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      09-28-2008, 05:29 PM   #1

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Doctors. Shoulder injury...

Ok so thursday night a buddy of mine and I were playing football. I decided to see how it felt to throw left handed and chucked it a couple times. Friday night I took a drunken spill off a table and then the next day I went to the gym, I was feeling no pain in the shoulder. Today I go to work and I'm sorting boards (Lumber) anddd it felt weird. I can't scratch my back with normal motion however I can pretty much do anything else. I left work and went to the ER, they took Xrays of my finger (thought I broke that too) and my shoulder. Nothing is broken, the doc told me to make an appointment to see the physical therapist within a couple days and go from there.

They said it's probably just a swollen rotator cuff something. But how do they know really? They only took a freakin' Xray. I mean, I can pretty do anything with my left arm but I don't feel confident lifting weights or any aggressive movement with it. I am not in intense pain but it does ache a bit and my shoulders already were "poppy and snappy" and when I extend my arm to the side and lift up while someone pushes down I have good strength in it. But they didn't take an MRI... so WTF? Next thing ya know my appointment will be a damn MONTH down the road. What should I do?
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      09-28-2008, 05:43 PM   #2
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Looks like a soft tissue injury. A x-ray wouldn't detect it at all. CT would not detect it. MRI is your last chance but it's pricey and because it's something so recent, I doubt your healthcare provider would send you for a MRI so early.

I recommend hot or cold treatment. Heat pack or ice pack on the affected area about 10-15 minutes each day for 2-3 times a day. Choose one that you're comfortable with.... and stop playing football until the pain stops. Take a vitamin C tablet once a day about 500mg. Don't lift heavy objects. Just take it easy.
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      09-28-2008, 05:51 PM   #3

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Is this something that will go away on its own? I have a big scholarship riding on my physical condition and I am hoping it's not serious. The aching feeling/weird feeling is coming more from the back side of the top part of my arm, when I push a little bit on the spot its coming from it seems like its something of a muscle/tissue issue but I have a floaty feeling. Like when you bend over, and dangle your arms down and the shoulder kind of pops out a tad... like if someone were to pull on your arm straight without any resistance coming from you.
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      09-28-2008, 06:01 PM   #4
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Soft issue injuries are hard to diagnose and treat. In a recent study, they found that surgery helps no better than just medication like pain killers. The best way to treat the injury is with some heat or cold packs. Lots of rest, so stop playing football and eat lots of fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C. If you have problems getting your vitamin C, choose to have a vitamin C tablet once a day. More importantly, a well balanced diet is key with lots of rest.

If you're low on vitamin C, you're more prone to having these injuries.
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      09-28-2008, 06:25 PM   #5

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Originally Posted by The_Blob View Post
Soft issue injuries are hard to diagnose and treat. In a recent study, they found that surgery helps no better than just medication like pain killers. The best way to treat the injury is with some heat or cold packs. Lots of rest, so stop playing football and eat lots of fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C. If you have problems getting your vitamin C, choose to have a vitamin C tablet once a day. More importantly, a well balanced diet is key with lots of rest.

If you're low on vitamin C, you're more prone to having these injuries.
Someone mentioned a "Labral tear"?
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      09-28-2008, 06:42 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by xxForgedxx View Post
Someone mentioned a "Labral tear"?
A labral tear is a soft tissue injury of the labrum area of the shoulder.
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      09-28-2008, 07:01 PM   #7

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Originally Posted by The_Blob View Post
A labral tear is a soft tissue injury of the labrum area of the shoulder.
how serious is it? I have to take a PT test in january and be ready for it so I can't let my running slip, sit ups or push ups slip...
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      09-28-2008, 07:12 PM   #8
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could be floating cartilage in your shoulder or even just bruising. my left shoulder has limited mobility from floating cartilage, slight winging from a dislocation, and fucked up mechanics in my lats.

go get a MRI.
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      09-28-2008, 07:35 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by just4kickz View Post
could be floating cartilage in your shoulder or even just bruising. my left shoulder has limited mobility from floating cartilage, slight winging from a dislocation, and fucked up mechanics in my lats.

go get a MRI.
+1 same here. get a MRI and go to physical therapy
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      09-28-2008, 08:20 PM   #10
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For injuries such as a torn labrum, a rotator cuff tear, etc. in younger, active people, surgery is frequently the route chosen.

