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      03-06-2008, 08:56 PM   #1
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Is it just me? Racial upheaval??

Seems like there is a lot of talk about race coming out in all of the media outlets..

I turned to the Oprah show today and watched it just because I heard the words 'white' and 'black' so many times in a short period.. I wanted to see where it was going. All I pretty much got out of it was that blacks only care about blacks. I heard the phrase 'my people' more times than I could count..
If any whites were to talk like this on public television it would be considered racist.. Isn't this the exact definition of racism?? Looking to only further better your own race, without regard for other people??

We now live in a world of reverse racism.
Where people vote for a president only because they think that "it is time for a black president".
Affirmative action has steered it's course and done it's job, as my Ethics teacher and class were talking about last semester.
It's time to make everything EQUAL, where minorities no longer receive a curve in life based on color.
It's now black people that are taking things over board, and thinking only based on color.
A lot has been made equal, and I personally don't think that black people will be happy until they are the ones in power of the majority of everything. I also believe that women are the same way.

I think it's also become apparent how important race is, since a lot of the voting going on is based on color. For the first time i've seen news stations analyzing the voting based on who the Hispanics, Blacks, and Whites are voting for. They've even gone as far as to say that if Hillary wins, it will be based on the Hispanic vote.
80% of the voting this election is going to be biased. There is going to be a biased vote for Hillary from all of the women in this country. People are going to vote for McCain solely on the basis that they don't want to see a female or black president.
Instead of having all of these campaigns, they should just have a Public Service Announcement every so often throughout the day to vote based on color and gender.

I think that I'll go ahead and predict a large march by women and blacks based on who wins the Presidency.. I'll go ahead and predict that Jesse Jackson will issue a statement saying how racist America still is.

I guess what it all boils down to.. is fuck America.
Just had to vent a bit..

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      03-06-2008, 09:30 PM   #2
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Which is why a hereditary absolute monarchy is the best form of government. Any idiocy is really independent of any factors but the whim of whichever inbred is on the throne at the time.

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      03-06-2008, 09:37 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Expired View Post
Seems like there is a lot of talk about race coming out in all of the media outlets..

I turned to the Oprah show today and watched it just because I heard the words 'white' and 'black' so many times in a short period.. I wanted to see where it was going. All I pretty much got out of it was that blacks only care about blacks. I heard the phrase 'my people' more times than I could count..
If any whites were to talk like this on public television it would be considered racist.. Isn't this the exact definition of racism?? Looking to only further better your own race, without regard for other people??

We now live in a world of reverse racism.
Where people vote for a president only because they think that "it is time for a black president".
Affirmative action has steered it's course and done it's job, as my Ethics teacher and class were talking about last semester.
It's time to make everything EQUAL, where minorities no longer receive a curve in life based on color.
It's now black people that are taking things over board, and thinking only based on color.
A lot has been made equal, and I personally don't think that black people will be happy until they are the ones in power of the majority of everything. I also believe that women are the same way.

I think it's also become apparent how important race is, since a lot of the voting going on is based on color. For the first time i've seen news stations analyzing the voting based on who the Hispanics, Blacks, and Whites are voting for. They've even gone as far as to say that if Hillary wins, it will be based on the Hispanic vote.
80% of the voting this election is going to be biased. There is going to be a biased vote for Hillary from all of the women in this country. People are going to vote for McCain solely on the basis that they don't want to see a female or black president.
Instead of having all of these campaigns, they should just have a Public Service Announcement every so often throughout the day to vote based on color and gender.

I think that I'll go ahead and predict a large march by women and blacks based on who wins the Presidency.. I'll go ahead and predict that Jesse Jackson will issue a statement saying how racist America still is.

I guess what it all boils down to.. is fuck America.
Just had to vent a bit..

Seems you're taking it personal.

Do you. Don't worry about Oprah.

Fuck America? C'mon man, what a conclusion.

No need to sigh and be butt-hurt.

Blacks, whites, browns, people are going to say things that you may not agree w/ or you may agree w/ but at the end of the day, don't let it affect you.
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      03-07-2008, 12:14 PM   #4
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In America, western world & some other parts of the world, its Racial Problem, even though they belong to same religion.

