not a boyfriend. Not a husband. Not someone anyone could spend committed time with.

Jmho, of course.
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      04-18-2012, 09:40 PM   #118

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Originally Posted by sA x sKy View Post
As a 4 year member on read my share on this dilemma..
Never heard of the site before. What a load of crap.

OP, seriously, if you want a real girlfriend that you'll date for a long time or maybe marry, there's no point in playing "games" or using "techniques". All that got old in high school. The BS you see on that forum is not helping you.

Go meet some people. Get to know them. Let them get to know you. The end.
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      04-18-2012, 09:56 PM   #119
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Originally Posted by Vanity View Post
I'm guessing you're early 20's or late teens. God forbid you still "play the game" in your 30's. What I can tell you now is, yeah you will find people who disqualify you walking in the mall. But so what? That argument is invalid. By that standard, you should be a caked-up make-up bimbo who believes everyday a man won't like her without "looking a certain way". Everybody here is attracted to gorgeous models because they appeal to us when we walk by them. But most people are in a relationship with normal girls who are MUCH LESS high-maintenence than that.

Reverse the roles. If guys can be so shallow and still like girls who aren't "models", then you have no excuses to be so whiny about your height cause obviously not everyone is so damn shallow as you. Where you get the idea that you need to have a "Killer Game Bro" to get girls should be re-updated (unless you're still in highschool).

Just be upfront. I asked my girlfriend out the 2nd time I saw her. Took her out to dinner. I asked her the same night if she wanted to catch a movie with me later that week. She said yes. But when we got into the relationship and shared our first-impression stories, I found out I was known as the "Creepy awkward guy" with her friends. In fact, she totally mis-read me as a "bad guy" who was trying to "play her". True story.

You know how long that title lasted? Till about our 4th or 5th date and I kept being me. Now her friends know me as a great guy.

What the f did playing the game do for me? Nothing. Because games are absolutely so retarded. You play the game to get around these "labels" girl may have about you, whereas if you were just your damn self and approached a girl cause you liked her genuinely, you'd figure out faster if things were going to click or not. Games = waste of time and dragging out things. I find you get too caught up with "timing" everything that you become too vulnerable and insecure. And it seems like you have enough of that already. You're only 5'2, christ. That opens up 5"-5"5 just fine. Most girls are in that range anyways.

Seriously, try not to value yourself on the same level of material goods. You get treated exactly as you are: a player. Not a boyfriend. Not a husband. Not someone anyone could spend committed time with.

Jmho, of course.
Late teens actually.

I hear this argument all the time.. sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I'm not disagreeing with you at all, but it seems like all these tactics (or whatever your label is) depend on the situation aka girl.

I hear that nice guys finish last, and then I hear that all girls want is a nice guy but end up going for the bad boy instead. It's downright confusing..

You think I'm a player..? lol I wouldn't MIND being a player, but no, I'm far from it. I'm in the middle..just there. I'm kinda.. not a big deal. We are the products of our experiences and, frankly, I try to get experience but then I come up against a wall and it's constantly the same answer: lack of interest.
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      04-19-2012, 12:37 AM   #120
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Originally Posted by sA x sKy View Post
Late teens actually.

I hear this argument all the time.. sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I'm not disagreeing with you at all, but it seems like all these tactics (or whatever your label is) depend on the situation aka girl.

I hear that nice guys finish last, and then I hear that all girls want is a nice guy but end up going for the bad boy instead. It's downright confusing..

You think I'm a player..? lol I wouldn't MIND being a player, but no, I'm far from it. I'm in the middle..just there. I'm kinda.. not a big deal. We are the products of our experiences and, frankly, I try to get experience but then I come up against a wall and it's constantly the same answer: lack of interest.
Just from my own experience, but I typically find that's the case when I try too hard to get their interest, and with too many girls over a given period (say a year). Best to just enjoy life, work on the car (if it's your hobby), and the day you see a girl that knocks your socks off: go ask her out. Totally takes the pressure off for having to find Ms. Right when you just stumble upon her, imho.
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      04-19-2012, 12:44 AM   #121
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HAHA. This thread went from discussing the differences in girls from East to West coast, into helping this kid pick up a girl.
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      04-19-2012, 09:42 AM   #122
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Originally Posted by icyhot e92 View Post
HAHA. This thread went from discussing the differences in girls from East to West coast, into helping this kid pick up a girl.
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      04-19-2012, 11:46 AM   #123
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Originally Posted by icyhot e92 View Post
HAHA. This thread went from discussing the differences in girls from East to West coast, into helping this kid pick up a girl.