If you're 80 and tear your labrum, yeah just take some pills, do some physical therapy. If you're 25 and use your shoulder regularly, probably get it fixed.

But like others have said, it is hard to tell what exactly you have done to your shoulder until you get an MRI. Also, if you go to a good orthopedic specialist/surgeon he/she will be able to perform several tests to help identify the potential injury and guage the severity of the injury as well.
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      09-28-2008, 08:22 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by The_Blob View Post
Soft issue injuries are hard to diagnose and treat. In a recent study, they found that surgery helps no better than just medication like pain killers. The best way to treat the injury is with some heat or cold packs. Lots of rest, so stop playing football and eat lots of fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C. If you have problems getting your vitamin C, choose to have a vitamin C tablet once a day. More importantly, a well balanced diet is key with lots of rest.

If you're low on vitamin C, you're more prone to having these injuries.
Are reading this stuff off of wikipedia or something and modifying your previous posts? Are you a doc?

You should know that in the typical "North American" diet it is almost impossible to be deficient of any essential vitamins or minerals unless you have an underlying malabsorption diseases such as Crohn's or ulcerative colitis. I am sure you have an average if not better diet than most if you are aiming at a scholarship so don't worry about the Vitamins but they can't hurt. It does sound like a soft tissue injury and time and rest is your best bet to feel better. If you continue to use it you run the risk of more damage resulting in more scar tissue and a reduced range of motion. Seek some physio in a bit and don't push it for now. NSAIDS such as Ibuprofen (Advil,Motrin dose: 400mg q6hr) or Naproxen (Aleve 200-400mg bid) since you are in the US (can't get that in Canada without an Rx) are your best bet for anti-inflammatories to reduce swelling as well as to alleviate pain. These can upset some peoples stomach so take them with food and be sure not to combine them as well. You should see a decrease in the pain within the first 1-2 weeks but if the symptoms persist that it's time to look for underlying damage. Good luck!

Last edited by AMJ_77; 10-24-2008 at 08:05 PM..
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      09-28-2008, 08:41 PM   #12

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Originally Posted by AMJ_77 View Post
Are reading this stuff off of wikipedia or something and modifying your previous posts? Are you a doc?

You should know that in the typical "North American" diet it is almost impossible to be deficient of any essential vitamins or minerals unless you have an underlying malabsorption diseases such as Crohn's or ulcerative colitis. I am sure you have an average if not better diet than most if you are aiming at a scholarship so don't worry about the Vitamins but they can't hurt. It does sound like a soft tissue injury and time and rest is your best bet to feel better. If you continue to use it you run the risk of more damage resulting in more scar tissue and a reduced range of motion. Seek some physio in a bit and don't push it for now. NSAIDS such as Ibuprofen (Advil,Motrin dose: 400mg q6hr) or Naproxen (Aleve 200-400mg bid) since you are in the US (can't get that in Canada without an Rx) are your best bet for anti-inflammatories to reduce swelling as well as to alleviate pain. These can upset some peoples stomach so take them with food and be sure not to combine them as well. You should see a decrease in the pain within the first 1-2 weeks but if the symptoms persist that is when we will look for underlying damage. Good luck!
So wait, which one of you guys is a doc?
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      09-28-2008, 08:41 PM   #13
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A MRI would not do anything other locating the area of the damage. I highly doubt an orthopedic surgeon would do surgery on the area even if something was found on the MRI scan.

NSAIDS are great for masking the pain, but it will not make the healing process any faster.
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      09-28-2008, 08:44 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by ybbiz34 View Post
For injuries such as a torn labrum, a rotator cuff tear, etc. in younger, active people, surgery is frequently the route chosen.