In rest of the world, its Religious problem, even though they belong to same race.
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      03-07-2008, 02:16 PM   #5
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fuck America, eh, good conclusion. I honestly don't even think America has a future in the first place anyway, Hilary, McCain or Obama, they all are not good leaders...including Bush.
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      03-08-2008, 12:44 AM   #6
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i live in a country, where people define freedom.
i live in a country, where people define understanding another's culture.
i live in a country, where people call strangers out by their skin color, and what americans would consider a "racial and offensive" term.
i live in a country, where i can say Nigeria, Salted Crackers, Coolie-bayte, and any other horrid racial slur without being taken as a racist fuck.
i live in a country, where people know the real meaning of living in true harmony.
i live in a country, where the citizens are not looked at like a statistic, but a community.
i live in a country, where im proud to defend at any cost, including my life to fight for the freedom, the true freedom my people posses.
i live in a country, where i can walk down the street, and no matter what reigon im in, ill know every other person walking down the street.

ohh god, why doesnt americans just shut the fuck up and get on with life already and stop bitching about racial fuckery. its childish, its ignorant, and people are just to fucking stuck up and fueled by their ego to always take shit to the next lvl.

honestly, its sad where i choose to live in a 3rd world country (ahem... "developing" country) instead of that shit bag of a continent. sure, my bimmer cost a shitload, but its a small price to pay for the real meaning of happiness.

i can only hope that the people of america can see what i see, a country not of materialistic values, but real, proper family values and humble upbringing.

who am i kiddding? they'll never learn. Trinidad FTMFW
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      03-08-2008, 01:19 AM   #7
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you might say fuck america but i honestly think that most of the people who do say this would not live anywhere else
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      03-08-2008, 01:38 AM   #8
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I still can't believe this whole color thing is an issue...I guess I'm just naive in this subject since I've dealt with it a lot growing up that I just block it out. Me being Hispanic and my girlfriend white shows how color isn't shit to us.

Ugh, people just need to let the past go...
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      03-08-2008, 09:36 AM   #9
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It's been like this for a very long time. A minority can call a white person any number of racial slurs and it will just be "oh he's insulting you" whereas if that white person responds to the minority with racial slurs, they're a racist. Same thing with black people calling each other the n-word. They call each other it all the time, but if another race called them it OMG RACISM. (Minorities referring to each other by their racial clurs in a friendly manner really pisses me off because they're too stupid to realize where the word came from and that it's NOT a good thing to be calling your "friend")

We've had bullshit affirmative action for a ling time as well. Can't count the number of stories I've heard about employees that companies *must* keep around because they're a minority even though they're work is shitty. If they do want to eventually fire them they need 10x more evidence than any white person they fire or the minority will turn around and scream "racial discrimination" and sue. The sad thing is many times even though it isn't racial discrimination they'll still get some amount of money. Another example of why we need tort reform in this country.

There shouldn't be racial quotas on anything. If 99% of black applicants are more qualified than white applicants, then the company's employees should be 99% black, and if 99% of white applicants are more qualified than black applicants, the companies employees should be 99% white. Neither case should a racial quota come into effect. The same should apply to colleges.

Anther example is Obama. He himself asks people to discount race in the election (or so I hear, never actually read that anywhere) and for the most part it appears people do, unless they're black. The other races seem to treat him with colorblindness except for his own, which flocks to him in incredible numbers.

Don't interpret me wrongly, I have nothing against minorities in any way. What I vehemently oppose is the differential treatment to people based on their minority status. We're all supposed to be equal, treating a minority better because they are a minority is a clear example of discrimination. Yet somehow nobody seems to mind because it's a majority being discriminated against.

All it really boils down to is this. God bless America, and hope it fixes some of it's discriminating policies soon.
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Originally Posted by jh valley View Post
shit, if i had that kind of money id buy a gtstreet for monday, an ascari a10 for tuesday, a DBS for wednesday and id just ride jessica alba the rest of the week.
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      03-08-2008, 09:42 AM   #10
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love it or leave it!!!!!
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      03-08-2008, 03:49 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by skip3212 View Post
love it or leave it!!!!!
I took option B. no regrets.
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      03-08-2008, 03:59 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Kiemyster View Post
I took option B. no regrets.
I'll probably be taking that option as well in the coming years.. Iceland is looking pretty nice right now.

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      03-08-2008, 08:07 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Expired View Post
I'll probably be taking that option as well in the coming years.. Iceland is looking pretty nice right now.

one word i need to say that would prompt u: recession.
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      03-08-2008, 08:32 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by djdorifto View Post
I still can't believe this whole color thing is an issue...I guess I'm just naive in this subject since I've dealt with it a lot growing up that I just block it out. Me being Hispanic and my girlfriend white shows how color isn't shit to us.
Ugh, people just need to let the past go...
Let the past go? If only it were that easy.

It isn't shit to you, but to others, they get pissed or offended.

That "Stay with your own" kind of mentality. Its very childish and selfish of people to think that.

'Live and let live' should be the motto.

I'm not going to even get into all the shit out there. There's too much to talk about and it could go on for decades.

So, I'm going to stop.

Racism, war, oppression and power are all things that make this world function.

The world will never exist w/o it.
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      03-08-2008, 08:56 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Los Angeles View Post

The world will never exist w/o it.
ahh, you forgot to add corruption on your lil' list there thats what trinidad feeds off of ahah
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      03-08-2008, 09:02 PM   #16
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My nephew graduated from high school 2 yrs ago. He played free safety, and was all state. He had a bunch of colleges recruiting him, but was told since he was white, they probably wouldn't offer him a scholarship because they get so much more money to give scholarships to black kids. He wore black UnderArmor (matched team colors), so a lot of the scouts thought he was black.