It's all good!

OP, as others mentioned, just go up and talk to a girl you are interested in. So what if they say no.
Onto to the next one. Just don't give a crap and have fun!
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      04-19-2012, 09:43 PM   #124
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OP we are about the same height. I met my wife by talking to her, she got to know me and I got to know her. Being confident helps, not arrogant. Also, make them laugh and smile. Once you stop caring and being shy, that's when they will pay attention to you.

Are you in college? That's hookup central!
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Last edited by Rodzilla; 04-19-2012 at 09:45 PM.. Reason: spelling.
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      04-19-2012, 10:33 PM   #125
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Originally Posted by sA x sKy View Post
Don't see too many Lebanese girls here..
Come to Cleveland, I'll introduce you to a bunch. Just realize that if you're not 100% Lebanese and you don't earn at least 100k a year, you have little to no chance of even being their facebook friend.
Originally Posted by icyhot e92 View Post
HAHA. This thread went from discussing the differences in girls from East to West coast, into helping this kid pick up a girl.
When my buddy moved to LA, these were his exact words: "Imagine a 10 out in Cleveland...we consider those 7s out here." Lol but he did say that every girl he met, he would never date.

So west coast girls are better looking but east coast girls are the ones you wanna date?
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      04-19-2012, 11:04 PM   #126
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OP, you're screwed buddy..Best thing to do is go find back to asia and find a girl from the countryside. Most asian girls are shorter than you so you'll have a better chance. Or come to the south where they have drive ins, that way you can parking lot pimp all night long. and there are a bunch of asians down here too. almost like cali.
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      04-20-2012, 12:15 AM   #127
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Join greek life. It is a great shoe in the door with some girls.
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      04-20-2012, 09:21 AM   #128
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Originally Posted by kevinbahnz View Post
OP, you're screwed buddy..Best thing to do is go find back to asia and find a girl from the countryside. Most asian girls are shorter than you so you'll have a better chance. Or come to the south where they have drive ins, that way you can parking lot pimp all night long. and there are a bunch of asians down here too. almost like cali.
Im not going to deprave myself..
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      04-20-2012, 09:48 AM   #129
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Originally Posted by Vanity View Post
I'm guessing you're early 20's or late teens. God forbid you still "play the game" in your 30's. What I can tell you now is, yeah you will find people who disqualify you walking in the mall. But so what? That argument is invalid. By that standard, you should be a caked-up make-up bimbo who believes everyday a man won't like her without "looking a certain way". Everybody here is attracted to gorgeous models because they appeal to us when we walk by them. But most people are in a relationship with normal girls who are MUCH LESS high-maintenence than that.

Reverse the roles. If guys can be so shallow and still like girls who aren't "models", then you have no excuses to be so whiny about your height cause obviously not everyone is so damn shallow as you. Where you get the idea that you need to have a "Killer Game Bro" to get girls should be re-updated (unless you're still in highschool).

Just be upfront. I asked my girlfriend out the 2nd time I saw her. Took her out to dinner. I asked her the same night if she wanted to catch a movie with me later that week. She said yes. But when we got into the relationship and shared our first-impression stories, I found out I was known as the "Creepy awkward guy" with her friends. In fact, she totally mis-read me as a "bad guy" who was trying to "play her". True story.

You know how long that title lasted? Till about our 4th or 5th date and I kept being me. Now her friends know me as a great guy.

What the f did playing the game do for me? Nothing. Because games are absolutely so retarded. You play the game to get around these "labels" girl may have about you, whereas if you were just your damn self and approached a girl cause you liked her genuinely, you'd figure out faster if things were going to click or not. Games = waste of time and dragging out things. I find you get too caught up with "timing" everything that you become too vulnerable and insecure. And it seems like you have enough of that already. You're only 5'2, christ. That opens up 5"-5"5 just fine. Most girls are in that range anyways.

Seriously, try not to value yourself on the same level of material goods. You get treated exactly as you are: a player. Not a boyfriend. Not a husband. Not someone anyone could spend committed time with.

Jmho, of course.
OP, this guy gets it.

You're way too into your head man, you just need to man up and do it. If you're worried about girls thinking your too short, or whatever, then you're thinking too much about it. The whole point is to not even start to think about what the girl is thinking about. Just focus on what you want and go for it.

You have to have the mentality that there are so many women in the world and one saying no to you doesn't mean you're forever alone... When one says no, shrug it off and move to the next one. It really isn't a big deal.

