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      07-05-2009, 06:33 PM   #1
Mega Man
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Gamestop NEW Open Box Bother Anyone?

Lately, I've noticed Gamestop giving me open boxes, or boxes off the shelf with a game in a plastic bag behind the counter. Every so often I could understand this: it's the last copy, and they needed a display box. But it happens all too often now. For this reason, I've decided to not buy games from Gamestop/EB Games anymore.

I went today to pick up Resident Evil 1 remake for Wii. The sales clerk told me to get the box from the shelf and he'd put the disc in. I told him no thanks and left. He just said, "see yah!" I was like, "WTF?"

This happened to me for Street Fighter IV for PS3, my sister bought Bad Company for PS3 with the same result. I know the employees get to play the display games, but then they sell it as new. I think if you're being told to get the display box, and they give you the "tester" game, you should get it at a used price.

Regardless, I'm buying from Best Buy, Target, or Wal-Mart from now on. I buy quite a few games each year, and although I'm sure it's not a big hit to a company like EB/Gamesstop, it is my way of not contributing to paying full price for a "used game."

Does anyone else get this kind of crap from their EB/Gamestop stores?
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      07-05-2009, 06:47 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Mega Man View Post
Lately, I've noticed Gamestop giving me open boxes, or boxes off the shelf with a game in a plastic bag behind the counter. Every so often I could understand this: it's the last copy, and they needed a display box. But it happens all too often now. For this reason, I've decided to not buy games from Gamestop/EB Games anymore.

I went today to pick up Resident Evil 1 remake for Wii. The sales clerk told me to get the box from the shelf and he'd put the disc in. I told him no thanks and left. He just said, "see yah!" I was like, "WTF?"

This happened to me for Street Fighter IV for PS3, my sister bought Bad Company for PS3 with the same result. I know the employees get to play the display games, but then they sell it as new. I think if you're being told to get the display box, and they give you the "tester" game, you should get it at a used price.

Regardless, I'm buying from Best Buy, Target, or Wal-Mart from now on. I buy quite a few games each year, and although I'm sure it's not a big hit to a company like EB/Gamesstop, it is my way of not contributing to paying full price for a "used game."

Does anyone else get this kind of crap from their EB/Gamestop stores?
When I used to play games, I would go to Gamestop/EB games.....never again.

They usually either have an attitude, are on the phone while you are waiting there for their assistance, or just plain rude.

Do yourself a favor and do not buy your games from Gamestop/EB Games. That would bother me if the game was open, but it said "new". It's not f'ing new if the box is open moron.
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      07-05-2009, 06:51 PM   #3
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fuck, now that you mention it i believe this did happen to me but i didnt think anything of it. i went in to buy the sims 3 on launch day and they said i got the last copy. i got home and it wasnt in any packaging. now that i look back at it im >:[
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      07-05-2009, 07:20 PM   #4

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never really thought anything about it but now that you mention it, best buy/target ftw
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      07-05-2009, 09:48 PM   #5
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Do you really think the rows and rows of empty games on the shelf are test copies?

Before the put the expensive games on the shelf they take the actual disk out and keep it behind the counter. It is security, nothing more. When they sell out of games behind the counter, they sell these "display" copies.

Why do you think Target and Walmart keep their new releases behind locked glass? If you are so worried just reserve a copy.
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      07-06-2009, 03:58 PM   #6

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Most places will have the sealed package locked up behind the counter. There's no reason to put out 20 plus opened boxes and hide the discs.
What annoys me about Gamestop now is that they really really really push used copies on you. If I'm buying a game that just came out I do NOT want to get a used copy so I can save $4. I don't care if you can kick your boot on the blu ray game(gamestop employee really did that), I'm buying a hot new game, I want it new in the package. That's just me.
If it's a game that's been out for a year or two and I can get it used for $10, sure, I'll buy used. Otherwise, NO! and don't keep asking me.
so yeah, when my Gamestop return money is used up I'll go back to buying games at Target or BB. They usually have deals on new games anyway.
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      07-07-2009, 11:13 AM   #7
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totally destroys the fun in unwrapping a new game...yes i still have childish tendencies....but it speaks to the lack of professionalism on their part. all they need to do is have a few generic cases with a slipcover for the game inserted in each, and store all sealed games behind the counter. it's not like they're gonna sell 3 copies of one game to 3 different people at the same time.....they only have 2 cash registers at each store. the only time it happens is when there's large release, and even then, you go straight up to the register because thats where they keep the game.

even then, the name of the store is pretty self explanatory, if they don't have one of the display cases for a game on the rack people will ask the staff, forcing them to earn their wage.

happened to me once before, won't let it happen again. whenever they ask me to get the display case off the rack i'll ask for an unopened and sealed game. if they don't have one then i'll spend my money elsewhere.
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      07-09-2009, 09:16 AM   #8
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Yeah I've had a couple of those. The first time I had no clue what it was all about, but I figured it out the 2nd time I had it happened. It does kind of annoy me, so I try to avoid GS if I am buying new.
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