The University of Colorado coaches came to his school to meet him, and talk about offering him a scholarship. He walked in the office for the meeting, being a blonde haired, blue eyed kid, and the coaches literally told him they thought he was black and got up and left.

He was a very good player and could easily have played Division 1 ball somewhere, but I guess to be white and get a full ride, you have to be exceptional these days. If you're marginal, and you're white, you're out of luck.

I went to my alma mater's (a major, divison 1 university) gathering to hear the new university president speak. I went there on a basketball scholarship. All I heard through the whole presentaton was diversity, diversity, diversity, and how many scholarships they give to non-white kids. So after the presentation, I went up to him and said, "being the father of 4 white males, what's the best way to get them into your school when that time comes?" He laughed and said, "well I guess they better be as good as you were at basketball, because if they're not, it 'll be pretty hard to get them in". Thanks, pres!!

The fact is, the group that faces discrimination more than anyone else, is white males.
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      03-08-2008, 10:34 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Kiemyster View Post
one word i need to say that would prompt u: recession.
I have a phrase for you that probably won't sound familiar, but it goes something like this. Economic cycles.

Here, I even found a Wikipedia link for you.
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Originally Posted by jh valley View Post
shit, if i had that kind of money id buy a gtstreet for monday, an ascari a10 for tuesday, a DBS for wednesday and id just ride jessica alba the rest of the week.
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      03-08-2008, 10:36 PM   #18
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I have to say I agree. We are very deversified here in the GTA(Greater Toronto). I grew up with people of many differant colours and never once thought any thing of it. Recently though the whole race thing is making me sick. The Toronto school board elected to open a "black" school b/c the black community felt that they needed this to keep the "black" kids in school. I dont agree with it. If you arent going to stay in school or you arent going to get an education, going to school with people or an empahsis on your culture isnt going to change anything. I came to Canada when I was a baby, I know alot of people who came to this country from another country and they have adapted just fine and have very successful careers. They didnt need to go to a Chinese, Indian or Latiino school to help them succeed. I think people need to stop looking to blame someone else for their own issues.

Sorry my US friends but I feel personally that alot of this comes from the US influence...

BTW dont think ANYONE black, white, Indian (and I am East Indian) should be able to use the "N" word...

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      03-08-2008, 10:51 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by GH32335i View Post
The fact is, the group that faces discrimination more than anyone else, is white males.
I'm sorry, this statement is completely absurd.
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      03-08-2008, 11:50 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by GH32335i View Post
My nephew graduated from high school 2 yrs ago. He played free safety, and was all state. He had a bunch of colleges recruiting him, but was told since he was white, they probably wouldn't offer him a scholarship because they get so much more money to give scholarships to black kids. He wore black UnderArmor (matched team colors), so a lot of the scouts thought he was black.

The University of Colorado coaches came to his school to meet him, and talk about offering him a scholarship. He walked in the office for the meeting, being a blonde haired, blue eyed kid, and the coaches literally told him they thought he was black and got up and left.

He was a very good player and could easily have played Division 1 ball somewhere, but I guess to be white and get a full ride, you have to be exceptional these days. If you're marginal, and you're white, you're out of luck.

I went to my alma mater's (a major, divison 1 university) gathering to hear the new university president speak. I went there on a basketball scholarship. All I heard through the whole presentaton was diversity, diversity, diversity, and how many scholarships they give to non-white kids. So after the presentation, I went up to him and said, "being the father of 4 white males, what's the best way to get them into your school when that time comes?" He laughed and said, "well I guess they better be as good as you were at basketball, because if they're not, it 'll be pretty hard to get them in". Thanks, pres!!

The fact is, the group that faces discrimination more than anyone else, is white males.
Originally Posted by Los Angeles View Post
I'm sorry, this statement is completely absurd.

White Males are the most heavily discriminated against in this country..
Minorities and Females get a curve in life.
I don't see how you think it's absurd when minorities are treated above others, and then come females. I thought everyone knew that this is how it works.. It's common sense that the White Male is on the bottom of the food chain.

People only know what you tell them.Only in ROFL Copter.
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      03-09-2008, 12:48 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Expired View Post
White Males are the most heavily discriminated against in this country..

It's common sense that the White Male is on the bottom of the food chain.


Yeah right!!!!!! Common sense to who?!!

You're nuts!!!

You think you have it bad? Pllllleeeeeaaaaasseee!
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      03-09-2008, 12:50 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Expired View Post


White Males are the most heavily discriminated against in this country..
Minorities and Females get a curve in life.
I don't see how you think it's absurd when minorities are treated above others, and then come females. I thought everyone knew that this is how it works.. It's common sense that the White Male is on the bottom of the food chain.

LOL'z I'm literally dying right now
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