If you're 80 and tear your labrum, yeah just take some pills, do some physical therapy. If you're 25 and use your shoulder regularly, probably get it fixed.

But like others have said, it is hard to tell what exactly you have done to your shoulder until you get an MRI. Also, if you go to a good orthopedic specialist/surgeon he/she will be able to perform several tests to help identify the potential injury and guage the severity of the injury as well.
word, get surgery if it comes down to that, but i wouldn't assume that it's a labrum tear just yet without MRI. but even at that, going under the knife is always a risk.
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      09-28-2008, 09:23 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by The_Blob View Post
A MRI would not do anything other locating the area of the damage. I highly doubt an orthopedic surgeon would do surgery on the area even if something was found on the MRI scan.

NSAIDS are great for masking the pain, but it will not make the healing process any faster.
NSAIDS don't just mask the pain. They reduce inflammation which is what is causing the pain. They will speed up the healing process.

The injury is only a few days old and you are not in a lot of pain. It is most likely a soft tissue sprain/strain. Try rest, ice, and NSAIDS for a week and if you do not see any improvement then see an orthopedic doc. Try otc Aleve. A double dose, 2 pills twice a day with food, is equivalent to RX Naproxen. No one is going to do an MRI on a minor injury after only a few days. There is really no indication to warrant it. If there is no improvement after a few weeks then an MRI might be justified.
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      09-28-2008, 09:26 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by xxForgedxx View Post
So wait, which one of you guys is a doc?
Neither, but they did both stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
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      09-28-2008, 09:27 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by The_Blob View Post
I highly doubt an orthopedic surgeon would do surgery on the area even if something was found on the MRI scan.
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      09-28-2008, 09:39 PM   #18

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Originally Posted by ybbiz34 View Post
Neither, but they did both stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
Youve been waiting to use that for a long time huh

So I did the Apley's Scratch test and when reaching over the top of my back, both arms reach to the same spot. However I have a pretty hard time with the reach around to scratch mid back... it does hurt my left shoulder (the F'd up one). One thing I DID notice though, is the popping I usually hear on my shoulders which I was told was the tendon snappin off the bone, its still snapping so I don't think thats torn lol.
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      09-28-2008, 09:45 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by The_Blob View Post
A MRI would not do anything other locating the area of the damage. I highly doubt an orthopedic surgeon would do surgery on the area even if something was found on the MRI scan.

NSAIDS are great for masking the pain, but it will not make the healing process any faster.

What the hell are you saying.

It depends on what the MRI shows. Of course, based on his self-reporting symptoms, it is likely that the injury is not severe and will not require any form of surgical procedure. Therefore, the MRI will be mainly for diagnostic purposes. However, worse case scenario--the MRI does show significant injury, why would an orthopaedic surgeon not perform surgery in this location??

NSAIDS. These are Non-Steroidal ANTI-INFLAMMATORY drugs. They are most definitely used to treat pain and inflammation. Since we do not know the exact nature of his injury, I do not believe you can state that use of these medications will not help in the healing process.

I do not know what kind of medical training you have or think you have. But do not give advice if you do not fully understand what is going on.
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      09-28-2008, 09:54 PM   #20

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last october i was benchpressing (185lbs) which was average. I never really did warm up and while i was on my last set, i heard a snap in my shoulder... No pain, was able to move it, but lost 85% of my strength in my right arm.

the next day, i heard all kinds of popping noises and my arm didnt hurt if i moved it around but it would hurt if i tried driving stickshift!! (which btw my 335 was left in the garage for 2weeks because of it). Doctor said i damaged my rotator cuff and told me to go to physical therapy. He said generally, if physical therapy does not cure it, theres always surgery but that should be the LAST OPTION as your shoulder really isnt ever the same again. He explained that the muscle is like clay and although you can damage it severely, overtime it will mold back to its orginal form.