And girls (yes, girls), like the bad boy, douchebag, tough guy image. Grown women like confidence (without being a complete douchebag), security, and passion in my experience. All of the women I have dated liked that I was confident in what I do, could hold down a good job, and was passionate in pretty much everything I did. My current girlfriend loves those things about me.

But break it down for us, though. What do you really want? To nail as many chicks as possible (which, at your age, you should IMO) or settle down and look for marriage (personally I think you're too young)? Your "game" should be totally different depending on what you're looking for.
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      04-20-2012, 10:32 AM   #130
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Originally Posted by Templar View Post
OP, this guy gets it.

You're way too into your head man, you just need to man up and do it. If you're worried about girls thinking your too short, or whatever, then you're thinking too much about it. The whole point is to not even start to think about what the girl is thinking about. Just focus on what you want and go for it.

You have to have the mentality that there are so many women in the world and one saying no to you doesn't mean you're forever alone... When one says no, shrug it off and move to the next one. It really isn't a big deal.

And girls (yes, girls), like the bad boy, douchebag, tough guy image. Grown women like confidence (without being a complete douchebag), security, and passion in my experience. All of the women I have dated liked that I was confident in what I do, could hold down a good job, and was passionate in pretty much everything I did. My current girlfriend loves those things about me.

But break it down for us, though. What do you really want? To nail as many chicks as possible (which, at your age, you should IMO) or settle down and look for marriage (personally I think you're too young)? Your "game" should be totally different depending on what you're looking for.
99.9% of people, who know my dilemma, tell me the same thing over and over and over again. "If your insecurities don't bother you, it won't bother other people". That is a load of bullshit. It can't be helped not to let it bother me. I'm living through it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. The dedication required to control ones own mindset 100% is unfathomable.

It's so difficult..I've even tried pretending that it doesn't affect (they say how you act/pretend, you will eventually become?) me but it's just not possible. People who aren't in my shoes would probably never understand and that's not anyone's fault (except my dads genetics of course).

Everyone has problems, all relative of course. I know there are people out there who have it a lot worse than me, but relatively in my own "bubble" so to speak, I'm not doing too well.

I've already made an appointment to see the doctor on Monday about HGH injections but I don't think I'm even eligible anymore as my growth plates may have closed already. Keeping my fingers crossed.

As for your last two questions, neither of those are true. I want something in the middle.
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      04-20-2012, 10:49 AM   #131
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Originally Posted by sA x sKy View Post
99.9% of people, who know my dilemma, tell me the same thing over and over and over again. "If your insecurities don't bother you, it won't bother other people". That is a load of bullshit. It can't be helped not to let it bother me. I'm living through it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. The dedication required to control ones own mindset 100% is unfathomable.

It's so difficult..I've even tried pretending that it doesn't affect (they say how you act/pretend, you will eventually become?) me but it's just not possible. People who aren't in my shoes would probably never understand and that's not anyone's fault (except my dads genetics of course).

Everyone has problems, all relative of course. I know there are people out there who have it a lot worse than me, but relatively in my own "bubble" so to speak, I'm not doing too well.

I've already made an appointment to see the doctor on Monday about HGH injections but I don't think I'm even eligible anymore as my growth plates may have closed already. Keeping my fingers crossed.

As for your last two questions, neither of those are true. I want something in the middle.
I don't mean to offend you, but it's definitely all in your head. At the end of the day, only YOU can make a change, no one else can do it for you. The dedication required to change your mindset is only unfathomable because you make it that way. It's only bullshit because of you.

FWIW, I'm only 5'4", so I'm short too. I've never let it bother me, always being the shortest kid in class and the one the tall guys picked on for it. Actions speak louder than words, and I never let those things bother me. Half the tall kids I know from grade school that used to pick on me are pretty much failures anyway. Karma has a way of getting back at those who do wrong.

I'd say you're doing pretty well for yourself. I mean you have a nice car! But if you're unhappy, then sure you might need a change. Before you resort to unnatural injections of medication, have you ever thought about some counseling? I know it probably doesn't sound like something you want to do (I mean hell, who wants to see a shrink), but it might be beneficial for you. Even if it's just to have someone to talk to about your concerns. Sometimes it's nice to get things out in the air with a real person and not over the anonymity of the internet. Just my thoughts... Either way, good luck.
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      04-20-2012, 12:19 PM   #132
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Originally Posted by skinnycow View Post
Yeah I was born in Vietnam, I don't have a strong accent but every once in awhile it comes out lol
I'm was born in Vietnam too. It's funny when I hear myself on a recording. I can hear the fob but my friends say I don't have an accent.

How old were you when you come to the states?
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