I stopped going to the gym 3months, did physical therapy, and now everything is back to normal...

point is, go to physical therapy, do the physical therapy exercise, and STOP lifting. Your muscles will naturally heal. Doctor told me the healign process can be anywhere from 2weeks to 6 months. It took me about 3months and from that point on i slowly started going back my routine at the gym.

Also make sure you dont sleep on your injured arm..
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      09-28-2008, 10:27 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by AMJ_77 View Post
Are reading this stuff off of wikipedia or something and modifying your previous posts? Are you a doc?

You should know that in the typical "North American" diet it is almost impossible to be deficient of any essential vitamins or minerals unless you have an underlying malabsorption diseases such as Crohn's or ulcerative colitis. I am sure you have an average if not better diet than most if you are aiming at a scholarship so don't worry about the Vitamins but they can't hurt. It does sound like a soft tissue injury and time and rest is your best bet to feel better. If you continue to use it you run the risk of more damage resulting in more scar tissue and a reduced range of motion. Seek some physio in a bit and don't push it for now. NSAIDS such as Ibuprofen (Advil,Motrin dose: 400mg q6hr) or Naproxen (Aleve 200-400mg bid) since you are in the US (can't get that in Canada without an Rx) are your best bet for anti-inflammatories to reduce swelling as well as to alleviate pain. These can upset some peoples stomach so take them with food and be sure not to combine them as well. You should see a decrease in the pain within the first 1-2 weeks but if the symptoms persist that is when we will look for underlying damage. Good luck!
Just for clarification....Crohn's and Colitis are both autoimmune disorders, caused by a overabunce of tumor nucrosis factor (TNF). This influx of TNF is what causes the inflamation that is found in the mucosal lining.

Originally Posted by The_Blob View Post
A MRI would not do anything other locating the area of the damage. I highly doubt an orthopedic surgeon would do surgery on the area even if something was found on the MRI scan.

NSAIDS are great for masking the pain, but it will not make the healing process any faster.
Wow....not even remotely close. nsaids are not indicated for pain. As someone mentioned above, nsaids will decrease the inflamation, which most definately will help in the healing process. You really don't know what you're talking about, so leave it to the experts.

Originally Posted by magmd View Post
What the hell are you saying.

It depends on what the MRI shows. Of course, based on his self-reporting symptoms, it is likely that the injury is not severe and will not require any form of surgical procedure. Therefore, the MRI will be mainly for diagnostic purposes. However, worse case scenario--the MRI does show significant injury, why would an orthopaedic surgeon not perform surgery in this location??

NSAIDS. These are Non-Steroidal ANTI-INFLAMMATORY drugs. They are most definitely used to treat pain and inflammation. Since we do not know the exact nature of his injury, I do not believe you can state that use of these medications will not help in the healing process.

I do not know what kind of medical training you have or think you have. But do not give advice if you do not fully understand what is going on.
Very well put, and I'm pretty sure you mean that the "pain treating" elememts of nsaids come from the eventual decrease in inflamation.

To the op....MRI. the comment somewhere above about your insurance not wanting to 100% guesswork from whoever said it. there are thousands of different plans out there, ranging from the need for a referrral from a FP and insurance paying 30-50%, to someone not needing a referral at all, and insurance paying 100% (like mine).
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Last edited by normtrum; 09-28-2008 at 10:44 PM..
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      09-28-2008, 10:38 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by rlb View Post
NSAIDS don't just mask the pain. They reduce inflammation which is what is causing the pain. They will speed up the healing process.

The injury is only a few days old and you are not in a lot of pain. It is most likely a soft tissue sprain/strain. Try rest, ice, and NSAIDS for a week and if you do not see any improvement then see an orthopedic doc. Try otc Aleve. A double dose, 2 pills twice a day with food, is equivalent to RX Naproxen. No one is going to do an MRI on a minor injury after only a few days. There is really no indication to warrant it. If there is no improvement after a few weeks then an MRI might be justified.
Word! You said what I was going to say about NSAIDS and second on the course of action. Basically stating the same thing I said. Don't sweat it, give the injury time to heal, I am sure it will be fine.
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